Abroad: how to disable roaming on Beeline

Abroad: how to disable roaming on Beeline
Abroad: how to disable roaming on Beeline

We live in the era of world globalization, which means that wherever we go, in whatever country we find ourselves, everywhere we can find things that are familiar to us. Therefore, for a long time no one has been surprised by vacation trips to Egypt, Turkey, European countries, and the USA. And there is no need to talk about such a trifle as traveling around the countries of the post-Soviet space - at present it is no more difficult than going to a neighboring region.

how to disable roaming on beeline
how to disable roaming on beeline

Moreover, wherever we go, wherever we are on the planet, it will be possible to keep in touch with our friends, relatives, acquaintances and colleagues thanks to mobile communications and the Internet.

If everything is more or less clear with the Internet - connected to some provider and use it to your he alth, then many people still have a lot of questions about mobile communications and roaming, for example, about how to turn off roaming on Beeline.

Roaming (inin this case - international) - the use of mobile communications outside the zone of one's "home" mobile network using the "guest" one. For example, you went to Italy. It is clear that the Beeline operator is not there and cannot be, but there are some of their own, Italian mobile operators, using the resources of which you can call home or from home they can reach you - convenient and easy. The only negative: with such use of other people's resources, of course, you will have to pay for them. And you have to pay your operator - for connecting with the house. It turns out that the price is double? No, the price is not double.

how to disable roaming beeline
how to disable roaming beeline

It is triple at best, because when the "guest" network provides you with its services, there is an additional problem with the temporary registration of your phone. Don't worry, everything happens automatically, you don't have to do anything, but, nevertheless, other people's resources are used, you have to pay for them. If your calls are paid by your own company or a phone call is extremely important, then the increased costs are quite justified, otherwise it will be useful for you to learn how to disable roaming on Beeline.

The easiest way is to wait until the level of money in your account reaches a critical minimum, after which roaming will be disabled automatically. On Beeline, this “threshold” is 300 rubles.

beeline how to disable roaming
beeline how to disable roaming

As for subscribers on a contract basis, they have no other option but to disable Beeline roaming manually. Everything is clear here. One option is to call and ask the Beeline operator how to disable roaming. To which the operator will answer that you need to leave an application, which will be considered and accepted after a while. This usually happens within a couple of hours, but can take up to a day.

Another option for all subscribers is to go to the "Personal Account" on the official website of the operator and there already find out how to turn off roaming on Beeline. By the way, from the Personal Account you can manage all the services of the operator in general, order or disable any of them.

And finally - a banal advice. If you still can't figure out how to turn off Beeline roaming, you can always just turn off your phone. Rude and stupid, but your money will be safe.