How to quickly contact the MTS operator: tips

How to quickly contact the MTS operator: tips
How to quickly contact the MTS operator: tips

To use the mobile network, a person needs to connect to the services of a cellular operator. A rather large, well-known and reliable organization is MTS. Favorable tariffs, high-quality communication, a variety of services - all this attracts people. If the client has any questions regarding the services provided to him, he can contact the representatives of the organization and get a free consultation. Next, we will try to figure out how to quickly contact the MTS operator. What ways of maintaining communication with representatives of this company exist in practice? And what difficulties can citizens face in the process of implementing the task?

Quick call to a "live" MTS operator
Quick call to a "live" MTS operator

For mobile devices

At the moment there are various MTS operator numbers. They are used under different circumstances. Calls to a "live" operator in general are very popular. It is on this option of communication with representatives of MTS that we will focus our attention.

Residents of Russia (including Crimea), as well as Uzbekistan and Belarus for a quick call tocompany from mobile devices can use the free short number - 0890.

How to quickly contact the MTS operator? In some cases, you just have to wait for an answer after "ringing" the number indicated above. Most often, after a call, an answering machine turns on.

For a quick connection with a representative of a mobile operator, you will need:

  1. Put the mobile phone into tone mode (dialing).
  2. Press "2".
  3. Tap on the "0" button.

Now it remains to evaluate the work of the service and wait. After the actions taken, the client will be directed to a "live" operator. True, this is far from the fastest reception. Sometimes it takes 10-15 minutes to wait for an answer.

Any operator or landline number

How to quickly call a "live" MTS operator? This question worries many people in Russia. Calls are possible not only from SIM-cards of this company, but also from other operators. Even from a landline phone, you can get through to an MTS representative. The main thing is to know how to act.

MTS phone numbers
MTS phone numbers

How to quickly contact the MTS operator? You can call 8 800 250 08 90. In this case, you will also have to listen to the messages of the answering machine. To contact a "live" representative of the organization, you will need to click on "1", then on "0" and evaluate the service, as in the previous case.

Practice shows that this particular technique takes a minimum of time. Waiting time for a response takes only a fewminutes.


How to quickly contact the MTS operator while in roaming? Usually this question arises for those who love to travel. And it’s better to think about it in advance, so that if necessary you don’t spend a lot of time, effort and money on solving the problem that has arisen.

A roaming person needs to use the previously indicated numbers of the MTS operator. This method only works when the person is within their own country.

MTS commands - how to quickly call an operator
MTS commands - how to quickly call an operator

Otherwise, the number +7 495 766 01 66 helps to keep in touch with company representatives. It is used when traveling abroad.

For residents of Ukraine

Do you want to contact MTS technical support? How to quickly contact the operator of the mentioned company if the person is in Ukraine? Previously specified contacts are not relevant under such circumstances.

You can call a paid short number. The cost of a minute is only 50 kopecks. Contact number - 555.

Do you want to contact the "hot line" of the MTS operator? Free telephone communication with representatives of this organization can be carried out in various ways. For example, subscribers in Ukraine are en titled to a free call to the help desk. To do this, use the number 111. After listening to the robot voice, press "0" and then wait.

Universal number for residents of Ukraine

How to call the MTS operator quickly and for free? Residents of Russia have special problems with the implementationtask does not occur. But the mentioned operator works not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other countries. For example, in Ukraine. And there it can be problematic to keep in touch with technical support.

From any number, residents of Ukraine can call the MTS representative at 08 000 4 00000. As soon as the connection is established, you just need to press "0" and wait.

Ukraine and roaming

But this is not all methods for solving the problem. Subscribers in Ukraine who are in roaming must use a special MTS hotline number.

Quick connection with MTS
Quick connection with MTS

It looks like this: +38050 508 11 11. The call is chargeable. The cost of a minute depends on where exactly the caller is located.

Corporate clients

MTS is a company that provides services not only to individuals, but also to companies. The latter quite often acquire corporate numbers. And for such customers, there is a separate technical support number.

To contact the mentioned company, if you have a corporate number, you need to call 8 800 250 09 90.

On site

How to quickly contact the MTS operator? Calling this company directly can be difficult. Customer feedback underlines that communication with a "live" representative of the organization leaves much to be desired. It is worth stocking up extra time and great patience in order to achieve what you want. Or look for alternative ways to communicate with representatives of the mobile operator. These methods will be discussed further.speech.

For example, you can go to the MTS website and go through authorization in the "Personal Account" there. After that, the full functionality of the service will become available to the person.

There is a red circle in the lower right corner. If you click on it, a chat with the operator will open. In it, a person can ask questions of interest to him.

Important: if you have a "Personal Account" often all issues are resolved independently. The company's website has everything you need to work with a SIM card.

Feedback form

And there is another rather interesting method for solving the task - filling out the feedback form. It can be found on the MTS website.

Feedback on the MTS website
Feedback on the MTS website

To use it, the user will need:

  1. Go to The example is relevant for Moscow.
  2. Specify the reason for the appeal and click on "Next".
  3. Fill out the feedback form. It is customary to indicate the problem with its detailed description and the applicant's contacts.
  4. Submit request for processing.

What now? It remains only to wait. As soon as the message is studied by representatives of the MTS company, the client will be contacted.

Personal visit

We figured out how to quickly contact the MTS operator. This organization has many self-service services. They often help to cope with emerging problems on their own. But sometimes technical support is needed. What to do?

The above tips are valid at anytime. Only it is not always possible to get through or wait for an answer in the feedback form as soon as possible. Customers complain about the slow work of company representatives.

In this case, you can go the other way. If an MTS client has any questions or problems during the daytime, he can contact any office of this operator. The staff of the department will help to understand the situation and will conduct a free consultation.

Call to MTS
Call to MTS

Customer reviews emphasize that quite often this solution is the fastest and easiest. Only when contacting the MTS office, problems are also not ruled out. Especially if the number is not registered to the one who uses it. Under such circumstances, you will have to call with you the person for whom the "sim card" is issued.

If the number belongs entirely to the applicant, you must not forget the identity card. Perhaps this is the only noteworthy moment that can cause some inconvenience.


Now it is clear how to quickly contact the MTS operator. Practice shows that most often customers first use the number 0890 to contact technical support. If it is not possible to get through, then they personally contact the company's offices.

MTS hotline - how to get through
MTS hotline - how to get through

You don't have to pay for related service. The exception is calls to paid numbers. Only in real life they are rarely used.

In any case, if you set a goal and be patient, you can achieve the desired result. And evencall MTS employees.
