In the fall of 2014, a new generation of the legendary phone from Apple, the iPhone 6, was released. Together with it, its "brother" came out - the 6 Plus model, which, in fact, simply has an increased body size (hence, also a screen with battery). As for the latter, if the battery capacity of the iPhone 6 is 1810 mAh, then the Plus model received a 2915 mAh battery. Thus, the life of the second device is somewhat longer, although the energy consumption here is much higher.
iPhone 6 battery: customer reviews

Since buyers were waiting for the release of the new iPhone long before the actual start of sales, of course, the hype around its presentation and appearance in communication stores rose very serious. Every fan of Apple products tried to grab the novelty as quickly as possible to show off to friends and, of course, to see what it is - the new iPhone. Ultimately, the opinions of such lucky ones who managed to do this were divided. Some confirmed Apple's commercials that this device is the most advanced, released in the history of the company; others found flaws in the design of the device, in itsfunctional and criticized the novelty as soon as they could. Whatever it was in fact, but the actual operating time was increased by optimizing the battery consumption in the new iPhone; and as for the functions of the smartphone, they have become an order of magnitude more than in the previous, 5th generation of the model. In addition, Apple's sales volumes speak for themselves - millions of gadgets were purchased in the first days. Clearly, if the iPhone 6 had somehow failed to meet customer expectations, sales would have f altered for sure, which it did not.
It is interesting that each of those who purchased this device lists its different advantages. Fans note the smooth operation of the device, stylish design, the special status that the iPhone 6 gives its owner, a long period of activity without recharging. We will talk about the last point - about the charge on the phone from Apple - in this article.
First charge after purchase

It is a well-known fact that the battery of the iPhone 6 is able to hold a charge longer than similar models on the Android system. This is expressed primarily in the fact that the user does not have to charge the phone every day, as the owners of other smartphones do after active use. The same applies to the iPhone 6. User reviews say that they have enough battery power for 2-3 days of active work with the device. This refers to listening to music, receiving calls, using applications - those activities that consume the battery the most.
True, in order tothe battery was fully functional, after buying a new iPhone 6, you need to properly charge it. According to experts, the first time the device should be charged to the maximum, that is, in full. To do this, the phone must be completely "planted". After that, it must be connected to the network and wait until charging is completed. After that, your iPhone can be used normally. In the future, by the way, you need to carry out the procedure partially, that is, for example, if the battery shows 50% charge or even 90%, it does not matter. In general, the iPhone 6 battery (as well as the Plus version) is more suitable for this type of charge.
How to extend battery life

The batteries that come with the new iPhones do have more battery life than other devices. However, even after a certain period of time, they begin to work worse and worse, allowing the smartphone to discharge faster. It is impossible to fight these processes, but you can postpone them and extend the life of your battery. To do this, experts recommend, at a minimum, keeping a normal temperature regime - both not overheating or overcooling your iPhone 6. The battery capacity does not play a role here, because if any battery is placed outside the regime at -5 and up to +25 degrees Celsius, its function may be impaired. Of course, this will not happen immediately, but the effect of temperature on the battery is undeniable.
Also, the iPhone 6's lithium-ion battery shouldn't be drained frequently. This type of battery is not designed to run out of power frequently, so it works best in a continuous charge mode, not a 0% power supply.
In addition, other recommendations for battery operation should be followed. True, they are more obvious. So, you should protect it from mechanical damage, from moisture and dirt, and so on. These recommendations are elementary, and most users follow them regularly.
How to charge iPhone 6 faster

When it comes to recharging your phone, as we know, it takes time. If you conduct it using the original device from a 220 volt home network, it will take up to 2 hours. In this case, you should pay attention that it is strictly forbidden to use non-original charging adapters and cords, or those that are adapted to work with other models of devices. Doing so may damage the battery completely.
So, we all know the moments when you need to charge your smartphone, but there is no time for this due to certain circumstances. So, there is a theory that in order to speed up the process of charging the battery on the iPhone 6 (battery capacity is not important - it can also be the battery of the iPhone 4 or 5 generation), you just need to turn on the "Airplane" mode. As a result, a number of battery-consuming functions (WiFi, 3G, Bluetooth, network signal reception) are disabled in the smartphone, and the process really speeds up.
Reduce battery consumption on your device

PoSimilar to how to make charging faster, on the iPhone you can also reduce battery consumption and thus extend the life of your phone. It all depends on what purpose you still need a smartphone for - to receive a call or, for example, to take a picture. For the first, simply turning off Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, 3G, as well as lowering the screen brightness is suitable. If the phone is needed for a picture, then you can safely turn on the same "Airplane Mode". As a last resort, if you find yourself short on battery life all the time, you might want to consider purchasing a power bank for your iPhone 6 in the form of a dedicated case or portable gadget. Its cost starts from 990 rubles and ends at around 10 thousand apiece.
Replacing the battery on the iPhone
If the battery capacity of the iPhone 6 Plus, due to the age of the device, as well as due to some damage or malfunction, does not suit you to a large extent, you can think about replacing the battery on the iPhone. True, you should not do this yourself. We recommend that you purchase the battery separately (because this will save you money) and take it along with the phone to a specialized service center. There, specialists will professionally service your smartphone by replacing it.
How to choose a new battery?
According to official information, the battery capacity of the iPhone 6 Plus is 2915 mAh, and the iPhone 6 is 1810 mAh. When choosing batteries in the store, pay attention to these indicators. In addition, of course, keep an eye on the price - original accessories on Apple are notmay be cheap. On average, the battery on the iPhone 6 will cost about 900 rubles - if you buy in an online store, and on 6 Plus - about 1100 rubles. However, of course, buying them in retail chains, you can meet different prices. The ones voiced above are only a guideline, fluctuations can be up to 300-400 rubles. Remember: it is advisable to choose the batteries themselves in the store that really sells original, certified products. Otherwise, buying components in transition, for example, you risk getting a battery on the iPhone 6, the battery capacity of which is less, as well as the service life. Moreover, you can even ruin your expensive smartphone with a low-quality battery. Be careful with this.
Thinner, lighter, tougher

Now Apple technology has a thin, light body, but at the same time quite serious performance. It is obvious that the next generations of mobile phones from this company will be even more thorough than the iPhone 6. The battery capacity of the next models will certainly be higher, and the weight and dimensions will be smaller. Therefore, if something does not suit you in Apple technology now, do not be discouraged! Perhaps an iPhone 6S or 7 will meet your expectations.