Russian smartphone Yotaphone: user reviews, photos

Russian smartphone Yotaphone: user reviews, photos
Russian smartphone Yotaphone: user reviews, photos

The time has come when domestic manufacturers are trying to break into the market of cell phones and smartphones. Their product is Yotaphone. Reviews about the model appeared on many resources of the Network. Users aptly notice the advantages and disadvantages of the device. However, some of the reviews are unfounded. In order for the user to understand what can be expected from the device, we will try to make the most detailed review of the phone.

Yotaphone reviews
Yotaphone reviews


Smartphone Yotaphone has an impressive package. First of all, it includes the phone itself. The set includes a wired headset for talking, as well as listening to music, a charger and a paper clip. It helps to remove SIM cards from a smartphone. It is worth noting that the charger has the ability to parse. That is, you can pull out a USB cable from it to connect your Yotaphone smartphone directly to a personal computer and synchronize data.

Smartphone Yotaphone
Smartphone Yotaphone

The kit also includes an instruction manual for the device,a cloth with which you can wipe its screen. In some cases (of course, not all countries have this possibility), a discount coupon is provided.

Yotaphone: reviews, photos, history

The smartphone was introduced back in 2012, or rather in December. Then the device, which has two screens at once, made quite a strong impression. The thing is that the devices of some companies embodied a similar idea before. Their designers were shown more than once or twice, but everything ended at this stage and did not reach implementation. But Russian manufacturers managed to bring their idea to life.

The concept of the smartphone was to reduce power consumption by using a second screen. This was to be achieved by displaying information on an alternative screen. At the same time, it turns out that the load from the main screen was removed.

In general, the concept sounded great, attention was riveted to it. January 2013 was marked by an exhibition held in Las Vegas. Already on it, the Russian smartphone was recognized as the best novelty in the smartphone industry. At the same time, absolutely no one was embarrassed by the fact that the sale of devices was supposed to start only in the 3rd quarter of 2013. For an innovative approach to the development of telephone devices, the company received thunderous applause and prizes in Barcelona. The buyer can always notice the image of these awards on the Yotaphone box.

Delays in development

At the same time, Yota Devices thought it would take less time to develop a smartphonetime than it actually was. As a result, the technical characteristics made it possible to attribute the device to an acceptable price category. This became clear already during the announcement of the device. What was the reason for such a desire of the company to release a smartphone as soon as possible? The thing is that at this time Apple is trying to break into the market, offering accessories for its products that have a similar concept.

However, it would be better if Yota Devices brought the development to perfection, since Apple projects never appeared on store windows. The reason for this was problems in the development of technical support. Apparently, the company failed to resolve these issues quickly.

About the second screen patent

It is worth noting that the concept of the second screen appeared long before Yota Devices announced it. Samsung's patents on this idea go back as far as the 2000s. Around the same time, a similar technology is being developed by Nokia. But what is really important is that only the Russian manufacturer manages to implement the plan.

Two companies failed to implement projects due to the fact that the chance of selling such devices was low. But the complexity, which was clearly visible from an engineering point of view, problems with the technical support for the operation of such a phone - all this only repelled manufacturers. It turned out that the cost of development and production costs exceeded the payback of products.

Now in the mobile phone market, it occupies the first place in terms of performance,of course, not Yotaphone. The Russian manufacturer, however, in this regard, has achieved exactly one goal - originality. You will not find more similar devices on the shelves.


Russian smartphone Yotaphone
Russian smartphone Yotaphone

The Russian Yotaphone smartphone has a monoblock body. It is not possible to disassemble it. The user also cannot get to the battery of the device. You should not be afraid of this. Now on the market there are many models with a similar body design. Moreover, this is not an accident, but a trend.

In all three planes, the Russian Yotaphone smartphone has the following metric data: its length is 133.6 mm, its width is 67 mm, and its thickness is 9.99 mm. With such dimensions, the smartphone weighs 146 g.

We can immediately say that the weight of the phone is quite large. But the sizes are relatively small. An amazing combination, isn't it? This allows you to place the phone in the palm of your hand without any problems. Only plastic was used in the production. The user will not find any metal elements. By the way, the plastic looks and feels high quality. It covers the sides and frame of the device.

The Russian smartphone Yotaphone, reviews of which in terms of design are in most cases positive, is available in black, as well as in black and white colors. At the development stage, a third option was also assumed, when the entire phone was white. However, during testing, it was noticed that this color scheme is not suitable due to rapid aging and wear.

The device, made in black,looks very impressive. Its front panel incorporates a front view camera. If you look closely, you can see a sensor on the right that is responsible for the approach of an object. But it's not so easy to figure it out right off the bat, the company took care of that.

The left panel contains keys for volume control. On the top side there is an input for a wired headset, as well as a button responsible for turning Yotaphone on and off. Customer reviews indicate that a second microphone is very handy here, but with SIM cards you will have to tinker a bit.


Yotaphone customer reviews
Yotaphone customer reviews

If you put your smartphone on the table, with the main screen located outside, it will be quite problematic to distinguish Yotaphone from an ordinary smartphone running the Android operating system. The screen is not that big. Its diagonal is only 4.3 inches. At the same time, displaying 16.7 million different colors is provided by a resolution of 720 X 1280 pixels.

It's worth saying right away that the pictures are displayed with high quality. The smartphone has a very nice color reproduction. In sunlight, it also behaves well in this regard. Perhaps the only downside is the size. If you have been using the iPhone for a long time, then, in principle, nothing terrible will happen, and you will not even notice the difference between the screens. But if you have previously used devices running Android or Windows Phone that had a screen diagonal of 4.7 inches (or more),you will surely be pleasantly surprised. If we talk about the durability of the display, then Gorilla Glass is used here.

With such screen sizes, the user will not have problems writing SMS messages, making calls, listening to music. However, constantly “surfing” the Web, surfing social networks, reading e-books and articles using Yotaphone – all this is clearly not the best thing to do.

The second screen (we immediately warn those who do not have experience with this smartphone) is not a touch screen. Almost all users stumble upon this rake. The screen is controlled by the touch zone located at the bottom. The size stays the same at 4.3 inches, but the resolution changes. This time it is only 360 X 640 pixels. The screen has no backlight. That is why working with it seems possible only if there is a light source.

But if the screen is well lit, the picture on it will be of sufficient quality. The coating can please those users who constantly carry phones in bags, pockets, in general, anywhere, but along with other items. The thing is that the coating is not erased. It is almost impossible to get any scratches from carrying along with the same keys.


Russian smartphone yotaphone reviews
Russian smartphone yotaphone reviews

The battery is a lithium-ion type with a capacity of 1800 mAh, which is quite acceptable. On the Web, you can not find accurate information about the time of work. However, in practice, it turns out that it is possibletalk on the phone for an hour and a half, send dozens of messages, listen to music for about an hour, read information from the screen for about an hour, and then the smartphone will last one day without additional charging.

If you are an active user, then the phone will be discharged closer to noon. There is no special mystery in this. However, with such a small screen, it is quite doubtful that the buyer will use this smartphone for constant “surfing” of the Internet. Ordinary users working according to the plan "calls - SMS - calls - SMS" will be able to use the phone all day long. The battery charges to 100 percent in just an hour and a half.

Summing up, we can say why Yotaphone was developed. Reviews about it demonstrate that the device is suitable only in terms of “elite dialer”. Otherwise, there is no point in buying it as such.

CPU performance

yotaphone user reviews
yotaphone user reviews

The smartphone is based on the chipset of the Qualcomm family. In practice, the phone uses its dual-core solution. It, in fact, is characteristic of the past tense, now many device manufacturers are trying to get rid of this trend. The operating frequency of the cores is 1.7 GHz.

Device storage

Yotaphone photo reviews
Yotaphone photo reviews

Everything is much more interesting here. In fact, after activating the device, only half of the amount of memory is available to the user. The RAM size is 2 GB, while the built-in memory is 32 GB. The user can usefor their personal needs, only about 26 GB of the allotted volume. In principle, both in terms of long-term memory and “RAM”, the situation is quite stable. It is worth noting that in terms of performance, the smartphone can still please. Yotaphone, reviews of which are generally rated “good”, show that technically the device is not inferior to similar ones.


The brightness and saturation of photos in this smartphone model is at a high level. The camera has a resolution of 13 megapixels, while it allows you to shoot videos in high quality. The frame rate can reach 30 frames per second. Auto focus intermittently fails.

With all these advantages, by viewing photos using a personal computer, the user can be sure that the pictures are not so good. If the illumination is bad, then you can forget about the good quality of the photos. If the developers of the model want, they will certainly improve the quality of the device in this regard. However, all this is now nothing more than rumors, at least until the official announcement and presentation of the new model.

Photo quality is minus Yotaphone. Reviews and examples clearly show that many devices at a lower price take better pictures.

Yotaphone: reviews of foreigners

The products of the Russian manufacturer are also actively sold abroad. The opinions of foreign smartphone users are not too different from the opinions of our compatriots. In any case, the company has room to grow, what to develop and what to improve. yotaphone,user reviews about which are polar, is now clearly not in the forefront of phone purchases. However, this may change over time.
