Learning to cut a SIM card

Learning to cut a SIM card
Learning to cut a SIM card

All happy iPhone 4 owners, if they were not warned, faced a problem when the old SIM did not want to get into the slot. Therefore, let me remind you, just in case, which SIM card is in the iPhone 4S. This is a microsim card (much smaller than the usual ones). Now let's see how this problem can be solved.

cut sim card
cut sim card

I want to immediately reassure everyone that you should not panic because of this. You can always cut the SIM card yourself. After all, in fact - a microsim - is a standard card reduced due to plastic. The plate with metal contacts remains the same. The principle of operation is the same, that is, there are no changes, except for the size. And if so, then the logical question arises about how to cut a SIM card with your own hands and at home? I will be happy to answer this question, and not just answer, but also write detailed instructions, thanks to which you will understand the essence and be able to do this work yourself.

So, in order to cut a SIM card, we need to arm ourselves with the actual SIM card of the standard we are used to, a ruler with scissors, preferably very sharp, and some kind of writing object, such as a pencil or pen. If all this is youprepared, then you can start the operation.

how to cut sim card
how to cut sim card

We take our patient in the form of a SIM card and put it in such a way that the contact group looks at us, and the oblique plastic cut is in the lower right corner. Now we take a ruler and measure 12 and 15 millimeters, after which we draw a rectangle on our SIM card so that the contact group is clearly in the center. To do this, using a ruler, we make an indent from the left edge of the SIM card 1.85 mm, and from the top 1.4 mm. Now we take scissors and very carefully cut out the rectangle that you drew on the SIM card. We carry out this procedure very carefully and carefully, since you will have only one chance to cut the SIM card correctly. When cutting plastic, be sure to keep the contact plate in front of your eyes so that you do not accidentally catch it, because if this happens, the card will become unusable.

After you have cut off all the excess, cut off the corner of the plastic in the corner where it was in the old version. Moreover, the distance from the blunt upper corner of the new SIM card should be 2.5 millimeters to the supposed straight bottom edge of our SIM card.

The next step in this procedure is to check the connection. Place the fruit of your labors in the receiver of the device. If you don't succeed, you will have to cut it a little more to the desired size.

what sim card in iphone 4s
what sim card in iphone 4s

So, the SIM card is inserted into the phone, and it starts searching for the network. If you did everything right, you will seeinscription or logo of your network.

There is another way to cut the SIM card. This is done with a specially designed tool. If you don’t have it or you don’t want to spend your money on it for the sake of one SIM card, then you can go to the nearest mobile phone store and ask them to fulfill your desire. As a rule, such a procedure costs a penny, or even everything will be done for you for free. If you are not confident in your abilities and are afraid to ruin your SIM card with improper trimming, then this option will solve your problem in the best possible way.