How to enable roaming on Beeline? Connect roaming in Russia ("Beeline"): tips, cost

How to enable roaming on Beeline? Connect roaming in Russia ("Beeline"): tips, cost
How to enable roaming on Beeline? Connect roaming in Russia ("Beeline"): tips, cost

We are used to the fact that, moving from one area to another, we just continue to use mobile services without noticing any changes. At the same time, in fact, our devices are constantly connected to different networks that provide mobile coverage in the area where we are. Due to this, the cost of services, as well as their provider, is constantly changing. This led to the fact that such a thing as "roaming" appeared.

What is roaming?

how to enable roaming on Beeline
how to enable roaming on Beeline

This concept in itself means the provision of mobile communication services to a subscriber at a time when he is outside the coverage area of the so-called home network - the coverage in which he is registered. Each of the operators has a number of agreements with other service providers, due to which the latter are provided on different terms. Depending on how much this or that service will cost for the provider company, the subscriber will have to pay. Everything directly depends on the conditions under which the operators cooperate with each other.

What is roaming like?

In general, the term "roaming" means international communication - communication withpeople who have left Russia and call, for example, from a mobile network of an American, European or other operator. However, in our country this concept also characterizes the connection between regions. This is due to the large territory of the country, and hence the distance over which mobile communications are widespread. In regions where, for example, there is no Beeline coverage area, subscribers are serviced by a partner network, due to which the cost of services increases.

Beeline roaming tariffs
Beeline roaming tariffs

Moreover, roaming may be due to some specifics of the territory where the subscriber is located. For example, again, the Beeline network has Krymsky roaming. The availability of this option is due to the fact that on the peninsula, subscribers are serviced by their own, local operators.

Roaming from Beeline

Beeline roaming abroad
Beeline roaming abroad

In this article, we will discuss the conditions for profitable roaming from one of the domestic mobile operators - Beeline. You can connect roaming in Russia with him on the most favorable terms. We will talk about what they provide for and how much communication services from this operator will ultimately cost the subscriber in this article. Also, as regards the international service of subscribers who have left the country, we will consider further in the text. Thus, a general analysis and a brief description of the plans valid for subscribers of this company will be carried out. And let's start with the Russian tariffs introduced by Beeline. Roaming in Russia, by the way, is much easier and cheaper thaninternational.

My Country

The first tariff that I would like to pay attention to is a package that provides for a single cost of outgoing calls to any number in the amount of 3 rubles per minute; and incoming - 3 rubles for the first and 0 - for all subsequent minutes of the conversation. The cost of SMS messages to any region of the country is set at 3 rubles.

easy roaming "Beeline"
easy roaming "Beeline"

In order to switch to the tariff, you need to pay another 25 rubles (one-time, when connecting the service). To activate the service, you must enter the command 1100021. The tariff is turned off in the same way, but instead of the last four digits, you must enter 0020.

This option is the basic and easiest for calls to numbers in Russia, which is offered by Beeline. Roaming within Russia on other tariff plans has some features, which we will discuss below.

My Intercity

The next interesting package provides for a minimum subscription fee (at the level of 1 ruble for each day of action) if the user is ready to make an advance payment for the cost of the service. If the subscriber is served on the so-called postpaid basis (pays after using traffic, minutes, etc.), then the price is 30 rubles per month.

"Beeline" to connect roaming in Russia
"Beeline" to connect roaming in Russia

This tariff differs from the previous one in that the cost of calls to numbers in other regions is 2.5 rubles per minute of conversation. At the same time, the cost of one SMS message is lower here: it is 1.5 rubles. For those who are looking for how to enable roaming on Beeline for calls throughout the country, the instructions are posted on the official website: you need to pay a one-time fee of 25 rubles, then call 06741. To disable the option, dial 06740.

Roaming around the world

Beeline roaming in Russia
Beeline roaming in Russia

Above were given the tariffs (roaming) in force in Beeline, the territory of which is the Russian Federation. If we talk about trips abroad, then in this case the conditions are much more complicated, and the cost of services is higher. It is very easy to verify this. Here are three tariffs that are relevant at the time of writing, which will let you feel the difference between the services. We will also describe how to enable roaming on Beeline for communication in other countries. This is easy to do - it is much more difficult to decide which package of services suits you best.

The most profitable Internet in roaming

So, the first tariff that I would like to describe is called: "The most profitable Internet in roaming." As you might guess, it is aimed at the consumer of Internet traffic.

According to the terms of the package, in the most popular countries (Europe, the CIS and some others, a list of them is on the operator's website, it includes the USA, Canada, Turkey, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, and so on) the cost of the provided traffic (40 megabyte per day) equals 200 rubles per day. At the same time, each additional megabyte of data is paid according to the same ratio - 5 rubles each.

If the subscriber travels to another country (where Beeline international roaming isthe specified tariff plan is not valid), the cost of 1 megabyte of data will be equal to 90 rubles.

international roaming "Beeline"
international roaming "Beeline"

In fact, a dedicated 40 MB traffic package is not enough for everything that a subscriber might want to use, but social networks, mail browsing and some minimal needs like reading books online or getting to know the news should be enough.

Because the package is Internet oriented, it does not provide any bonus minutes for calls, SMS messages or anything else. It can be assumed that it was prepared specifically to work with a tablet computer.

My Planet

This is another tariff plan introduced by Beeline. Roaming abroad for users under this package provides for both special prices for minutes for calls and "bonus" SMS messages for 9 rubles.

As for calls, incoming calls will cost 15 rubles per minute, and outgoing calls will cost 25 rubles if the subscriber is located on the territory of the states listed in a special list. If a person went to another state, incoming calls for him will cost 19 rubles, and outgoing ones - 49.

How to enable roaming on Beeline under the terms of this tariff plan is noted on the official website. To do this, you just need to dial a combination of numbers 1100071. As for the refusal of the service, instead of 0071 you just need to enter 0070 - the rest of the combination will be the same.

Planet Zero

The latest tariff plan with whicheasy roaming is provided, "Beeline" called "Planet Zero". To be honest, this name is played by a marketing ploy aimed at suggesting to the subscriber the availability of services at this tariff. In particular, this concerns the absence of fees for incoming calls. However, this should not be too happy.

When you start looking for how to enable roaming on Beeline according to this plan, you will understand that not everything is as beautiful and profitable as the operator tried to submit. According to the terms of use, the subscriber must pay 60 rubles for each day of using the tariff. At the same time, incoming calls are really free - but only from the 1st to the 20th minute of the call. Then the fee begins to be charged in the amount of 10 rubles per minute.

As for outgoing calls, their cost is 20 rubles per minute, provided that the subscriber is located in one of the "countries from the list". If the user is located on the territory of another state, the cost of services will increase to 100 rubles per day of the subscription fee and 15 rubles. - for incoming calls from 21 minutes, as well as 45 rubles - for every minute of outgoing calls.

To activate the service, you need to enter the command 110331. True, you should not rush into this - it’s better to go to the Beeline website (“Tariffs”, “Roaming” - in these sections) and read all the information regarding certain plans yourself. This will allow you to once again identify the features of certain packages, figure out what the operator offers for the amount indicated in the conditions and, finally, make an independent decision.

We also recommend viewing information aboutadditional options, for example, the ability to purchase additional Internet traffic in case the limit of your main plan is exhausted; or find out how much it will cost to increase the package of minutes for calls outside the country where you are.
