Today, Indesit brand refrigerators are one of the most popular in the household appliances market. Due to the fact that the manufacturer maintains a balance between price and quality, they are always popular with the consumer. Just like models from other brands, refrigerators differ in a number of characteristics: height, location of chambers, color, defrost system, energy class, etc.

Fridges with bottom chamber: Indesit BIA 18
If you pay attention to the name of refrigerators brand "Indesit", you can see the letter T or B in the name of some models. T stands for top freezers and B for bottom freezers. The former are not very popular among the population - now few people want to bend down to the floor to get the desired product from the box or from the shelf. But refrigerators with a lower chamber are much more in demand, in particular - Indesit BIA 18. Why this particular model?

Indesit BIA 18 is a 185cm high refrigerator with bottom freezer. Implement width- 60 cm, a little more depth - 63 cm. This model comes with rounded sidewalls on the doors, so visually it seems wider than analogues. The handles are hidden in the doors and do not protrude above the surface. The owners note that such a layout greatly facilitates the care of the refrigerator. In addition, such notch handles cannot be broken. When factory assembled, the refrigerator door opens from left to right, but if desired, it can be outweighed. The refrigerator has 2 wheels on the back, legs on the front that can be adjusted in height.
Refrigerator Indesit BIA 18 refers to models with economical energy consumption. This is also evidenced by the letter A, which is in its name. For a while, class A was considered the maximum energy efficiency mode, but now you can find A + or even A ++ models. In the freezer, the temperature can drop to -18 degrees.

In the refrigerator compartment, it reaches a maximum value of +5. The freezing capacity of this model is 2 kg per hour. The declared noise level is 39 dB, for a device with No Frost it is slightly higher - 43 dB. Buyers should also take into account that the volume of the refrigerating chamber, depending on the installed defrosting system, is also somewhat different. This is due to the fact that No Frost "eats" part of the usable space. The volume of the refrigerator compartment Indesit BIA 18 NF is 308 liters, and models with auto-defrost are 5 liters more.
Defrost system
Just like in other modern models, the Indesit BIA 18 refrigerator canbe equipped with an automatic defrost system. If it is present, condensate accumulates on the rear wall of the unit and is discharged through the drainage system into the bowl above the compressor. A No Frost system is also provided, in which cold air is distributed throughout the entire volume of the chamber by a built-in fan. In this case, the letters NF are added to the model name and it is written as Indesit BIA 18 NF. Customer reviews indicate that models with No Frost are easier to care for and do not require defrosting. But at the same time, they dry the products due to constant air circulation and make more noise during operation.

In Indesit BIA 18 refrigerators, the freezer comes with a volume of 85 liters. It consists of 3 sliding plastic boxes of different sizes. The middle and upper ones are of the same depth, but of different heights, and the lower one is shorter due to the compressor installed behind the rear wall. The bottom and sides of the drawers are made of solid opaque plastic. Even if some product falls out of the bag or defrosts and leaks when the electricity is turned off, it will not stain the entire chamber, but only the container where it was located. The front panel of the drawers, on the other hand, is made of transparent plastic, which allows you to see the contents without pulling them out and letting out the cold. If the model comes with No Frost, then the freezer does not require defrosting. And, on the contrary, with a drip defrosting system, the refrigerator will have to be disconnected from the mains 1-2 times a year in order to wash and clean it from a small amount of ice that will be there one way or anotheraccumulate.

In the refrigerator compartment of the Indesit BIA 18 model there are: 4 shelves, 2 drawers and a freshness zone. The shelves are made of durable clear glass and can easily support the weight of a 5 liter pot of soup. On the sides they are equipped with a protruding plastic edge that can hold a small amount of liquid. Of course, it will not save you from force majeure, but if you spill just a few drops, they will remain on the shelf, and not spread all over the refrigerator.

The Indesit BIA 18 NF refrigerator, like its counterpart with auto-defrost, comes with a freshness zone. In fact, it is a plastic container for perishable products such as chilled meat or fish. Similar in appearance and having the same purpose, they are still somewhat different. In the Indesit BIA 18 NF model, the freshness zone is located directly opposite the holes through which the cold enters. And in refrigerators with auto-defrost, it is just a container at the bottom of the chamber. The compartment does not close hermetically; if desired, it can be rearranged to any other place. In fact, zero degrees, which must be maintained in the freshness zone, is achieved due to a natural difference. There are two drawers in the cell, both retractable and made of transparent plastic, making it easier to see.
On the door of the refrigerator Indesit BIA 18 there are shelves for food storage. The bottom is the widest. A 2-liter juice box can easily fit on such a shelf. Some buyers pay attention to the “strange” flexible plastic strip attached to it when buying. This is a bottle holder. If the door is suddenly opened, containers that are unstable may fall out. The holder presses bottles of small diameter to the side, thereby fixing them securely. Shelves on the door can be rearranged in a small range, depending on the required height. The top one has a hinged lid. It is designed for medicines that need to be stored at a certain temperature. The cover prevents the spread of a specific smell throughout the chamber.
Control panel
These models do not have a display, so their control panel is very simple: temperature control knob and power indicator lamp. The latter lights up when the unit is connected to the network. In Indesit BIA 18, the knob, when turned, changes the temperature in both the refrigerator and freezer compartments. But in models with the No Frost system, there is an additional control knob, which is connected to a plug on the back wall. It is installed above the drawers in the refrigerator compartment and changes the temperature in it when turned up or down. Also on the control panel you can see the "Super" mode. When turned on, the compressor runs non-stop, quickly reaching the temperature needed to freeze a large amount of food.
Danish compressors DaNFoss are installed in refrigerators of this model. They fully meet modern requirements for safety, reliability andeconomy.
Refrigerators Indesit BIA 18 are produced in several variations. Most often on the stands of shops this model can be seen in white. It's a classic color that will go with any kitchen.

Silver models are a little less common, for example, the Indesit BIA 18 S refrigerator. Or made “under stainless steel” (they have the letter H at the end of the name). The colored surface looks more original, although it requires a certain interior. Silver refrigerators are matte, smudges and prints are practically invisible on them. But on glossy models, made under stainless steel, every touch will leave its mark. Another option that can occasionally be seen in stores is black refrigerators, the so-called "anthracite". They are ideal in care, but not suitable for every kitchen.
Despite the fact that before buying people first of all pay attention to the appearance and technical characteristics of the model, potential owners are also concerned about the reliability of the Indesit BIA 18 refrigerator. Reviews indicate that most owners are satisfied with their purchase. A spacious freezer and refrigerator, fast cooling, affordable price, convenient location of shelves and balconies - this is an incomplete list of the advantages of this model. However, it is not without criticism.
In addition to significant defects that are detected on the first day after purchase, for example, a broken compressor or a broken thermostat,owners also note smaller ones. These include a high noise level (a consequence of the operation of the No Frost system), the rapid formation of ice, and poor build quality. Some buyers note that after several years of operation, the rubber bands around the perimeter of the door begin to sag and do not hold well, however, this problem is typical for many manufacturers.
Sometimes you can find complaints about low-quality plastic, which becomes brittle over time (especially in the freezer compartment under the influence of negative temperatures). However, given that this refrigerator does not belong to the premium class and is inexpensive compared to its multifunctional "brothers" from other manufacturers, then the purchase can be considered a good purchase. And if necessary, order damaged shelves or balconies through branded service centers.