Battery thermostat: principle of operation, configuration, installation

Battery thermostat: principle of operation, configuration, installation
Battery thermostat: principle of operation, configuration, installation

The main task of the heating system is to maintain a comfortable air temperature in the building. This temperature may be different, depending on the purpose of the room, but a prerequisite is its invariability throughout the day.

Heat energy enters the room from the heating system through radiators. The amount of thermal energy given off by heating devices is regulated by the amount of coolant.

battery thermostat
battery thermostat

The device that regulates the flow of fluid entering the radiator is a valve or valve, which can be automatic or manual.

Indoors there is always heat exchange with the surrounding space. This leads to an outflow or inflow of heat from the room, and, consequently, to a decrease or increase in air temperature in it.

To restore the heat balance in the room, it is necessary to increase or decrease the amount of heat coming from the heating devices. The thermostat on the battery, installed on the supply lines, will perfectly cope with this task.pipelines.

Mechanical thermostat

This device consists of a valve and a sensitive element (thermal head). They function harmoniously without extraneous external energy. The thermal head is completed with a drive, a regulator and a liquid element, which can be replaced by an elastic or gas one.

heating temperature controller
heating temperature controller

It is necessary to choose a thermostat for a battery, taking into account all the factors that can further affect its operation. It is important to make a special calculation - only in this case this device will function as efficiently as possible.

Composition elements

The mechanical thermostat for the battery consists of the following elements:

  • Compensation mechanism.
  • Stock.
  • Plug connection.
  • Spool.
  • Sensing element.
  • Thermostatic element.
  • Thermostatic valve.
  • Tuning scale.
  • Swivel nut.
  • The ring that fixes the set temperature.

Influencing factors

The following factors can affect the temperature in the room, and hence the operation of the mechanical thermostat:

  • outside temperature.
  • Ventilation or draft.
  • Sunshine.
  • Additional sources of cold or heat (refrigerator, hot water pipes, electric heaters, etc.).
  • temperature control thermostat
    temperature control thermostat

Howthe thermostat works on the battery

When the air temperature in the heated room changes, the amount of coolant changes. At the same time, the volume of the bellows changes, which actuates the control spool. The movement of the spool is directly related to the change in air temperature in the room. When the temperature changes, the sensing element reacts and actuates the regulator valve stem. As a result, the stroke change regulates the supply of coolant to the heater.

temperature controller for cast iron batteries
temperature controller for cast iron batteries


The thermostat for a mechanical type battery must be installed on the supply pipeline. In this case, the head of the thermostat must be located horizontally, must not be exposed to direct sunlight and heat. If the valve is covered by a curtain or covered by furniture, then a dead zone is formed, in other words, the thermostat does not contact the ambient temperature, and for this reason it does not perform its functions effectively.

If other placement of this device is not possible, special sensors with an overlay sensitive element are used for remote control.

Electronic thermostats

The electronic heating temperature controller is an automatic control device that maintains the set temperature in various heating equipment.

battery thermostat installation
battery thermostat installation

Bheating system, it automatically controls the boiler and other actuators (valves, pumps, mixers, etc.). The main purpose of the electronic thermostat is to create a temperature regime in the room that was predetermined by the user.

Working principle

The electronic type heating temperature controller is equipped with a temperature sensor, which is installed in a place free from direct exposure to electrical heating appliances, it provides the device with information about the thermal state of the room. Based on the data received, the electronic device controls the elements of the heating system.

Distinguish between digital and analog thermostats with temperature control. The former are most widely used due to their functionality. Electronic type thermostats are:

  • With closed logic.
  • With open logic.

Closed logic is a constant algorithm of work in time and a rigid internal structure that does not depend on changes in environmental factors. Only certain programmable parameters can be changed.

The Open Logic Thermostat is a freely programmable device, characterized by a wide range of functions and settings, it can be adjusted to any operation and environmental conditions.

electric batteries with thermostat
electric batteries with thermostat

Unlike devices with closed logic, these devices are not so widespread. This is justified by the fact that their management requires a certainqualifying degree. Therefore, not every ordinary citizen can understand the modes and settings of electronic thermostats. Open logic has become widely used in the industrial segment, but over time it can become an integral element of the life of any person.

Installing the thermostat on the battery

During the installation process, it is very important to follow the instructions and not to place devices of this type in niches, behind decorative grilles and curtains. If for some reason this is not possible, a remote sensor is installed.

It is inefficient to install a thermostat for cast iron batteries, as they heat up and cool down for a very long time.

Before proceeding to the installation of thermostats, it is necessary to turn off the riser and drain the coolant from the heating system.

Only after that you can proceed to the installation of this device, it is recommended to perform them in the following sequence:

  • Horizontal piping is cut at a certain distance from the heater.
  • The cut pipeline and locking device are disconnected.
  • Nuts and shanks are disconnected together with valve or faucet nuts.
  • Shanks are wrapped in radiator caps.
  • Piping is installed at the selected location.
  • The piping connects to horizontal pipelines.
  • How does a battery thermostat work?
    How does a battery thermostat work?


Setting the thermostat with temperature controlproduced as follows:

  • Indoors, all windows and doors are tightly closed to minimize heat leakage.
  • In a room where a certain temperature is required, it is necessary to install a room thermometer.
  • The valve opens fully, for which the thermostat head is turned all the way to the left, in which case the radiator will operate with maximum heat transfer, the temperature in the room will begin to rise.
  • As soon as the temperature becomes 5-6 °C higher than the initial one, you need to close the valve, for this its head turns all the way to the right, after which the air in the room will gradually cool down.
  • After the temperature reaches the desired value, the valve is slowly opened by turning the knob to the left. At the same time, you need to listen carefully, as soon as you hear the sound of water and feel a sharp heating of the thermostat housing, stop rotating the head and remember its position.
  • The setup is complete. The room temperature will be kept within 1 °C.

Temperature controllers on electric radiators

In the conditions of modern work of public utilities, when in the cold season in apartments the temperature is far from always at the value necessary for a comfortable feeling, many people switch to electric heating devices. They can perform both the function of an additional and the main source of heat.

As a rule, today many manufacturers produce electric batteries withthermostat, which allows you to set an individual temperature in each room. Electric radiators are a convenient alternative and a great addition to central heating.
