How to remove T9 on an iPhone and why is it needed?

How to remove T9 on an iPhone and why is it needed?
How to remove T9 on an iPhone and why is it needed?

The age of progress sometimes plays a cruel joke with ordinary people. Things that were once considered science fiction and were incomprehensible, suddenly turned into a boring routine, sometimes even annoying. This article will focus on auto-correction on the iPhone. And also about how to remove T9 on an iPhone. However, first you need to figure it out.

What is T9

how to disable t9 on iphone
how to disable t9 on iphone

Before turning something off, you need to understand what it is and why. We are talking about a special T9 dictionary for mobile devices. By the way, this miracle of engineering was invented even before the appearance of the first smartphone from Apple. And it was considered quite a progressive and useful technology. However, someone still thinks so.

So, T9 is a system that predicts which keys you will press when sending a message. Sometimes the system works falsely, and this causes various incidents. However, it can be useful.

How it works

how to disable t9 on iphone 5s
how to disable t9 on iphone 5s

Before answering the question of how to remove T9 on an iPhone, let's try to understand how this system works. This built-in program is a dictionary consisting of preloaded words. In addition, it is possible to add new words to it,just repeating the text. T9 allows you not to press the same keys at the same time, but to use only nine. That's where the name comes from. The more often you use any words, the more often T9 will prompt you to write them.

Thanks to this feature, funny incidents sometimes happen, many of which are captured on social networks.

Pros and cons

One of the positive features of this system is that it sometimes helps to send a short and competent message to the interlocutor. This is convenient, for example, at a time when the user is very busy with something and he does not want to divert all attention to his mobile device. For example, while eating or at school. However, there are a lot of such situations.

Of the minuses - T9 sometimes distorts texts so much that you then have to get out in front of the interlocutor or, at best, retype everything. However, the function is definitely quite useful. But not always.

How to remove T9 on iPhone

Actually, the question itself is slightly wrong. The iPhone doesn't have a keyboard, but rather a large touch screen. Accordingly, this function is called auto-correction.

Still, people are asking questions about, for example, how to remove T9 on an iPhone 5s. There is an answer. You need to do some minor manipulations, namely: go to the settings item, then select the "Basic" sub-item and go to the keyboard section. It remains only to remove the "Autocorrect" fad. And that's it. Issue resolved.

How to remove T9 on iPhone 6 and later models? The principle is completely the same, you should do the samethe very actions, and you will save yourself from ridiculous situations when you send nonsense to your interlocutor instead of perfectly reasonable thoughts. After all, the operating systems for both devices are similar, so this will work on almost any relatively new Iphone models.


how to remove t9 on iphone 6
how to remove t9 on iphone 6

So, we got acquainted with the wonderful auto-correct function, which is sometimes useful. But more often it interferes with users who are already accustomed to typing quickly and do not want technology to help them in their work. In addition, we answered a very popular question about how to remove T9 on iPhone.
