Corporate social responsibility in the age of total globalization

Corporate social responsibility in the age of total globalization
Corporate social responsibility in the age of total globalization

The term "social corporate responsibility" appeared in our lexicon at the same time as the word "globalization". And it is no coincidence. If you think about the meaning of words, the first term is an objective consequence of the second. A corporation is an association of individuals that operates independently of them. This word refers to a large enterprise with many branches in one country or around the world. Father Fyodor's candle factory will not be called a corporation.

corporate social responsibility
corporate social responsibility

Globalization is a process led by corporations. If at the same time we forget what corporate social responsibility to society for the consumption of resources is, the planet will soon become uninhabitable. This concept involves the voluntary assumption of additional obligations beyond those required by law. Before the state, society, own labor collective.

social corporate responsibility
social corporate responsibility

The enterprise is obliged not to exceed the maximum permissible normsemissions, but in addition to this, it spends money on the restoration of nature. It must pay wages to employees, but at the same time allocates additional amounts for the improvement of employees. The essence of the concept resonates with the biblical commandments: if higher powers chose a person for we alth and power, then this was done so that he would change the world for the better, help the weak. To those who do not have the strength to give part of their own for the benefit of society.

Even if the voluntariness is forced, caused by the demand of time, this cannot but rejoice. The section "social corporate responsibility" along with the item "company mission" is present in the booklets of any large enterprise. Without such basic postulates, modern business would be wild and unbridled.

corporate social responsibility
corporate social responsibility

It would be a mistake to say that social corporate responsibility is the prerogative of only large organizations. Any enterprise that makes a profit is responsible to society for the results of its activities. Everyone has a different level of responsibility. It is unfair to demand some global projects from a recently organized small enterprise. But it is obliged to pay wages, taxes, and comply with labor safety requirements.

The company has grown, gained momentum, expanded - corporate social responsibility has moved to the second level. It's time to take care of those who contributed to the expansion of the business - the employees. It is necessary to create good conditions not only for work, but also forrest, restoration of a full-fledged workforce, for advanced training, to provide normal living conditions (if the company is interested in retaining experienced qualified personnel).

If an enterprise has crossed the line of local significance, the third level of social corporate responsibility comes. At this stage, the company is expected to perform charitable activities in any direction that is beneficial to society. At a time when humanity has approached the threshold of species survival, adherence to the principles of CSR is not only caring for society, but ultimately for yourself and your loved ones.