Error 628: description and elimination

Error 628: description and elimination
Error 628: description and elimination

Our life is full of various gadgets and devices for accessing the Web. Today, every, even the most ordinary hours, sometimes go online. Why then does error 628 appear in the devices from time to time?

The newer and more advanced the device, the thinner and more complex it is. Crashes and errors occur regularly for various reasons. In the conditions of a frantic pace of life and complete dependence on the Internet, it is very important to quickly resolve the communication error and resume the connection. The article will consider error 628.


Error 628 means that the Internet connection was interrupted by the remote device. Most often, subscribers of Beeline, MTS and Megafon operators face this problem. What to do when error 628 appears when connecting to the Internet provided by different providers?

error 628
error 628

Reasons for appearance

There are usually two reasons:

  1. Connection was suspended by the provider due to non-payment or non-compliance with other terms of the contract.
  2. The connection could not be established for reasons other than ISP. Usually it's server overload.or the modem itself.

That is, the device will generate error 628 when, for whatever reason, a connection between the home modem and the service provider's server was not established.

error 628 when connecting to internet
error 628 when connecting to internet

This happens when:

  1. The provider's server is overloaded and can't handle the traffic. In the event that the modem has been in use for a long time and error 628 suddenly appears, most likely the reason lies precisely in the server overload.
  2. If the modem is new and, having not yet worked, reports such an error, then the problem may be incompatibility of the operating system of the computer and the modem device. Incorrect installation and configuration of the modem is also possible. Or you just need to replace the modem model. After all, cases of marriage are not excluded.

As already mentioned, subscribers of Beeline, MTS and Megafon companies most often face such a problem. How to get out of this situation when connecting to different operators?


How do Beeline subscribers fix error 628? For this operator, to the existing two reasons for the occurrence of this error, one more is added. To access the Network using a Beeline modem, you must have at least ten rubles on your account.

Of course, if the modem was recently purchased and is being used for the first time, you should contact the operator or, most likely, just replace the modem model. In the case where the server overload was the cause of the error, it is better toalso check with the operator. But when there are more than ten rubles on the account, and the operator says that everything is in perfect order, and the modem has been in use for a long time, then what should I do? In this case, you can reinstall the program yourself.

error 628 beeline
error 628 beeline

Through the "Control Panel" you need to remove the program "Beeline". Then you need to disconnect and connect the modem again. An installation window will appear on the screen. You need to reinstall the program on your computer. After reinstalling the program, you need to create a new profile, while the old one must be deleted. Only the profile parameters must be:

  • In the APN column, select the "static" position and indicate -
  • Define access number as 99.
  • Username and password set as beeline.

Use this account for further connections.

If the connection operator is MTS: error 628 and its solution

First, you can try to simply restart the modem or computer completely. In most cases, this simple action helps in solving the problem. Through the "Properties" window, select "Additional initialization commands" and specify the following: AT + CGDCONT=1, "IP", "". After saving, you can resume connection attempts.

Error 628 (Megaphone operator)

Most often, the computer reports error 628 when using the services of the Megafon operator due to the freezing of the program itself. ATA simple restart of the computer will help in this situation. However, such a magical action is not always able to get rid of the problem. If this is exactly the case and the error has not disappeared after the reboot, then you can use the following recommendations:

  • It is worth checking the status of the modem's personal account.
  • If everything is in order with the balance, then you need to make sure that the modem initialization is correct. Through the properties menu and additional initialization options, you need to open the command line. In the line that opens, specify: AT+CGDCONT=1, "IP", "internet". In my connection properties, find "Canceling calls when there is no connection" and change the timeout to a value greater than a minute.
error 628 mts
error 628 mts

If after carrying out these operations the error still exists, then the operator's consultation is necessary. Most likely, the error will be associated with a mechanical failure of the modem. Life does not stand still, as does technology, innovation, communications and the Internet as such. Gadgets and devices for accessing the Web are rapidly developing. It is possible that in the near future it will be possible to completely abolish all communication errors.
