Why websites are needed: the main reasons for creating a website

Why websites are needed: the main reasons for creating a website
Why websites are needed: the main reasons for creating a website

Bill Gates once said: "If your business is not on the Internet, then you are not in business." This is a very popular quote in the world of SEOs and Internet marketers, which is often mentioned by many when an entrepreneur asks the question: “Why do we need websites?”

Perhaps some time ago this question was not relevant, because people did not have free access to the Internet. E-commerce began to develop actively in 2005-2010, so by 2019, almost any business has its own online platform.


It is not surprising that the creator of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, worked on the first site, it was he who first showed the world a web page. In 1991, he published on the site a description of the WWW technology itself and the terms that are associated with it. At the same time, he described the principles of installing and operating servers, and then introduced the first browser.

Websites for business
Websites for business

The first site was a directory used by one of the universities. Along with it came such concepts as hypertext and hyperlinks. Thanks to them, it was just possible to develop further in thisdirection. But back then, few understood why websites were needed.


Since the creation of the first site, almost 30 years have passed, during which time the World Wide Web base has expanded hundreds and thousands of times, and millions of new pages have been added to catalogs. At first, people used the Internet to learn and get new information.

Of course, now the situation has not changed much, but it is worth recognizing that the information segment has been supplemented by new types of sites. So, entertaining pages, commercial and web resources have joined various encyclopedias and catalogues.

But now you can definitely answer why we need websites. Since it was possible to monetize all the information that enters the Internet, the role of web pages has been rethought, and therefore they began to work in a different direction.

Official site
Official site

Types of sites

It's worth saying right away that a lot depends on the theme of the site. For example, information resources are often created for educational purposes. But commercial ones, as a rule, are aimed at increasing sales and building a brand.

If you do not understand why you need a site, first think about what type it will be. Business owners can work on:

  • business card site;
  • corporate;
  • representative;
  • product catalogue;
  • online store;
  • quest site;
  • promosite.

Of course, there is no unambiguous classification, and a catalog can be added to a business card site. However, this is preciselythose resources that are used in e-commerce.


When you decide on the type of site you will create, you will be able to determine for yourself the key points in the project. Sometimes this scheme is used the other way around, describing why the creation of the site is necessary, and only based on the answers they decide on the choice of the type of resource.

Site types
Site types

What could be the reasons for creating an Internet service? Here it is worth considering several options at once:

  • brand building;
  • virtual office;
  • start promotion;
  • business tool;
  • media;
  • an effective way to advertise;
  • structuring work;
  • customer interaction.

Of course, you may have some reasons after creating the resource, and perhaps you will figure out why you need a company website a few months after its launch.

Brand building

If you go back to the words of Bill Gates, then it is the formation of the brand that should be the key reason for you. If you have your own business for a long time, then you represent all competitors in your field. In the age of the Internet, it is not easy to maintain a leading position in the sale of services or goods, as everyone uses their own methods to promote.

A website is one of the key ways to tell about yourself or remind. Yes, and it has already developed in society that if a visitor does not find the company's website, its image drops sharply. But do not hope that the resource made by the "left foot"immediately raise you in the eyes of a potential client. Modern society is quite picky about outdated website design.

Site creation
Site creation

Virtual Office

Not every company can immediately acquire its own office, register a legal address and telephone number. Many startups start with a virtual office, which is based "somewhere" on the Internet, or rather, on the site.

Thanks to this resource, you can solve problems with business cards. It is enough to indicate on the web pages contact details, opening hours, a detailed description of services or goods, etc. You can also place certificates or any other documents on the site confirming the quality and honesty of your business.

Starting promotion

Why do you need a website? Many people start developing their business on the Internet, and only after that they move to a physical address. A resource like this can easily help you find your customers and expand your business.

In this case, the site will look like a business card with all your advantages over competitors, as well as all contact information.

Business tool

Few people know, but the site is effective not only in promoting the company. It is very easy to manage and develop business with it. But for this it is important that the resource is extremely convenient for both you and your clients, otherwise you cannot call it an effective tool.

Electronic commerce
Electronic commerce

For this, it is important to place on the site all the working information that willuseful not only for clients, but also for partners, suppliers, advertisers, etc. It would be good if a programmer prescribes a convenient database for you, from which you can download all the necessary information about customers.

Depending on the focus of your resource, you will need to carefully consider the right tools to help customers sort through data or search for the information they need.

Means of information

Now information sites are not the best way to make money on the Internet, but if the useful data is on a commercial resource, it all works much better.

If you decide to create a corporate website that will store all the information about your business, then do not be too lazy to develop a page with information about services or products.

For example, you are in charge of logistics. In addition to listing all the services you provide, you can describe them in more detail. If you connect a professional copywriter to the creation of the text who will work with SEO, thanks to such texts you will be able to advance on various queries on the Internet.

Effective advertising

Agree that your own resource is a great advertisement. And if you do not know why you need an official website of the company, then the first thing that comes to mind is promotion.

Sites for the company
Sites for the company

According to statistics, a third of potential customers come to the company through its resource. If earlier it was necessary to blow in the media that you opened somewhere, thennow it has become much easier.

As a rule, the site manages to pay off after just a couple of months of its launch. But here, of course, there are many nuances that can scare an inexperienced businessman. For example, in order for a website to really work, it is important to do it right, following all the tricks of SEO, otherwise it is unlikely to increase sales.

Structuring work

Why does a store need a website? In this case, everything is too obvious. Thanks to the correct and competent resource, the buyer will be able to independently find the product, its characteristics, cost and much more. At the same time, he will also be able to order it on his own, without the help of consultants. Previously, any customer called the store or went shopping on their own.

Obviously, a store website saves resources and time for the client and your company. If you are well acquainted with your target audience, then you know what is a priority for them, and accordingly, you will offer them everything they want. The fewer questions the client has, the better you work.

Online store website
Online store website


Why do you need a website for business? At least so that you have the opportunity to collect feedback and work on bugs. Probably, there is not a single company that would satisfy absolutely every client. One way or another, there will be at least one dissatisfied person who will complain and pull on all employees.

In order not to spend a lot of time on such cases, it is better to create a section with reviews on the site, where everyone couldto express their dissatisfaction or leave a suggestion. Of course, you will come across a couple of unfair comments that were left simply by rude people, but often the statistics of the site will give you a real picture of the success of the company.

Working with resource analytics will be no less important. When creating a site, you need to connect the code of one of the relevant services to it, for example, Google Analytics, and then hire a specialist who understands all the data and can point out the advantages and disadvantages of your work.

We are all online

It's hard to deny that everyone lives online these days. Yes, we leave the house, flipping through the news feed on a smartphone in a minibus, come to work, turning on the PC, again getting on the Internet. Some of us spend less time in it, some more, but one way or another, our life is now closely connected with the World Wide Web.

To be constantly in trend, you have to go online, communicate with people there and find ways to attract customers. There is already huge competition here, regardless of the field of activity, but it is still possible to achieve greater success with quality work than those who usually wave their hands to work with the site.