Briefly about how to find out the details of the Qiwi wallet

Briefly about how to find out the details of the Qiwi wallet
Briefly about how to find out the details of the Qiwi wallet

Many computer users one way or another met on the Internet a huge number of stores that accept only virtual currency. Various services help to pay for goods. Each of the existing services has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Only one payment system, Qiwi, has no drawbacks, because having an account in this service, you can pay anywhere, not only on the Internet, but also in real life, you only need to purchase a plastic card of the same name.

People look at products on the Internet
People look at products on the Internet

If you are interested in the question of how to find out the details of the Qiwi wallet, then the article below provides answers to the most common questions from users. It is also worth noting that you can go to the official website of this payment system and ask a consultant a question.

QIWI payment system

Among the wide variety of electronic payment systems, QIWI is one of the mostcommon, reliable and simple online payment systems. Almost all payment terminals use this system.

Accordingly, for the average user, QIWI will be a reliable and affordable tool for making payments and money transfers. Registration in this system is not difficult, you just need to enter your phone number and come up with a password. Then an SMS message with a code will be sent to the phone, which will need to be entered in a special window.

Kiwi Wallet logo
Kiwi Wallet logo

This completes the registration, the Qiwi wallet has been created with reference to a phone number. After that, you can enter the system by entering your login and password, and thus find out the details of the Qiwi wallet.

QIWI wallet account number

So, the Qiwi wallet number is known. But sometimes there are cases when exactly the wallet account number is required. As a rule, such information is located in the transaction history. There is no particular need to open the payment history to find the account number, since it completely copies the phone number.

How to view Qiwi wallet details

What to do in this case? Information on how to find out the details of the Qiwi wallet can be obtained by going to the official website. They will be needed in the event that a bank transfer is required - without them this will not be possible. This is especially true for legal entities that make transactions through QIWI Bank. It is also important to know the details and cardsQiwi wallet.

girl using computer
girl using computer

To see the details of the card, you need to go to the site of the payment system, log in using your login and password, then click on the "send details" link. In just a few seconds, all information on the card will come in an SMS message. In the event that the question of where to find the details of the Qiwi wallet has not been resolved, you can submit a request with a description of the problem to technical support.

Change QIWI wallet number

It happens that the phone number is lost, the SIM card fails, or the user wants to change the number for some reason - all sorts of situations happen. In this case, you have to think about changing the account number of the Qiwi wallet. This can be done through the QIWI certification center. To do this, go to the official website, write an application and attach a scan of your passport.

You can go a simpler way. You just need to open a new account linked to a new phone number. The balance from the old account is transferred to the new one, but this option is relevant for users who have a valid old phone number.

girl shopping online
girl shopping online

The following are a few easy steps to register with QIWI.

  1. You need to drive the word qiwi into the search bar. Click on the first link on the search engine page.
  2. On the site that opens, there will be a link "create a wallet" in the center. You need to click on it with the mouse, the registration page will open. Then you need to hitphone number in the appropriate box and enter the "captcha". Agree with the public offer and click on the "Register" link.
  3. The next step - the system will prompt you to come up with a password. It should be moderately complex, consisting of Latin letters and numbers, the number of characters should be at least 8. There will be two windows for entering the password, upper and lower. It must be entered in the same way in both boxes. The system will then ask you to expire the password. This is necessary for security. Any term can be set, but usually 1 year is indicated.
  4. The last step - you need to enter a special code that will come in an SMS message, and click on the "Confirm" link. That's all registration in the QIWI payment system.

In conclusion

After reading this article on how to find out the details of the Qiwi wallet, anyone will be able to solve all their problems related to this issue. It is worth noting that if for some reason these methods do not work for you, then you need to contact QIWI support. Also, do not forget that the Qiwi wallet card is issued for a certain period of time, after which it must be purchased again.