The main task of media advertising on the Internet is to attract the attention of potential customers. The carrier of media advertising is somewhat reminiscent of a billboard, although the latter, in comparison with similar objects posted on the Internet, loses on several points at once.
Billboard is seen by absolutely all people. Even those who are not interested in the content of the street "mouthpiece".
The main advantages of media advertising on the Internet are as follows: a potential client sees only the information that interests him and has the opportunity to immediately find out the details of the commercial offer by clicking on the link.
A well-thought-out advertising strategy keeps users on the lookout for brands, increases demand and increases sales.
Media advertising on the Internet. What is a banner
Display or banner advertising is, in fact, a bright picture (mini video clip, interactive text) provided with a hyperlink, by clicking on which, a potential client gets to the website of the seller (service provider).
Modern online promotion bannerissued in the form of a business card. Even if users pay attention to the original marketing solution, but are not interested enough to click on the link, a bright picture is still stored in the memory.
Among the most popular on the Internet are banners, the size of which is 468 pixels (banner width) by 60 pixels (height). The final file is traditionally assigned the extension.jpg,-g.webp
Methods of promotion

There are several types of online display advertising:
- Banner advertising. Used so often that even many advanced users refer to display ads as banner ads.
- Text advertising. Most visitors to thematic sites note that text ads are very easy to mistake for content, which cannot but resent.
- Native advertising. It is a mix of useful information and promotional phrases.
- Graphic ad units. They annoy many users no less than text ads for the reason that they "merge" with the content of sites.

Promotional videos. That type of media advertising on the Internet, the effectiveness of which depends not so much on the design, but on the ability of the lecturer to “keep” the audience

Using the TV-syns system. A relatively new invention of marketers. Based on the habit of most smartphone owners to while away the time allottedfor television advertising, social networks or gaming and thematic sites. Having fixed user preferences, TV-syns sends appropriate advertisements to their mobile devices
Marketing "tricks" on the Internet. Media advertising. Formats and types of advertising banners
According to the specification, banners are divided into pop-up (opens in a new window, overlapping the web page), reach-media (the window in which the banner is located is provided with a cross, by clicking on which, the user can close reach at any time -media), pop-under (also opens in a separate window, but not above, but under the previous window or web page), top line (covers the entire top of the web page), a banner with the ability to view some objects in detail (after hovering cursor on the image, the picture is enlarged).
Formats of horizontal banners used on the Internet (in pixels): 728x90, 468x60, 234x60, 88x31, 120x90, 120x60.
Also, the banner can be in the form of a vertical rectangle with dimensions of 300:600, 160:600, 120:600, 240:400, 120:240 pixels.
Also, the online banner can be square (250x250, 125x125 pixels) and nearly square (336x280, 300x250, 180x150).
By type, advertising banners are divided into dynamic, static and animated (so-called flash-banners).
How banner ads are created

Media advertising on the Internet is not only an intriguing picture andcatchy text. In order for media promotion to bring the desired result, there is no need to buy advertising space on all portals with high traffic.
In order for each potential buyer (representative of the target audience) to be able to see the banner on the content that they often visit, the participation of a strategic media planner is necessary.
This person knows everything they need to know about online display advertising to get the most out of it. Only he will be able to choose the online platform that is most suitable for an advertising campaign and calculate at what time the banner should appear on the selected sites.
What a specialist should know
A person involved in media planning should have an understanding of the methods of display advertising on the Internet and master such skills as conducting media and marketing research, monitoring advertising, analyzing information about potential consumers, planning an advertising budget.

What is a dynamic banner
Dynamic is a banner consisting of moving pictures and special effects. Not only programmers and designers can be involved in creating dynamic banners. There is also work for copywriters, as dynamic banners often contain richtext - text or graphic blocks with text ads.
Benefits of static banners

Static banners are the mosta simple form of media advertising. They look like a still picture or text.
Static banners are light (small in volume), and therefore take up little space, that is, they do not "slow down" the loading of the web page. And most importantly, even an amateur can create a static banner and place it on the Internet.
Advantages and disadvantages of Flash
Animated banners or flash banners often slow down a website or even the entire browser.
The size of a flash banner depends on the number of images (frames) that follow each other and the designer's imagination. The more frames and special effects, the larger the size of the banner. The Flash banner may contain animated elements that encourage Web users to participate in various interactive games or take a test.

The main disadvantage of flash-banners is that many potential consumers working on the Web deliberately disable their display in the browser settings so as not to slow down its work.
Some advanced users consider the presence of sound to be a serious disadvantage of flash banners. It has been noticed that sound banners act on the majority of visitors to commercial and thematic sites as a source of irritation. Almost all potential buyers, having found a sound banner on a web page, immediately leave the site.
Google AdWords Display Ads
Google is especially active in contextual display advertising resources on the Internet. Who has not encountered Google ad unitsAdWords, he never used the possibilities of the World Wide Web.
Sites, blogs, and news feeds that carry ad units must meet certain Google requirements. The uniqueness of this cooperation is that even “young” projects, which have not yet been filled with content and have just parked the domain, can show the right to display contextual display advertising from Google.
Internal Display Advertising Reserves
An online entrepreneur, using any type of media advertising, gets the opportunity to:
quickly capture the attention of a large number of potential customers and quickly find target consumers;
pay separately for each unique click or impression of an advertising banner (a unique click or impression is considered to be made by the will of the user who saw the advertisement), and not pay for promotion in bulk;
get a tangible return on all sorts of promotions and marketing techniques;
use various types of non-standard advertising: video and dialog banners, retargeting and selective (narrowly targeted) advertising;
make adjustments to the advertising campaign (for example, change the search parameters for potential customers by age, professional and other categories)
What is targeting
The word target is translated from English as "goal". Targeting advertising is called urgent communication of information to a certain (selective) group of people or, in other words, to the target audience.
Creatingadvertising message, a targeting advertising specialist focuses on the interests, tastes and preferences of a certain category of people. The uniqueness of targeting is that the banner is seen only by those consumers who may be interested in the seller's offer.
Targeting is not the only way to deliver advertising information to the target audience. When the user knows exactly what he needs, he enters the name of the product he is interested in in the search bar of the browser. From that moment on, the ad units that are shown to him in the browser match his search query. This type of advertising is called search retargeting.
About the advantages and disadvantages of retargeting
Search retargeting is considered one of the most effective types of advertising. After collecting the information entered by the user in the search box, advertisements corresponding to his request appear not only in the browser, but also on the sites that the user visits subsequently. Moreover, the theme of the site often has nothing to do with the search query.
Retargeting as a way to get information about the preferences of a particular person, is used today by almost all search engines. Search retargeting is often used by entrepreneurs who want to get new customers or promote a new brand. However, this way of developing an online business cannot be called ideal.
A significant drawback of retargeting, according to the developers of display advertising on the Internet, is its importunity and some incorrectness. True, you can'tto say that potential customers are completely indifferent to advertising banners. Links are clicked, but very rarely. The fact is that retargeting links, as a rule, lead not to the page with the product you are looking for, but to the seller's trading platform.