Service "Beacon" ("Beggar") on "Tele2"

Service "Beacon" ("Beggar") on "Tele2"
Service "Beacon" ("Beggar") on "Tele2"

Anyone can find themselves in a situation where it is not possible to pay for cellular services. After all, not all clients can keep track of the balance and replenish it in a timely manner. In this case, mobile operators have developed several services. One of them is the basic option, enabled by default on any number - "Beacon" (better known as "Beggar") on "Tele2". With its help, you can inform the person with whom it is vital for you to contact about the desire to communicate. How the service works and what needs to be done to connect it, we will tell in this article.

beggar on tele2
beggar on tele2

Beacon (Beggar) service on Tele2 in Russia

All customers using Tele2 communication services have the opportunity to inform another subscriber about their desire to contact him. The Beacon service is included in the list of options available to the subscriber by default. Thus, in order to use it, you do not need to activate and connect something. Moreover, the service is completely free. However, like all offers of mobile operators, "Beacon" has a number of features.

Goodbye on Tele2 how to dial
Goodbye on Tele2 how to dial

"Beggar" on "Tele2": Terms of use

Depending on the region in which a specific number is registered, the terms of use may vary. Here are some features of this option:

  • The Beggar service on Tele2 is provided without connection fees and periodic payments (this applies to all regions where the services of this mobile operator are available).
  • There are monthly limits on the number of "beacons" sent without payment (it can vary - from 50 to 60, details can be obtained from your area operator at 611).
  • After the free package of "beacons" is used up, each subsequent request will be charged - 50 kopecks per request.
  • You can specify how much "beacons" have already been sent for this month directly when they are sent (in the notification that will be sent to the number from which the call request was sent, there will be information on the number of spent and remaining requests).
  • In some regions of the country, in order to use the service, you must have an amount on your account that does not exceed the amount set by the operator.
  • You can send a request to the number of any of the existing mobile operators.
  • The subscriber, to whose number the "beacon" will be sent, will receivea text message saying that you are asking him to contact you.
Goodbye on Tele2 in Moscow
Goodbye on Tele2 in Moscow

Send request to call back

After we got acquainted with the terms of service, you can move on to the next question. "Beggar" on "Tele2": how to dial a request to send?

USSD request to be sent has the following form: 1188 XXX XXX XX XX. The subscriber number following the asterisk after the numbers 118 must be indicated through the eight. After dialing the request, press the send call button. A notification will be displayed on the success of the operation, which will contain information on the number of requests spent this month.

"Beggar" on "Tele2" (in Moscow and other cities of the country) is available to all subscribers. If you do not have the ability to use it on your number, you should check with the customer service operator how this can be fixed.

Beggar on Tele2 in Russia
Beggar on Tele2 in Russia

Other Services

The Beggar service on Tele2 is useful and can help out in any situation. But what to do when the free package of requests is spent, but it was not possible to contact the subscriber? Pay attention to other services of the Tele2 company, for example, "Top up your account" or "Informer".

The first option, which is also popularly called "Beggar", involves sending a request to replenish the account to the number of any operator. To send it, dial 1238ХХХ XXX XX XX. The number is also indicatedthrough eight. No more than 5 such requests are available per day. The new limit is available from 00.00 hours.

The second option, "Informer", which is also enabled on each number and is not recommended to be disabled, also allows you to notify the subscriber of your intention to communicate with him. However, to send him a message, you do not need to enter requests - you just need to dial the number of this person. In response, you will hear that you do not have enough funds to connect, but the subscriber will receive a message that you tried to contact him. After that, you just have to wait for him to contact you.
