Social networks: how to invite a friend to the group on VKontakte

Social networks: how to invite a friend to the group on VKontakte
Social networks: how to invite a friend to the group on VKontakte

Today, having a promoted group on a social network is very profitable. Advertising in popular communities is in high demand. The main criterion for a quality platform is an active audience, and for this it is necessary to write and post interesting posts with colorful pictures on the community wall, create polls and polls on relevant topics. Of course, all these actions are very important for the development of the group, there will not be a large number of subscribers - there will be no successful advertising platform. So how to solve the issue of attracting the target audience, how to invite friends to the VKontakte group?

how to invite a friend to a group on vkontakte
how to invite a friend to a group on vkontakte

Self-promotion and manual invitations

An empty group is unlikely to be joined by members who have learned about it through a search, first the community needs to be filled with their friends. itthe first and surest step. How to invite a friend to a group on VKontakte? There are three ways to do this:

  1. Pin an advertising description of your community with a call to join it.
  2. Send private messages asking you to join the group or share the news through the "tell friends" button, which is located under the avatar.
  3. Send an invite from the community. Before answering the question of how to invite friends to the VKontakte group, it is necessary that the community is not a public page (in this case, only the previous two methods are suitable), but has the status of an open or closed group. In this case, on the main page under the avatar, open the drop-down menu through the "You are in a group" button and, by going to the "Invite friends" tab, send invitations.
how to invite friends to a vkontakte group
how to invite friends to a vkontakte group

These are the only ways to invite a friend to a group on VKontakte from your page.

Are there any restrictions?

To combat spam, the administration of the social network has set a limit on sending such messages by one user. How many friends can I invite to the VKontakte group? One user per day can offer to join the community no more than 40 of his friends who have access to such actions. Each user in the settings can block such invitations, a group member who tries to send an offer will be aware of this.

how many friends can you invite to a vkontakte group
how many friends can you invite to a vkontakte group

Help from other users

You can ask friends to follow the steps above and invite people from their list. The more people who respond to the request, the better. But, as statistics show, less than half of the list actively help in such work. But do not neglect the way how to invite not only friends to the VKontakte group. Of course, this will not solve the problem of the size of the community, but it will help at the initial stage of promotion.

Paid methods

In order to increase the size of the community, you can resort to the help of special sites where users for a small financial reward will join the number of subscribers themselves. Such sites include services for earning money in social networks, post boxes, text exchanges. To use this method, you must register on one of the sites and place an order.

Example task:

"You need to join the Young Parents group (link in the order parameters), like several posts and invite 40 people to the community."

If it is necessary to invite an audience according to certain criteria, certain requirements for a subscriber must be added to the text of the order:

  1. Age: 19-30 years old.
  2. Residence: Russia.

To make sure that the contractor has fulfilled all the conditions of the order, the following data should be requested for the report:

  1. Link to social media profile.
  2. List of invited people.
  3. Screenshot that says "You can't invite more than 40 people per day". The picture should show the band's logo in the address bar of the browser, the time and date on the computer.

How to invite friends to the VKontakte group and not get banned?

how to invite not only friends to the VKontakte group
how to invite not only friends to the VKontakte group

For a large number of private messages with requests to join the community, the user's page can be blocked, first for a certain time, and if "suspicious activity" is repeated, forever. Beginners may not puzzle themselves with questions about how to invite a friend to a group on VKontakte, but use special cheat programs, of which there are a sufficient number on the Internet, both paid and free versions. For the use of such software, a ban can be received not only by the user on whose behalf invitations are sent, but also by the group to which it is proposed to join. Therefore, in order not to lose the community and not to lose all the funds and efforts invested in it, it is better to turn to professionals who, for a fee, will promote the site. In this case, the question of how to invite a friend to the group on VKontakte will be relevant only at the initial stage of work, or you can not engage in attracting people at all, the webmaster will do all this.


  1. Monitor the number of sent private messages so as not to arouse suspicion from the administration of the social network. Their text should not be constantly repeated.
  2. Do not use cheat programs.
  3. Special websites can be used to recruit members faster.
  4. The group must contain real users, so you need to periodically clean it from blocked pages.
  5. Continuously grow your group by posting unique and relevant content.