Website development technologies: overview and new trends

Website development technologies: overview and new trends
Website development technologies: overview and new trends

The Internet has already become such a common necessity and has acquired features of public accessibility that the process of its development has gone beyond the limits of understanding and control, subject to even the most qualified specialist.

The "competent" has dramatically outnumbered the skilled, in information technology, website building, tool development, and everything else seems to have evolved on their own when looking at the big picture.

Website development technologies
Website development technologies

Stochastic processes

When quantity turns into quality of its own accord, the result of the work of a recognized and experienced specialist is not always better than the work of a beginner. A specialist sees objects, processes and their properties through the spectrum of accumulated knowledge and cannot allow anything that does not comply with established rules and current standards.

Web site creation technology
Web site creation technology

A beginner sees everything, he has no filters, no complexes and knowledge that says how not to do it. There are usually many beginners, and the vast majority are wrong, but there will always be one or the other who will do something worthwhile that will attract the attention of even recognized specialists.

When any sphere of public relations is formed, and the Internet is just such a case, the recognized trendsetter is the crowd. The best evidence of this is the diversity of browsers, the wide range of opinions, the many births and deaths of languages and tools.

The sphere is in the stage of active formation, but it is already possible to distinguish formed information technologies in it, the creation of sites has acquired an “industrial” look and scale.

Qualifying aspect

Create a site can not only a student, but also a schoolboy. The effect is zero, but such a technology for creating websites really exists, is in demand and does not plan to leave its niche. The result of this technology is by no means websites, but a growing stream of their consumers (customers, owners).

Internet site creation technology
Internet site creation technology

What to do, not everyone and not always have to start from a decent level, some are destined to start the journey with a good portion of negative emotions. But after all, not always a poor student is worse than an excellent student. Another underachieving student in real life will bypass a dozen excellent students without straining too much, on the simple basis that at school he spent more time and energy to achieve a result, but no one noticed or appreciated it.

A customer who respects himself and his business carefully chooses a developer, but rather a groupdevelopers and has been talking for a long time about how complete and promising their ideas about functionality are, how professional their actions are and how good the tools they use.

A very important aspect is the stability of the development team, not skill, but real well-coordinated teamwork and the complete absence of any distractions in the process of work and beyond. This is an ideal requirement, but one to strive for.

A high-quality and full-featured Internet resource is, first of all, the owner [author|idea] + a qualified team, and not a set of beautifully interconnected pages, not outsourcing on the road or corporate.

Technological Highlights

Modern information technologies are usually classified as high technologies, which raises serious doubts. It is better not to talk about the achievements of natural intelligence in the field of information, this is not the construction of ocean or air liners and not flights into space, where there is tremendous experience and everything can be calculated.

Information technology website development
Information technology website development

Attempts to announce the creation of a new technology for creating sites have not been taken seriously for a very long time. The world of Internet tools has long decided on what to work with and how to do it. Qualified specialists have made sure that after each new brilliant victory in the field of information and information systems, the effect fades vertically and instantly, that is, there is no any decent decay function stretched over a period of time that can be noticed.naked eye.

Main website development technologies:

  • handmade (MS - myself);
  • use content management systems (CMS).

Both options combine the use of some server language and the language of the browser, AJAX or a custom-made version of the exchange of information between the client (browser) and the server acts as a link.

The result of any technology will be an HTML page, a set of CSS rules and JavaScript scripts. There may be other files depending on the application.

Classical programming languages

Every programming language has its own fate, but in recent years, in order to survive, all of them have been forced to adapt to the Internet and offer developers mechanisms for creating sites in their own environment.

How convenient, efficient and viable it is - a matter of time, but in any case, the technology of creating websites using C ++, Delphi (Pascal), C(C sharp), … leads to a working result.

New technologies for creating websites
New technologies for creating websites

The use of classical tools has an undoubted effect in terms of access to computer resources and system libraries in a natural, long-established and reliable way, but it is also true that there are and will still be gaps in terms of working in a distributed information environment.

An important point of technologies based on such programming languages is real-time device control, direct access to machine code, to control both the computer andoperating system without the participation of the latter. In some applications, this is a very important aspect, and not every modern programming tool can compare here with C++ or C.

New tools

The world of Internet technologies is developing so rapidly that many new programming languages have become familiar, reliable and fully functional so quickly that the word "new" is applicable to them with certain reservations.

PHP, Perl, Java, JavaScript and many other tools are no longer categorized as "new", but still this is a radically different approach, and the beginning of these languages lies in a completely different section, they were originally created as a means for Internet programming, it was they who formed the main technologies for creating websites.

HTML website creation technology
HTML website creation technology

In such tools, on the contrary, the technology of creating an Internet site formed the basis, and access to databases, special servers, external devices, etc. appeared later, that is, what was in programming at the very beginning, appears here at the very end.

However, the very fact that new tools are successfully developing both forward and backward is evidence of their vitality above all. Here is the site creation technology: "HTML + CSS > [iN] > WWW", where [iN] is PHP, Perl, Java … In other words, the new tools include hypertext standards as a basis and allow you to make a correct WWW resource.

Databases and relational relationships

Spreadsheets (user level) and relational databases (developer level) should be given credit for their tremendous contribution to the development of information technology and the improvement of the consciousness of the mass consumer of information.

Initially, the Internet "could not" have access to regular databases located in regular networks, some gadgets were required. However, this did not become a particular problem, since ideas to create new databases based on past experience were in demand, justified and paid for.

MySQL and similar databases complemented PHP, Perl and other HTML page creation tools nicely. But the relational relationships persisted, and the SQL query language simply expanded into a host of new dialects. Nothing has really changed.

If we take into account that the ideas of object-oriented programming (OOP) semantically went not in the direction of the user of information, but moved towards the developer of sites and information systems, then we can understand why databases do not want to change their orientation from relational to natural.

Information and databases

The mentality of the developer and user defines the database as a kind of informational entity, but it cannot break out of relational relations. Even the newly minted Doctrine, declaring new ideas, is based on classical ideas.

Technologies for creating website promotion
Technologies for creating website promotion

Information cannot be sorted out. It's always dynamic. Libraries of books were yesterday, but today digital libraries- it's the same yesterday. The logic of storing information on the shelves makes sense only until the moment everything is laid out, and then everything changes. Information is, first of all, dynamics, in whatever area it is considered.

Database examples

Employee database. Over time, not only their number and data (content) for each change, but also the structure of the necessary information. The manager can easily enter a criterion for evaluating the work of an employee, define general responsibilities, or cancel one or another aspect of the employment relationship.

Movie database. Everything was fine until the moment when it was created, filled and accumulated potential users, but it is not enough for users to search for films by titles, actors, release date of the film. It is quite natural and understandable that the consumer of information wants to find a film by the phrase it says, the description of a frame or a scene.

Technology of creating websites using google
Technology of creating websites using google

Digital libraries are a separate topic, transferring the logic of an ordinary real library to the Internet costs a little. It's just work, albeit in demand. But the consumer needs an adequate search not only by authors, titles and keywords. A consumer, for example, while working on a diploma, may want to automatically pull up current work, and not search for it himself.

Temporal aspect

The temporal aspect seems to be extremely significant in all respects. Search engines practically do not attach any importance to this, but it is very important in search results to have an idea of howinformation received is outdated.

Analyzing the above in the context of OOP, it is easy to notice a qualitatively new version of database development. Assuming that the objects themselves can be stored in the database and restored from it in the current state. Assuming that today's object is not yesterday's object, therefore, the database will work simply as a memory of objects, and objects will evolve according to their essence.

In this context, OOP is changing the face of databases, and relational relationships are becoming history.

New website development technologies

The variations of OOP in modern programming languages as dialects of natural language, and more often as different natural languages, are only similar in terms of scope, but practically equivalent in terms of development.

Recognizing that relational databases have reached their apogee and are improving in the speed and efficiency of relational relationships, which is undoubtedly very good, it can be assumed that the current situation is preparing for a radical transformation.

First of all, everyone is used to the fact that the site is a representation of the owner of the resource, implemented by the developer. But why is there no consumer of information in this circuit? The opinion of the owner and the developer's considerations alone is not enough to fully satisfy the interests of the consumer. If two people are almost always two opinions on any issue, then why in a person-site relationship only the last one has an opinion?

Relational views and databases cannotjust to leave the stage, first of all, they must be transformed into a new format. This will probably be reminiscent of how C/C++, being written in itself, was originally written in assembler. Perhaps, but the fact that the database is moving towards formalization of information with all its tables indicates that in the end this formalization will create basic ideas about how to move from relational relations determined by the database management system to relations determined by the content. database tables.

Modern website

All popular technologies for creating websites are worthy of attention, not equivalent, but will lead to results. What is important is not so much technology as a qualified developer, but rather a team of them.

basic website development technologies
basic website development technologies

Only a developer and his experience will be able to evaluate the task, determine the necessary functionality and provide the site with a long, safe and developing life. A modern site is not a set of pages at all, it is a real working team of developers. It does not necessarily accompany one site, but in any case, the site lives as long as there is someone to take care of it.

The presence of an Internet resource almost always requires the use of technology to create website promotion. Often creating a website is not enough, you need to form a plan for its promotion. As a rule, the lion's share of new sites is similar to existing ones: these are shops (equivalent products), search engines (search algorithms, judging by the results, from one server), application sites (application areas are all known) andex.

Creating a new site requires creating a plan for its performance against the background of others like it, first of all. Google's website technology will provide the new site with the right features and tools in the Google environment, but it's not the only environment. Yandex, Rambler, Yahoo have no less clientele.

The plan for promoting everything new should take into account all the components of the Internet space. Starting with the technology underlying the creation of the site, through the plan for applying technologies for its promotion.

Currently, the Internet space is going through a stage of active formation, but it works and gives everyone a chance to achieve what they want.
