Recently, the World Wide Web has become a place of employment for many users who earn money by filling websites with content, promoting blogs and creating channels on YouTube, a service that provides video hosting services. The most popular YouTube channel earns money from contextual advertising, affiliate programs, subscribers and number of views. As a favorite site for video bloggers, YouTube provides the opportunity to earn fabulous amounts on original videos that are of interest to the general population.
Talented users, of course, did not stand aside and created channels of various subjects and directions, which became known and brought considerable income to the creators.
We present to your attention the top five popular bloggers - YouTube video hosting stars.

Natalie Tren
Natalie Tren is the mosta well-known blogger who broadcasts his shows from Australia under the nickname communitychannel opens the "Most Popular Channels on YouTube" rating. By regularly uploading comedy sketches, she earns from 100 thousand dollars a year. Her magnificent facial expressions, acting skills, wonderful sense of humor are appreciated by millions of viewers around the world and attract more and more subscribers to her channel. Natalie Tran's sketches reach 140 million views.
Lukas Cruikshank
Another most popular YouTube channel is Lukas Kruikshank's video show, which, using his mother's video camera, uploads humorous videos in which he plays the role of the lonely six-year-old Fred, speaking in the appropriate voice. Lucas' talent and genius idea inspired the film The Fred Show, which was broadcast and sponsored by Nickelodeon. The comedy series shows the adventures of a 16-year-old teenager who constantly finds himself in ridiculous situations and scrapes. Lucas Cruikshank, being a young blogger in the USA, earns more than 140 thousand dollars a year from his channel. The number of views of his videos reaches two hundred million viewers.
Max and + 100 500
As for Russian video bloggers, they also keep up with popular foreign YouTubers. The most popular YouTube channel in Russia is Max's humorous entertainment show using a tiger print bedspread as decoration.

Russian-language channel with slipping obscene expressions, however, is knownyouth - Max's subscriber base reaches a record million figure, and the number of views of his non-standard videos exceeds 600 million! The author and presenter of videos earns by commenting and ridiculing funny videos that abound on the Internet. The amount of his income is not disclosed, but according to approximate data, it varies from 10 to 30 thousand dollars a month.
Roma Acorn
The infamous youngest blogger on the Runet, 18-year-old Roma Acorn, and his YouTube channel RomaAcorn are wildly popular with teenage audiences. On the Internet, he is often referred to as the "Russian Justin Bieber". The Acorn Show is basically excerpts from his life and travels in the web show genre. The number of views of his videos has exceeded 80 million, the number of subscribers reaches 700 thousand.

The wide popularity of Roma is also explained by his attractive appearance, although success brings a lot of problems to the young man - Acorn was beaten more than once, and was also called a representative of non-traditional orientation. Roma Acorn's income is currently more than one thousand dollars a month.
Drug addict Pavlik
The no less popular channel of Pavel Radontsev from Samara completes the Best YouTube Channels category. Pavlik Narkoman's videos describe funny stories from the life of young people, including sketches about drug use with the use of profanity. Despite the rather flat humor and the nasal voice of the protagonist, the channel boasts millions of views and an army of subscribers.
The most popular channel on YouTube is not only comedy sketches, but also educational videos about various areas of life. They also reach millions of views, and their authors earn decent money.