How to find out the date of registration "VKontakte" - details

How to find out the date of registration "VKontakte" - details
How to find out the date of registration "VKontakte" - details

According to the latest data, more than 60 million people around the world use the VKontakte social network. This is a convenient platform for communication, establishing business and close relationships, and doing business. Now, after 8 years from the date of its foundation, it is the largest network in Russia. And in connection with the already considerable age of the resource, the question more and more often arises: "How to find out the date of registration of VKontakte?"

Why do you need to know the date of registration "VKontakte"

how to find out the date of registration vkontakte
how to find out the date of registration vkontakte

First of all, of course, out of curiosity. Many are not averse to showing off one of the first registered accounts, celebrating the fifth anniversary of VKontakte, or simply arguing with friends whose page is older.

Finding out the date of registration of VKontakte is sometimes required by specialists who have noticed suspicious traffic coming from one of the pages. Cases of creating bots or fakes (non-existent accounts) have become more frequent - pages thatcreated solely for the purpose of advertising clicks on links or sending viruses. The date of registration on VKontakte helps to identify such accounts: for example, the page was created two days ago, and the number of friends is already more than a thousand.

How to find out the date of registration without the help of special programs

date of registration vkontakte
date of registration vkontakte

If you want to determine the age of your or someone else's account approximately, you can do without special resources. It is enough to carefully study the page. So how to find out the date of registration of VKontakte on your own? You can look at the date of the first entry on the wall (if it has not been cleared of publications) or spend some time looking for the very first photo, audio recording or video.

Programs for determining the date of registration "VKontakte"

find out the date of registration vkontakte
find out the date of registration vkontakte

There are no special programs for such an operation. In addition to determining the date of registration, all the resources listed below offer other useful actions with a social network account.

The easiest way is to ask for help from the "I'm VKontakte" application. How to find out the registration date of VKontakte using this resource? Very simple: the program gives information about how many days the page exists. By simple subtraction, you can find out the date of its occurrence. The only information requested is the user ID (the number after the slash in the page address).

The second resource that provides information about the date of registration of an account is specialized sites. Orderactions on them are the same as in the application "I am VKontakte".

How to find out the registration date of VKontakte accurately and without additional mathematical calculations? For this, the RexTo authoring service was created. After entering the ID, you can immediately get the date of birth of the account you are interested in.

And, of course, there is another, most reliable way - to look at the date of registration in the user profile. True, it is available only to VK employees when the extended interface is turned on. We figured out the question posed, but there are many others for which you can contact the support service of the social network, which will always be happy to help.