Often a situation arises when a person opens the refrigerator, and the most unappetizing smells fly out of it. How to remove odors in the refrigerator? This problem can be solved.
how to remove smells in the refrigerator First, you need to identify the cause of these odors. Spoiled food, a leaky freezer, foods with a lot of spices - all this causes a stench in the refrigerator.
- Secondly, you must thoroughly rinse all compartments of the refrigerator. Cleaning this device requires special solutions, as simple soapy water will not help here. The industry produces appropriate cleaning fluids, but you can also resort to folk remedies, which are also quite effective. Among the most common folk methods that are used to flush the refrigerator is a warm soda solution, which is made in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of soda per 1 liter of water. You can also replace baking soda with vinegar or ammonia in this recipe. But if someone does not tolerate the pungent smell of these substances, then it is better to stop at soda.
- Third, after cleaning activities, it is necessary for a while(about an hour) leave the refrigerator open for ventilation.

In a separate paragraph, let's talk about a situation in which the smell in the refrigerator indicates a malfunction in the unit's systems. This case may include malfunction of internal parts or contamination of channels and nozzles. How to remove odors in the refrigerator, if such a situation exists? Here we can recommend calling a specialist from the service center, since diagnosing the he alth of the device systems requires special knowledge.
Now here is a list of remedies that can be a lifesaver in a situation with odors in the refrigerator:
- You can remove an unpleasant smell in the refrigerator with an ordinary lemon, which must be cut and placed in the chamber. Keep it there for no more than 4 days, since the lemon can also rot and then you have to deal with the smell of rotten lemon.
how to get smell out of refrigerator The smell can be eliminated with the help of garlic, which should be rubbed on the inside walls of the refrigerator and left for half a day. But do not forget to rinse the walls of the appliance with water afterwards and let the refrigerator dry for about an hour. Experienced housewives assure that the effectiveness of this method has been confirmed by many years of practice, and after using it, you will no longer wonder how to remove odors in the refrigerator.
- Unpleasant odors are perfectly absorbed by charcoal or activated charcoal. Coal should be crushed, placed in an open jar andput inside the refrigerator. This substance can be left in the refrigerator for quite some time. The industry is also on the alert and releases ionizers that exterminate the stench in the shortest possible time. How to remove odors in the refrigerator using similar products can be found in the manual for the ionizer.
- Cut raw potatoes into two parts and place in the refrigerator. This vegetable absorbs odor well, but slowly.
- Pour baking soda into a saucer and refrigerate. Baking soda also absorbs odors.
These are the most common ways to deal with refrigerator stench. Guided by the above tips, you can now not be tormented by the question of how to remove the smell from the refrigerator.