Kacher Brovina - what is it and what is its practical application? How to make Brovin's kacher?

Kacher Brovina - what is it and what is its practical application? How to make Brovin's kacher?
Kacher Brovina - what is it and what is its practical application? How to make Brovin's kacher?

Kacher Brovina is an original version of the generator of electromagnetic oscillations. It can be assembled on various active radio elements. At the moment, when assembling it, field-effect or bipolar transistors are used, less often - radio tubes (triodes and pentodes). Brovin's kacher was invented in 1987 by the Soviet radio engineer Vladimir Ilyich Brovin as an element of an electromagnetic compass. Let's take a closer look at what kind of device it is.

eyebrow kacher
eyebrow kacher

Unknown possibilities of semiconductor elements

Brovin's Kacher is a kind of generator assembled on a single transistor and operating, according to the inventor, in an emergency mode. The device exhibits mysterious properties that date back to the research of Nikola Tesla. They do not fit into any of the modern theories of electromagnetism. Apparently, Brovin's kacheris a kind of semiconductor spark gap in which the discharge of electric current passes in the crystal base of the transistor, bypassing the stage of formation of an electric arc (plasma). The most interesting thing about the operation of the device is that after a breakdown, the transistor crystal is completely restored. This is explained by the fact that the operation of the device is based on a reversible avalanche breakdown, in contrast to thermal breakdown, which is irreversible for a semiconductor. However, only indirect statements are given as evidence of this mode of operation of the transistor. No one, except the inventor himself, studied the operation of the transistor in the described device in detail. So these are just the assumptions of Brovin himself. So, for example, to confirm the “black” mode of operation of the device, the inventor cites the following fact: they say, no matter what polarity the oscilloscope is connected to the device, the polarity of the pulses shown by it will always be positive.

eyebrow kacher how to make
eyebrow kacher how to make

Maybe the qualityr is a kind of blocking generator?

There is also such a version. After all, the electrical circuit of the device strongly resembles an electrical pulse generator. Nevertheless, the author of the invention emphasizes that his device has an unobvious difference from the proposed schemes. He gives an alternative explanation for the flow of physical processes inside the transistor. In a blocking oscillator, the semiconductor periodically opens as a result of the flow of electric current through the feedback coil of the base circuit. In the quality of the transistorin the so-called non-obvious way, it must be permanently closed (because the creation of an electromotive force in a feedback coil connected to the base circuit of the semiconductor can still open it). In this case, the current generated by the accumulation of electric charges in the base zone for further discharge, at the moment the threshold voltage value is exceeded, creates an avalanche breakdown. However, the transistors used by Brovin are not designed to operate in an avalanche mode. For this, a special series of semiconductors has been designed. According to the inventor, it is possible to use not only bipolar transistors, but also field-effect, as well as radio tubes, despite the fact that they have fundamentally different physics of work. This forces us to focus not on the study of the transistor itself in the quality, but on the specific pulse mode of operation of the entire circuit. In fact, Nikola Tesla was engaged in these studies.

kacher brovin on a field-effect transistor
kacher brovin on a field-effect transistor

Inventor about the device

In 1987, Brovin was designing a compass that allows the user to determine the cardinal points not by sight, but by hearing. He planned to use an audio frequency generator that would change the tone according to the location of the device relative to the planet's magnetic field. I used a blocking generator as a basis, having improved it, and the resulting device was later called Brovin's kacher. A reliable generator circuit turned out to be most welcome: it is built according to the classical principle, only a feedback circuit based oninductor core based on amorphous iron. It changes the magnetic permeability at low strength values (for example, the planet's magnetic field). Audio compass triggered on orientation change as intended.

Side effect

Analysis of the properties of the assembled circuit revealed some inconsistencies in its work with generally accepted concepts. It turned out that the signals received at the electrodes of a semiconductor transistor, measured with an oscilloscope relative to the positive and negative poles of the voltage source, always had the same polarity. So, the npn transistor gave a positive signal on the collector, and pnp - a negative one. It is with this effect that Brovin's kacher is interesting. The device circuit contains an inductance, which, during the operation of the device, has a resistance close to zero. The generator continues to work even when a powerful permanent magnet approaches the core. The magnet saturates the core, as a result, the blocking process should stop due to the termination of the transformation in the feedback circuit of the circuit. At the same time, hysteresis was not distinguished in the core; it was not possible to reveal it with the help of Lissajous figures. The amplitude of the pulses on the collector of the transistor turned out to be five times higher than the voltage of the power supply.

do-it-yourself eyebrow kacher
do-it-yourself eyebrow kacher

Kacher Brovina: practical application

Currently, the device is used as a plasma spark gap to create electric current pulses without arcing in experimental instruments. The most commonly used duet is Brovin's kacher andTesla transformer. This is due to the fact that the arc that occurs in the spark gap, in principle, serves as a broadband generator of electrical oscillations. It was the only device for creating high-frequency pulses available to Nikola Tesla. In addition, the inventor created measuring devices based on the qualityr, which allow you to determine the absolute value between the generator and the radiation sensor.

Scientists shrug

The above description of the device and the principle of its operation (and this can be seen visually) contradict traditional science. The inventor himself openly demonstrates these contradictions, he asks everyone to deal with the paradoxical measurements of the parameters of his device together. However, the position of openness in this matter has not yet led to any results, scientists cannot explain the physical processes in the semiconductor.

kacher brovina reliable scheme
kacher brovina reliable scheme

This is important

Description of the Kacher Brovin effect in the nearest space may turn out to be a way of reversing the spins of the atoms of the surrounding substances. This is indicated by the author of the invention in an experiment with the conclusion of the device in a glass sealed vessel, from which air was pumped out to reduce the pressure level in it. As a result of the experiment, there is no over-unity effect that would allow classifying the device as a perpetual motion machine (with the exception of real experiments on the transfer of energy through a wire). This was first demonstrated by Nikola Tesla. However, possible incorrect readings of power metering devices are explained by a pulsed, verythe inharmonious nature of the current flow in the energy consumption circuits of the kacher. While measuring devices such as a tester are designed for either direct or sinusoidal (harmonic) current.

How to assemble Brovin's kacher with your own hands

If, after reading the article, you are interested in this device, you can assemble it yourself. The device is so simple that even a novice radio amateur can make it. Brovin's kacher (the diagram is shown below) is powered by a modified 12 V, 2 A network adapter, consumes 20 watts. It converts the electrical signal into a 1 MHz field with 90% efficiency. For assembly, we need a plastic pipe 80x200 mm. The primary and secondary windings of the resonator will be wound on it. The entire electronic part of the device is placed in the middle of this pipe. This circuit is completely stable, it can work for hundreds of hours without interruption. The self-powered Brovina kacher is interesting in that it can light unconnected neon lamps at a distance of up to 70 cm. It is a wonderful demonstration device for a school or university laboratory, as well as a desktop device for entertaining guests or for showing magic tricks.

kacher brovin scheme
kacher brovin scheme

Description of electrical circuit assembly

The author of the invention recommends using a bipolar transistor KT902A or KT805AM (however, you can assemble a Brovin kacher on a field-effect transistor). The semiconductor element must be fixed on a powerful radiator, previously lubricated with heat-conducting paste. Can be additionally installedcooler. It is permissible to use constant resistors, and exclude capacitor C1 altogether. First, the primary winding should be wound with a wire of 1 mm (4 turns), then the secondary winding with a wire no thicker than 0.3 mm. The winding is wound tightly coil to coil. To do this, we attach its end to the beginning of the pipe and begin to wind it, smearing the wire with PVA glue every 20 mm. It is enough to make 800 turns. We fix the end and solder an insulated conductor to it. The windings should be wound in one direction, it is important that they do not touch. Next, you need to solder a sewing needle into the upper part of the pipe and solder the end of the winding to it. Next, we solder the electrical circuit and place it together with the radiator inside the plastic pipe. This elementary device is Brovin's kacher.

How to make an "ion engine"?

Start the assembled device with a minimum voltage of 4 volts, then gradually begin to increase it, while not forgetting to monitor the current. If you have assembled a circuit on a KT902A transistor, then the streamer at the end of the needle should appear at 4 volts. As the voltage increases, it will increase. When it reaches 16 volts, it will turn into a "fluffy". At 18 V it will increase to about 17 mm, and at 20 V the electrical discharges will resemble a real ion engine in operation.

kacher brovin with self-feeding
kacher brovin with self-feeding


As you can see, the device is elementary and does not require large expenditures. It can be assembled together with your child, because children love to play with pieces of iron. And here is a double advantage: not only will the baby be in business, it will alsothere will be self-confidence. He will be able to participate in a school exhibition with his creation or brag to his friends. Who knows, maybe, thanks to the assembly of such an elementary toy, he will develop an interest in radio electronics, and in the future your child will already be the author of some invention.
