Posts are posts that are posted on forums, online communities, blogs, and various websites. Initially, this word was used only on web forums, and the top-level (root) posts were called subjects. Over time, the term began to be used almost universally. Many services allow you to use not only text information in posts, but also attach pictures, videos, music to them. Other users have the opportunity to leave their comments, discuss with the author of a particular post, as well as among themselves.

Secrets of creating good and interesting posts
Almost all social services have a kind of rating - the best posts for a week, month or year get into it. Such a right is given to those messages and entries that gain the most views, "likes" (likes), reposts and comments. That is, those that other users liked the most and interested them.
The dream of any blogger is to write a post that will be in the TOP. However, this is not easy to do. Hundreds, thousands and even millions of diverse messages are published daily on the network, 99% of which remain unread by anyone, lost in the general mass. That is why it is worthlisten to the advice and guidance of experienced popular bloggers to learn how best to write and design a new post to attract the attention of a spoiled public.
Bright idea - 50% of your success
At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in this, and, therefore, you will not need any special skills and abilities. It would seem, what could be easier? I found a suitable topic, got inspired and scribbled “quickly” on the keyboard of 500-700 characters. However, only those who have never tried to write and publish posts can think so. Even the search for an idea itself can take several weeks, because you need something that can really excite readers. You can draw inspiration from anywhere: browsing the best posts of other users, communicating with people in real life, watching and analyzing various events.

Write interesting and simple
Remember that all posts are something that reflects the personality of their author. You should not just state some fact, but share your own point of view, show what excites you, “catches”, why it is so important to you. In this case, you should follow a few simple tips:
- Write in simple and understandable language, without complex terms and little-known words. Imagine that you are not writing, but talking to a person in person.
- In order to convey your opinion and argue it, give real examples and use comparisons.
- Try to avoid professionalism and abbreviations -they will confuse the reader.
- Focus on what's new you can tell people, and how this new will be useful for those who later read your post.
- Don't write too long posts. This will bore the reader and force them to simply move on to other entries.
It is important that all the information you use is not only interesting, but also relevant today.

Three pillars on which the post rests
Let's remember the school lessons of the Russian language. A post is, in fact, a text, a note, a mini-article. This means that it must be logically divided into three parts: the beginning, the main part and the conclusion.
The shortest of them, in fact, is the beginning. They are essentially a pair of introductory sentences that aim to grab the reader's attention. If you fail to “hook” a person’s gaze from the first words, simply no one will read your post. The beginning also has another, not so important function - it helps to carry out a little warm-up for the mind and set the reader up for the style, manner of presentation.
Main part
The "heart" of the post is the main part. First of all, you should pay attention to the sequence and logic of presentation. Don't contradict yourself. If at the beginning of the text you put forward a certain thesis, stick to it in the future.
If you prove your point of view on a particular issue, pay attention to the order of presentation of the arguments. It can be either direct - from weak to strong, or reverse- from the strongest to the weaker, additional. Ideally, there should be a relationship between them: that is, each following, as it were, stems from the previous one. However, do not be upset if you fail to build such a “train”: in most cases, the arguments are too diverse to combine them according to any principle.

Nevertheless, the gradation must be observed in any case: scattered, unrelated evidence, even the most convincing, will confuse the reader and leave him not the best impression.
Be careful not to “mark time” and not to retell the same thought in different interpretations, changing only its verbal form. Those who have to catch your thought will understand everything without it. And frequent repetitions will rather cause irritation.
Try to write an emotionally rich, vibrant post. This does not mean that it is worth turning the text into a fountain of contradictory, enthusiastic epithets, however, a dry set of letters, more reminiscent of an excerpt from some university textbook, is unlikely to please anyone. The share of jokes in the text always makes it more interesting for the reader.
Posts that end abruptly, like serials, at the most interesting place, are disgustingly perceived. Moreover, unlike the latter, they most often do not have a continuation, and the thought remains unfinished. That is why, when finishing work on the next post, try to sum up and summarize all of the above. Here you canstimulate discussion by asking the audience a topical, “painful” question. In rare cases, it is allowed to use a "truncated" model, where there is no conclusion, but this option is quite risky.

Spice up the text
Now that you know the meaning of the word "post" and the basics of writing such notes, it's time to talk about their design. The latter, by the way, in some cases can play a decisive role.
If the size of your post exceeds 300-400 characters, try to break it into paragraphs of 3-4 lines each if possible - gray "sheets" are very tiring to look at and do not allow you to concentrate on the essence of the text.
Attach a thematic picture to the post. Remember that it is on her that a person will look first of all. Therefore, it is advisable to choose some funny drawing, an original demotivator or a comic - something that will interest a person, make him smile and encourage him to read the entire post.
You can add videos. It is desirable that it be of high quality, filmed with a good camera, interesting and informative. The duration also matters - few people are set up to watch 30-40-minute videos in the process of ordinary Internet surfing. The optimal duration is up to 5 minutes.
Be sure to consider the characteristics of the target audience for which you write. After all, it goes without saying that young startup entrepreneurs and mothers on maternity leave literally “live in different worlds”, speak different languages and are interested in completely different things.

As you can see, good posts are a real art with its own rules and secrets. Of course, no one will give you a guarantee that you will get into the rating of posts created by LiveJournal (or by any other service). Much depends on the mood of the Internet community, fashion trends and other factors that you can’t influence in any way. However, really interesting posts, on which the authors work especially painstakingly, will always hit the target and gain popularity. Good luck!