Short number "Beeline" reference service and operator

Short number "Beeline" reference service and operator
Short number "Beeline" reference service and operator

So, today we have to learn how to reach the operator using a short number. "Beeline" (cellular provider) has very, very many of these combinations, and this is the problem. Here is the help desk, and the operator, and the service that will answer a specific question (for example, regarding the Internet, communications, tariffs, and so on). In general, there are a lot of alternatives. In addition, you can put a ban on short numbers in your Beeline account. But you should not do this. Thus, let's start studying our today's question as soon as possible. After all, there are quite a few points worth discussing.

beeline short number
beeline short number

Communication operator

The first Beeline short number that we will consider is the one that is responsible for making a call to a cellular operator. It is this combination that in most cases solves communication problems and other issues.

If you want to call the operator, then dial 0611 and press the call button on your phone. Now you can wait for an answer. True, this method is not particularly successful if you want to quickly contact the operator. The point is that by using a short number"Beeline" 0611, you run the risk of getting on the answering machine, then you will have to conduct a conversation with a robotic voice for a long time to ask your questions and get answers to them. Thus, let's try to figure out how to contact the operator.

SMS center

Our mobile operator has a special service "Beeline". SMS to a short number is sent by the client, after which it is processed. The result is an independent connection / disconnection of mobile services and a variety of additional packages of opportunities. That is, "Beeline" has a so-called SMS center. And, of course, there is a special number for him.

beeline short reference number
beeline short reference number

Do you want to activate the service yourself or refuse it? Then send an SMS with a specific command code to the Beeline short number 111, and then wait for the results. All SMS commands can be found on the official page of the mobile operator. There are quite a lot of them, it will not work to remember them all.

But this is not the end of our conversation. After all, there is still a fairly extensive range of numbers in stock that will help you monitor the connected services, as well as control the funds on your phone. Let's find out the short reference number "Beeline". After all, it is he who is often used by clients for help and advice.


Of course, if you do not know the operation necessary to complete the request, then dial the short reference number "Beeline". In truth, theyused as often as calling the operator directly.

Dial 0604 on your mobile phone, then click on the button to call the subscriber. You will be taken to the interactive directory of your mobile operator. Here you can disable Beeline short numbers, refuse connected services, and also start using new feature packages for your phone. As you can see, nothing difficult.

beeline ban on short numbers
beeline ban on short numbers

One more thing to consider: if you make calls from a mobile phone using the Beeline cellular connection, then all conversations with reference services will be absolutely free. It simply cannot but rejoice. Thus, let's try to understand what other combinations can be used to get some advice from a mobile operator, as well as solve problems associated with a SIM card.

New Features

Also, for example, by dialing the short number of "Beeline" (operator), you can find out about all the new products that have appeared in this communication provider. Here are promotions, and tariffs, and opportunities, and service packages - in general, everything that a modern user may need. It is worth immediately considering one important fact - using this short Beeline number, you will only talk with an answering machine.

Dial 0606 on your phone and then wait for an answer. The robot voice will tell you the possible combinations that you will have to press during the conversation in tone mode in order to switch between the one you are interested ininformation. So, for example, to find out about new tariffs, you will have to press "1", about the Internet - "2" and so on.

disable beeline short numbers
disable beeline short numbers

In fact, this service is very convenient and easy to use. After all, the recorded voice provides absolutely all the information about new products in any language. True, the conversation can drag on for 5-10 minutes. A little tip: before making a call, just stock up on free time. And then there will be no problems.

For fun

To tell the truth, there are a lot of different services and Beeline numbers. There are also services that will gladly answer all your questions regarding entertainment services (like music instead of beeps and so on).

Of course, there is also a special Beeline short number for this service. You just need to dial 0605 on your mobile phone, call him, and then ask your question. An operator (live, not an answering machine) will answer anything you ask. In cases where it does not serve the question asked, you will be redirected to the service dealing with this problem. And everything will happen automatically. All you have to do is wait a minute or two for another operator to answer you.

As you can see, nothing difficult or special. Only the mobile operator also has such combinations that help to immediately send a request to the support center and respond via SMS or the message displayed on the screen.

beeline sms to short number
beeline sms to short number

Learn about your tariff

Well, sometimes customers just need to know the details of the connected tariff plan. Yes, you can go to the nearest cellular office and ask for details, as well as see the information in your personal account. Only quite often there is either no time for this, or the place is not quite suitable (there is no computer at hand). Then the number 11005 comes to the rescue, by which you will receive all the information about your tariff plan. As a rule, it has recently been sent by SMS message. True, sometimes this does not happen. Instead of verbal messages, an answering machine will tell you everything. Apparently, it depends on the region of residence.

Discounts in roaming

Travelers can use the combination to get some important information. In order not to think about how to find out the Beeline short number that answers the question about discounts in roaming, just dial 0676 on your phone and then wait for an answer.

Robot voice will inform you about all new promotions and features that can be enabled/disabled while roaming. This is actually a very useful service, but it is not used very often. All due to ignorance of short reference numbers. Thus, as you can see, you can easily and simply get almost any information that concerns a mobile operator using various combinations on your mobile phone.

operator beeline short number
operator beeline short number


Of course, modern man cannot be imagined without the Internet. And that is why Beeline has a special service that responds toissues of connecting / disconnecting the world mobile web.

To get to this help desk, just dial 0717 on your phone and then wait a bit. An operator will answer you, who will tell you about possible tariffs, and also help you connect the Internet or refuse it. That's all. Today we learned about the most useful and popular Beeline short numbers that make life easier for subscribers.
