Increase space on Yandex.Disk: amount of space, weight, cleaning, ways to increase and tips

Increase space on Yandex.Disk: amount of space, weight, cleaning, ways to increase and tips
Increase space on Yandex.Disk: amount of space, weight, cleaning, ways to increase and tips

When it is necessary to transfer files from one computer to another or transfer them to a friend, we are accustomed to using disks, flash drives and similar devices designed for temporary storage of information in the old fashioned way. Unfortunately, not only are they unreliable and inconvenient to use, but they can only copy relatively small documents.

Time flows, everything changes, the Internet appeared a long time ago. Now we usually send documents and photos as an attachment in an e-mail. But there is a more convenient option for transferring files - Yandex. Disk. By uploading a file once, you can give access to it to an unlimited number of people. One of the most popular questions that users of this service have is: how can I increase the space on Yandex. Disk?

What is this?

First, let's figure out what Yandex. Disk is and why we need it. In simple terms, this is a kind of virtual storage of information. The technology developed by Yandex in 2012 allows you to store information,and share it with other Internet users. In fact, this is a file hosting service, but without ads, viruses and unnecessary banners.

How the exchange works
How the exchange works

All documents uploaded to Yandex. Disk are stored on the search engine server in complete safety until you delete them yourself. When uploading, each file is automatically checked by the DrWeb anti-virus system. Thanks to this, you can safely download any documents from the file sharing service.

Yandex. Disk technology allows you to save space on your local computer. It is also very convenient to share large files with friends, bypassing the restrictions of mail servers.

How much space does Yandex. Disk give?

By default, 3 GB file storage is provided. You can use the storage space for files not on your computer, thereby not restricting access to these files from only one PC. In order to view documents at any time, you only need the Internet.

Disk device
Disk device

It is also possible to rank the degree of access to each file separately or entirely to any folder:

  • personal only;
  • for users you link to;
  • common to all visitors.

Question: how much space on Yandex. Disk can you get if you follow some of the steps below? Answer: up to 50 GB.

How to increase space on Yandex. Disk?

The default amount provided is enough to get you started. But if you need, then Yandex allows you to increasedisk quota in the following ways:

  • install the client program on your computer and get another 3 GB as a bonus;
  • immediately upload your files to Yandex. Disk and get a 2 GB bonus;
  • share promo link with friends on social networks and get 3 more GB.

If there is not enough space on Yandex. Disk, you can become a member of one of the one-time promotions periodically held by the company. By the way, this way you can win not only additional gigabytes, but also other valuable prizes. Promotions often provide up to 30 GB of additional space at a time. Draws are often held on the eve of holidays. Be sure to subscribe to the service's newsletter so as not to miss important information.

Computer on the table
Computer on the table

You can also increase space on Yandex. Disk using any program designed to compress files. Before downloading, archive all documents, presentations, games, movies, etc. Thanks to compression, they will weigh several times less, therefore, there will be more space on the virtual disk for storing other files.

In order for the allocated space not to run out ahead of time, Yandex. Disk must be regularly cleared of documents that have lost their relevance. To do this, select obsolete files, then select the "Delete" menu item located at the top right. Disk cleanup completed!

Service Features

Your documents are always with you. This is very convenient, for example, when working remotely: for those who like to finish the task at home orfreelancers. Now you don't even need a flash drive to transfer documents to your home computer.

It's no longer a problem how to zip a file so that it can be sent as an attachment in an email. With virtual "Yandex. Disk" you can simply insert a link to the file into the letter.

Computer work
Computer work

Imagine a situation: some file is urgently needed. The result of work and salary depend on it, but the computer is broken. Your friend or colleague is ready to provide his PC for work, only the necessary document is missing in it. How to be? Unscrew the hard drive, deliver it to a friend, extract the necessary information from the disk, copy it to a friend's computer. It won't take more than one hour. All this can be avoided by using this file storage. If the volume provided is not enough, there is always the opportunity to get more space on Yandex Drive.

To start using the virtual service, you must have an account on the website. If an account has already been created, you can safely use Yandex. Disk and upload your files.

Internal interface

The service allows you to upload any type of files: from text to media. You can download documents from other users' Yandex. Disks even if your disk quota is less than theirs. True, the download speed will drop to 64 Gb / s.

Working with file storage
Working with file storage

To collaborate with other participants, it is possible to create a shared folder. Any user can upload theirfiles into it. This is a great way to increase space on Yandex. Disk, as well as a great opportunity to organize group work on a project.


The easiest way to start using the virtual Yandex. Disk: go to the website through any browser, log in to your account, find the "files" tab.

Second way: go through the free Yandex Disk application, previously downloaded from the site. After downloading the file and installing it on a local drive, a separate line will appear in the My Computer menu. In this case, you can work with Yandex. Disk, like with any other. All files downloaded and copied to it will be transferred to your virtual space. The synchronization process is fully automated, so it does not need your control and participation.

"Yandex. Disk" allows you to save time and space on your computer's disk, so using this service can be useful for everyone.
