How to make the VKontakte group more popular? A few practical tips

How to make the VKontakte group more popular? A few practical tips
How to make the VKontakte group more popular? A few practical tips

Practically the entire virtual life of the Runet is now concentrated around its largest social network - VKontakte. The tools that this resource provides allow you to create a group or community dedicated to any topic in a matter of seconds, quickly create and publish posts, attach various attachments to them (music, video, illustrations), communicate with participants or subscribers … However, almost every owner such a community, sooner or later the question arises of how to make the VKontakte group more popular.

how to make a vkontakte group more popular
how to make a vkontakte group more popular

First of all, you should evaluate the very idea of the band. To truly capture the attention of the public, it must be original and interesting. Every day the number of publics is growing, but most of them are just faceless clones of each other. It makes no sense to create another mini-blog with aphorisms of great people or "vanilla" quotes - you will just waste your time.

How to make a VKontakte groupmore popular without spending money on it? To minimize the need for financial investment, it is better to create content yourself, and not just mindlessly copy the materials you like from other groups. In this case, there is a chance that people, seeing something new, will contribute to the natural development of your group. Even if the page is dedicated to a particular online store or product, you can easily "dilute" advertising posts with interesting facts, creative videos and similar materials related to your topic. However, given the high level of competition, it is likely that at some point you will have to think about advertising.

Where is the best place to advertise your community? This is another question that is becoming extremely relevant for everyone who is looking for ways to make the VKontakte group more popular. The easiest option is, of course, advertising through friends. If you post really interesting content, you can count on the word of mouth effect when your friends join the community and even tell other people about it. Those, in turn, will want to share the link with their friends, and so on, along the chain. This method does not require any financial investments, but you should not count on high efficiency either.

how to make a vkontakte group popular
how to make a vkontakte group popular

Many large groups and publics offer their subscribers the opportunity to advertise for money. This is another way to make a group"VKontakte" is more popular. The "issue price" in this case can vary from 100-200 to several thousand rubles. It depends, as a rule, on the number of subscribers in the group where the advertisement will be placed, as well as on statistics (the number of unique views per day). When choosing groups for paid advertising, you should pay special attention to statistics, as subscribers are often "dead" (bought) - most likely, these people will never see your offer.

But what if there is no money for paid advertising? Many communities practice so-called "mutual reposts". In this case, a message posted in your group will be posted in another. And you, in turn, will have to share with your subscribers a post from the wall of another community. As a rule, administrators of groups with an equal number of subscribers agree to "mutual reposts" - in such a situation, the exchange will be equal and beneficial for both parties.

how to create a popular vkontakte group
how to create a popular vkontakte group

Another secret on how to create a popular VKontakte group concerns tags. This innovation appeared quite recently, but it is already actively used by thousands of users. To turn any word into a tag, just put ain front of it. These designations can be used both in the news and in the description of the community itself. What will it give? For example, if your group is called "Music", and in the description you used the tags rock or punk, then users,who enter the words Rock and Punk in the search, they will see, in addition to communities with the corresponding names, yours. The use of such tags in the news will give people the opportunity to find relevant entries in the general search.

And what tricks do you use to make the VKontakte group popular?
