In order to have prosperity in life, you must choose the right way to receive additional income. Sometimes one right step can change your whole life. An alternative to improve the financial situation is to invest in "Elevrus". To implement the main idea of the international community "Elevrus" (the rating of its managers will be discussed below), the participants are making common efforts.
How to become a community member

"Elevrus" is an international project, the rating of its managers is determined by the activity of the participants. In order to become a member of the community, you need to register on the site and make a personal contribution. It is the size of such a contribution that determines the support program from the Mutual Aid Fund of this community. Each member of the community has the right to invite other members to the team. After a new member of the community makes his contribution, the person who invited him receives the support of 8% of the total amount of the contributionnew member.
In the event that a member of the community invited a newcomer, but did not have time to make a contribution, funds in the form of support in the amount of 8% are accrued and displayed in the member's personal account. As soon as the first contribution is made, the money is automatically credited to the community member. All community members can contribute funds multiple times. Each such contribution affects the support program of a particular person.
Bonuses are received by people who invite new members to their team. The international community "Elevrus" offers its participants financial support in percentage terms: 0.8% per day (292% per annum), 0.9% (328.5% per annum), 1% (365% per annum), taking into account the rating community managers.
Manager status
A separate status of the participant, which is the main basis for moving up the career ladder, is the status of a manager. In order to become a manager, you need to make a personal contribution of $300 or 20,000 rubles. The contribution can be made on a one-time basis or in total. The number of people invited to the team must be at least 10. Their contributions must be in the same equivalent. These two conditions must be met, and then the community member becomes a manager.
The international community "Elevrus", the rating of managers of which is rising, has twelve levels. The highest are managers and general managers. The further rating of managers depends on the number of invited referrals and on the amount of their deposit. Additional money is credited to the manager's account asremuneration for active work and good results. Managers who increase their rating reach the title of the custodian of the Elevrus project. Payments to such participants are increasing.
Basic principles for generating additional income for the Elevrus community manager
This is the income from the total amount of contributions of the personal group, as well as referral deductions for invited members.
Payments to members of the international community "Elevrus", managers, whose rating increases, may grow with the growth of the rank in the company. Those who have reached the level of the guardian of the Elevrus project receive significantly more income in the community.
System for accruing money to company managers

The system is simple. For example, a Tier 5 rated member earns 1 percent of the income of members of the same tier (5th) and lower tiers (1st to 4th).
In addition to receiving passive income, Elevrus community managers are rewarded for attracting new customers. An employee who opens an account in the community and invites another member will receive a one-time payment of 8% of their client's contribution amount. This is called a referral bonus.

The maximum bonus for community members is 10%.
Reviews about managers and the community as a whole
Managers at all levels in the community need to be very careful in choosing their future investors. If the chosen partner does not justifytrust and his work will be passive in the structure system, then for the leading manager who invited such a partner to his team, the profit will be minimal or zero. The rating of "Elevrus" managers and reviews is studied by each participant before making a contribution to the community. "Otzovik" (a site with reviews) does not contain information about the company. However, on other sites there are reviews both positive (possibly custom-made) and sharply negative.

"Elevrus" is an international project that builds its strategy. Opportunities, according to project managers, have no limits. It must be remembered that with the growth of the manager's rating, his profit increases.
Reasonable use of funds in the community makes it possible to successfully develop the structure and make a profit. In "Elevrus" the rating of managers who are actively working is constantly growing. Thanks to this, the number of its members increases in the company.