What is a Google account and how do I create one? Features of Google

What is a Google account and how do I create one? Features of Google
What is a Google account and how do I create one? Features of Google

It's hard to imagine a modern Internet user who doesn't have dozens of different accounts. Data storage and management is carried out using special accounts. They are required for mail, instant messengers, social networks and a host of other services. One of the most functional and useful accounts can be a Google account.

What is a Google account
What is a Google account

What is a Google account?

A Google account, like any other, is your personal page. It stores your metadata, social profile information, and online content that you choose to keep. The account allows you to make purchases on the Web, search for various information, and so on. The extent of this list depends solely on what services and opportunities are provided by the company with which you have registered. One of the most useful and necessary is a Google account. The company, known throughout the world thanks to its search engine, today offers a huge range of services andowns a lot of interesting services. To access them, you just need to sign in to your Google account. Let's talk about this in more detail.

How do I create a Google account?

In order to create a Google account, you need to visit one of the company's services and find the "Login" button there. Using it, you will be able to go through the registration process. This procedure will not take much time. It consists of filling out one registration form:

  1. First and last name.
  2. User nickname (login).
  3. Password.
  4. Date of birth.
  5. Mobile phone. It is essential for protection and recovery.
  6. Alternate email address (if available).
  7. Captcha. You must enter a code that will confirm that you are not a robot.
  8. And don't forget to check the box to confirm that you have read the terms of use and agree to the company's policies.
Google account login
Google account login

Name and surname can be anything. It doesn't have to be true data. The login will also become your email address (more on that later). The password will be used to log in permanently. So remember it. The mobile phone must be a real one, as Google may require verification, as well as restore a deleted Google account. You should also include an additional email address. It doesn't have to be a Google box. Account registration completed. There should be no problems with the rest of the items.

Features and supported services

When asked what a Google account is, users refer to many different services. After all, the company has so many of them that it is impossible to count. Everyone will find at least one reason for themselves to create such an account. After all, this is not only one of the most popular mail services in the world, but also a huge database of videos, an Android application store and many other useful services. Choose for yourself what it would be worth creating a Google account for.

Create a Google account
Create a Google account


Surely each of you noticed email addresses ending in @gmail.com. The service is assigned to Google. It is one of the most popular in the world. The postal address will be created automatically exactly when registration is made on any of the Google services. Yes, even if you have registered on YouTube, you will still receive a box from Google. Mail supports push notifications on mobile devices, read receipts, the ability to bounce sent email, and a host of third-party email clients.

YouTube and Music

Google is inextricably linked to the huge base of media content on the Web. The well-known YouTube service is owned by Google. And for full-fledged work requires the presence of their account. A Google account allows you to save videos, build a personal feed based on views, and post your own videos.

Another lesser known but no less important service is Google Play Music, a gigantic database of legal tracks (more than thirty million) availablefor broadcasting for only 189 rubles per month. An account is required to run the service and upload your collection. You need to pay to create collections, save music to your personal library and offline. Accrual is made by means of Google Wallet. This is a credit card payment and management system.

Google play account
Google play account

Google Play and Android

The Play Market app store, well known to all Android users, also requires you to have an account. A Google Play account lets you manage, archive, and sync data on your smartphone or Chromebook across multiple devices. Moreover, the user has access to a huge collection of software for operating systems. All those applications that you see on devices are distributed through the Google Play Market. Just like with music, apps can be purchased using Google Wallet.

Organizer, storage and cards

Among the services there are also smaller, but useful ones. For example, a calendar. If you want to be in control of your schedule and have access to it on any platform, then a Google account is just for you. Reminders and notes are also synced with the account. Google Keep is responsible for these features.

Google Drive is used to store important information and files - a wonderful "cloud" hard drive. It is able to replace any other similar service. Google has not bypassed photo albums either. Your memories will be under guardcloud storage. So, when asked what a Google account is, you can safely say that this is your personal archive and virtual hard drive.

Another popular service is maps. They are used literally all over the world. The company has a massive global database, satellite imagery, traffic information, and more. All this is available without a Google account. But having an account will allow you to get more relevant information (nearby cafes, gas stations, etc.) and save important places.

Deleted Google Account
Deleted Google Account


Among all the named and unnamed services, one more was lost - the social network "Google+". Quite an interesting project at first glance. But he did not find popularity with a large audience, as he simply could not compete with Facebook and Twitter. Google+ is not only a social profile, but also a universal sign-in tool. Just like Facebook, which is often used instead of registration, this account can also be used.

Google Now

At a certain moment, when the active growth of the Android operating system began, Google engineers, following the example of Apple, created their own voice assistant. It's called Google Now. This is a special service. It is able to provide the user with the most useful and relevant information. Your Google account collects information about you through various services. It's about the music you listen to, the places you go to, your favorite movies, foods, websites, football teams.

Based on thesedata, a profile is created for you. And Google Now uses it to suggest: when your favorite band's new album came out, how much movie tickets cost, what score the club you support played with, and so on. All this information is encrypted. It is not available to third party users. If you don't like this approach, you can always delete your account. Recovering a deleted Google account is almost impossible. Keep that in mind.

Google account registration
Google account registration


As you can see, it is not at all easy to answer the question asked at the beginning of the article. What is a Google account? This is a whole world of services and products that reveal the Internet in all its glory, simplifying interaction with it, making it friendlier. A Google account today is more of a necessity than just an opportunity. Having gone online once, you will definitely stumble upon one of the company's products that you will like. What can we say about Android, whose operation is impossible if a Google Play account was not used to sign in.
