How much does YouTube pay for video views?

How much does YouTube pay for video views?
How much does YouTube pay for video views?

The Internet is becoming more and more embedded in people's lives, and with the rapidly growing popularity of various video hosting services (YouTube is undoubtedly the leader among them), many users are worried about how much money can be made on YouTube.

How to earn money

Despite the ease of use of this video hosting, you can make money on YouTube only if you follow a certain sequence of actions and if you know the functioning of some resource tools. It’s not enough to simply shoot a video, post it online and expect sums with lots of zeros. Information should attract visitors and, accordingly, advertisers who are looking for prospective buyers of their goods or services.

how much do youtube pay per view
how much do youtube pay per view

Number of users

The answer to the question of how much YouTube pays per view depends on a number of important factors. The first one is the number of visitors. The more users watch the video, the more the author can earn from it. To define this tool, there are such concepts as likes and dislikes. First optionthe user puts if he liked the video, and the second - if not.

It is important to take into account the fact that the percentage of positive and negative reviews is not so important. The main one is the total indicator of visitors to a particular account. Even if the video has received a lot of dislikes, these reviews hide real people who have watched the video. At the same time, it is also important to host not a single work, but several that will attract visitors.

how much do youtube views cost
how much do youtube views cost

Regularity and consistency

Another important point regarding how much YouTube pays for views is the regularity of uploading videos to the resource. One popular video is, of course, good, but you can get more profit only if you systematically provide information to the hosting. By working in this way, you can attract regular viewers who will subscribe to the user's channel. This audience will gradually lead others and so on.

It is the regular replenishment of video hosting that acts as an indirect answer to the question: "How much does it cost?" Views on YouTube are an important factor here, it is for them that the account owner receives his profit.

Where to start

Before you figure out how much YouTube pays for views, you need to go through some steps. The first is to have your own channel where you can publish your work. Creating an account is quite simple, you just need to followresource guidelines.

how much do youtube views cost
how much do youtube views cost

The second point is the formation of the audience. Here it is important to find a large number of subscribers, who will then attract their visitors, and those - their own, etc. To do this, you can make some advertising, as well as post information about the channel on a blog, on social networking pages, etc. A good option is to subscribe to the updates of other users, who often perform the same procedure in response as a thank you.

Possible income

If you have the above points, you can think about earning. The answer to the question of how much YouTube pays for views depends on a number of indicators. The main thing is to find an advertiser who will place his commercial information next to the video. If the account owner has thousands of views, then he has nothing to worry about: advertisers will find him and offer a good price for the services. If the videos are not very popular yet, then you will have to look for a commercial partner yourself. Finding an advertiser is not as difficult as it seems. To do this, you only need to publish your statement on a blog, social networking page, on your own website, forums, etc.

how much can you earn on youtube
how much can you earn on youtube

Determining the exact amount of earnings on the resource is very difficult, since each advertisement is valued differently. One click can be valued in the range from a few cents to a dollar or more. For example, the transition to the page of the advertised service is 50 cents. Half of thisthe amount is taken by the service, and the second is received by the account owner. So, earnings will look like this:

  • 100 clicks - $25;
  • 1000 clicks - $250;
  • 10,000 clicks - $2,500.

Accordingly, the more videos and the higher the account traffic, the greater the hosting user's income.

YouTube is a good place to make money online. With a good video, enough views and advertisers, you can get a good percentage of commercial information.