Despite the fact that modern search engines try to adapt as much as possible to users, searching for information on the Internet does not become easier. This is because thousands of new sites appear on the web every day. And the amount of garbage that is regularly posted on the network can no longer be counted.
Relevance is a term that refers to the degree to which a search result matches the user's expectations. In other words, if the user found what he was looking for, the found material is called relevant. If not, it is called irrelevant.
Briefly about the main things
Any modern search engine has its own relevance assessment algorithms, and not the entire site as a whole is analyzed, but each material that was posted on its open spaces. As a result, adjusting to the requirements of, for example, the Yandex search engine, no one can guarantee the same degree of compliance with Google results. Today, before you increase relevance, you have to spend a lot of time on analysisexisting content. Only after that you can start practical actions.
How is relevance determined?

The degree of relevance of certain information and the proposed query is determined using innovative search algorithms. They include the ratio of all keywords to the total volume of the article published on the page. When creating a page, each search engine determines its optimal percentage of entry. And how to increase relevance in such a way as to rise in the issue? Many people prefer to stick to a five percent ratio of keys to the total volume of text. But it also happens that content authors face difficulties. The main problem of any webmaster is that any deviation from this ratio can lead to the page being relegated to "ignore". In addition, a strong exaggeration of the percentage of occurrences will lead to the fact that the search engine will completely block the search results, defining the content as inappropriate for viewing (spam).
Initially, the relevance of information was determined by a number of internal criteria, such as the frequency of keywords in titles, the density of key phrases in the text, meta tags, text design elements, and so on. Since soon there were sites that are used to redirect to a promoted resource, it became necessary to modernize the search parameters to match relevance.
Increased relevance
Increasing relevancy is not very difficult. But it takes a lot of time, and to thisyou must always be ready. There are a number of recommendations to increase the relevance of a page or site as a whole.
How to increase relevance?
- Keyword density. It is not necessary to place key phrases close to each other. For one CS, it is quite enough to place 2-3 exact queries. Approximately the same amount - in a diluted form. Sometimes fewer entries are required, this already depends on the amount of content being edited. As a rule, the larger the material, the higher the number of occurrences.
- Natural. Although key phrases may seem difficult to understand in certain cases, it is extremely important that the phrase from the query has the most natural look in the material. Before you increase relevancy, remember that content to post is primarily created for new guests, not for robots.
- Using sub title tags. The h1, h2 and h3 tags consist of level 1 headings and a number of subheadings (2, 3). There are also tags for smaller subheadings, but most often h2 and h3 are enough. Thematic headings are placed inside the prescribed tags, and they must contain keys. If you cannot enter the key correctly, it is better not to insert it at all, otherwise the relevance of queries will be violated.
- Keywords in title. As mentioned above, in order to achieve optimal relevance, it is necessary to prescribe keywords in the headings. This is done the way the user most often enters a search query. After the key or before it additionallyput other words that are most suitable in meaning. Ideally, the headline will make the reader click on it.
- Dilution and decline of key phrases. Place other phrases inside keywords, try to decline words or use prepositions.
- Highlighting key phrases with underlining, bold or italics. It is absolutely not necessary to highlight all the key phrases placed in the text. A couple of secretions, which require mandatory attention to themselves, are quite enough. The most important thing is to always know the measure. Using tags, you can highlight a number of additional phrases to which the reader should pay utmost attention. After all, the real benefit and maximum naturalness are above all for any reader.
- Compilation of descriptions. A properly prepared description will certainly add a lot of new site users directed from the search engine. Google uses a snippet (a text block with a description, which is located under the site title in the search results). Some content management systems have special plugins that can greatly help in compiling the correct descriptions. Before you increase the relevance, remember: you need to put down the keys in the description, but here you also need to know the measure. Otherwise - spam filters, ban.

Search query and relevance

In order for users to be directed to the site from the search engine, it will not be enough for it to be in the search results alone. It is necessary to strive as hard as possibleget to the very top of the issue.
The criteria that affect the position of a site link on the SERPs in search engines are conditionally divided into two large categories:
- text;
- non-text.
Already by the title it is clear that the text criteria are the characteristics of the text component of the site. At the same time, non-textual criteria are necessary in order to evaluate the links of the page. The textual information published on the pages does not play any role. Text criteria by which the relevance of words is checked are taken into account at the stage of creating both articles and the site as a whole. Non-text materials are available for processing after the website has been uploaded to the Internet and submitted for indexing.
Indexing search engines

When working with indexing search engines, it is important to remember that the search in the system begins only after search queries have been entered and confirmed. It can be a word, a group of words, a phrase, a phrase, and so on.
Very often when entering phrases there is a semantic (semantic) gap. The search engine is in no way responsible for what the user thinks at the time of entering text. The user, in turn, does not see any difference between the concepts of "wrong" and "correct" requests.
As a result, before creating a particular website, it is necessary to first familiarize yourself with the form in which users most often request information thatinterests them online. On the territory of Runet there is only one source that allows you to get reliable search queries - "Yandex. Direct".

Check page relevance
Of course, you can do the determination of the approximate degree of relevance of pages on your own, just by reading the material. But what if the site does not have one page of text, but thousands or even more - tens of thousands? Self-checking will take too much time and effort. To facilitate the work, special online services have been created that allow you to check the relevance within a few seconds. Not every site owner prefers to turn to them for help, because sometimes it is clear that the posts they write have a high degree of relevance to search queries. However, it is better to once again dispel all doubts and breathe a sigh of relief.
The easiest method to get an accurate degree of relevancy is pr-cy, a specialized Russian tool designed for high-precision content analysis. The information provided on this tool indicates everything you need: the number of keys, relevance, density of occurrences, and so on. The service is convenient, but not as convenient as its competitor - MegaIndex. It is intended for website promotion, but its functionality includes a large number of free tools that will be useful to the optimizer. Information is analyzed in two search engines simultaneously - Yandex and Google. However, this service is guaranteedaccurate relevancy check with minimal error.

Relevance - that's what any optimizer and site owner needs to focus on. By providing users with content that meets their expectations, you will ensure that the popularity of the project will steadily grow. Then you can not only promote your site well and efficiently, but also make decent money on it. You just need to start working, and in the future both experience and self-confidence will come. Good luck in your endeavors.