TV LG 42LF652V: owner reviews, review, specifications

TV LG 42LF652V: owner reviews, review, specifications
TV LG 42LF652V: owner reviews, review, specifications

In this article, we will consider the LG 42LF652V TV: reviews about it, features and advantages with disadvantages.


This appliance is equipped with an LED type display. Its screen size is 42 inches. Resolution 1920 by 1080 pixels. The same should be said about the refresh rate. It is 100 hertz. There is a Cinema 3D system.

lg 42lf652v reviews
lg 42lf652v reviews

There is no such feature as a curved screen. Built-in Direct lighting. Image display index at the level of 550 PMI. Smart TV function is supported. Built-in Wi-Fi module.

An optional universal remote is not included, but can be purchased separately. Built-in 3 HDMI connectors and the same number of USB ports. There is a speaker system version 2.0.

The TV is part of the manufacturer's 2015 lineup. Several broadcasting systems are built in: satellite, cable, terrestrial. Triple XD type processor.

Among the picture modes, 8 built-in options should be noted. Among them there is an option "Bright", "Cinema", "Sport" and so on. Screen proportions also work in 8 modes. HEVC is supported, which was 2K 60p. There are several decoders. The acoustic system is built in such a way thathas one band and two speakers.

Continuing the review of the LG 42LF652V, it should be said that there is no subwoofer. There are 6 built-in sound modes. The Smart Sound option is supported. Moreover, there is the possibility of wireless and optical sound synchronization.

lg 42lf652v review
lg 42lf652v review


Reviews of the LG 42LF652V are excellent. Most buyers write only positive comments about this device. Let's take a look at the good points that buyers note.

The sound is great, the picture quality is great, the design is great. Built-in parental controls. The interface is very clear. The image is quite clear.

Many people write that the TV is fully consistent with its cost and, in principle, has no critical flaws. Moreover, the price is quite adequate, as for such a device. Many call this TV a real cinema.

Given that 3D is supported as well as T2, many customers prefer this TV. It should also be noted the ability to access the Internet. High connection speed is supported. It is possible to watch any movie. Built-in support for the latest version of Smart TV. All this makes many buyers think about buying such a device.

lg 42lf652v specifications
lg 42lf652v specifications

Disadvantages: reviews

The device has no critical flaws. TV LG 42LF652V has excellent characteristics. In practice, what the manufacturer says is fully confirmed. But not everything is so smooth.

It should be noted that of the mostOf current customer complaints, it should be noted that the kit comes with two pairs of 3D glasses, although 3 are stated. The kit also includes a regular remote control, which is not registered in the device's features.

They also note that in order to watch movies on TV in normal quality, you must have high-speed Internet. Some have a marriage on the TV, in which the 3D mode does not work. However, this problem is not common, so we can assume that this is a developer error that has already been fixed. Reviews of the LG 42LF652V confirm this.

Some customers run out of batteries too quickly in the remote control. They consider this not a very critical drawback, but not very pleasant either. The reaction speed of the remote control is also not impressive, sometimes users note that it works after just a few seconds.

These shortcomings are not serious. Most buyers do not find any problems, which means that this technique is really convenient and in demand. You should pay attention to it when a person makes a purchase and chooses this type of TV for himself.

lg 42lf652v manual
lg 42lf652v manual


As a result, it should be noted that the LG 42LF652V TV, reviews of which we described in this article, is a worthy option. It is advisable to take the Polish model, because, as a rule, it is several times cheaper than the Russian one.

There is no difference between these TVs in technical specifications. The only difference between them is that it is supplied in the kit instead of the declared 3pairs of points, only 2.

In general, the article describes all the necessary points that the consumer wants to know before buying. The device is of high quality, the assembly is at a high level, there are no problems with servicing the TV.

Before buying, you must definitely think about purchasing this particular model, as it really deserves special attention. The instruction is supplied with the LG 42LF652V, so there will be no problems with connection and setup.
