What is a trademark

What is a trademark
What is a trademark

Each product or service has its own trademark, the choice of which requires professional skills and craftsmanship.


Because the relevance and success of an advertising campaign for a particular type of product directly depends on this. A properly designed trademark successfully attracts the attention of buyers, for which it simply needs to distinguish the product from the mass of similar ones.

Development of a corporate identity and choice of a sonorous name are the main prerequisites for creating a spectacular logo, and subsequently a symbol, which is a trademark. In addition, various combinations of letters, numbers, and symbols are perfect for this role, which can add up to bizarre and meaningful figures for the product. However, a brand name should not be made up of many primary and secondary elements as it will be difficult to depict on products and promotional items.

So what is a trademark? This is the personification of the corporate slogan, a reflection of the legend from which the name originated, the expression of emerging emotions and associations. This symbol should evoke positive emotions.

Patent a trademarksign
Patent a trademarksign

Creating a trademark is a labor-intensive process, as it requires a lot of imagination and effort to produce an original and memorable logo. Therefore, this process should be carried out by an educated specialist of this profile, since this designation is a means of individualizing the product offered or the services performed.

Both an individual and a legal entity can patent a trademark. For example, to register a commercial enterprise, it is necessary to have a designation that distinguishes it from others. Most companies do the following: they create a trademark that is both a company name and a service mark. However, it is at this stage that care must be taken to ensure that your company name retains its protection for the role of a logo. A trademark is a rather specific product, the value of which increases as the company grows and asserts itself, as well as the popularization of its products.

However, one should not have rosy illusions. A trademark is more than just an eye-catching picture on a billboard. This is a bright individuality, expressed in one designation, which literally cuts into memory. This is the personification of apparent simplicity, behind which lies a deep meaning, but by no means primitive.

What is a trademark
What is a trademark

A trademark should be easy to read and recognize by consumers of different age and social levels, be close to them and maximizeunderstandable. This will make the logo stand out well. In developing this representative symbol, in addition to the semantic meaning of the company name, it is necessary to take into account the cultural customs of the country in whose territory the trademark is registered, as well as the psychological perception of the people living there. This is almost a must, as what is acceptable in one corner of the world may be highly unacceptable in another.