So, today we will consider issues related to cellular communications and its providers, starting with such as "Megafon" (operator). How to reach him? In general, there are several rather interesting and simple methods that will definitely help you cope with the task. True, not everyone will bring fast and accurate results. Let's try to figure out how to quickly get through to the Megafon operator from anywhere in the world. And in general, we will learn about possible means of communication with a mobile operator. Let's get down to business.

Hot line
Of course, the first and most obvious option is to use the operator's special short number. The so-called hotline telephone. Consider such a communication provider as Megafon (operator). How to reach him? You can dial the hotline. Enter 0500 and wait for a response.
To tell the truth, this method is slowly starting to become obsolete. After all, a conversation with an operator on a hotline is far from the most successful choice. Especially if you take into account the fact that now most callsa robotic voice will answer you. And that is why many customers are thinking about how to get through to a live Megafon operator.
There are a lot of different alternative moves here. And all of them will be able to satisfy even the most captious client. Let's quickly try to figure out what's what.

For corporate clients
If you are thinking about how to call the Megafon operator (Caucasus or another region of the globe), you can advise you on a special number for corporate clients. It is with its help that you can easily and simply contact a living person who is at the other end of the wire.
Dial 0555 from your mobile and then wait for an answer. As a rule, a really live person will conduct a dialogue with you. But even here there is a drawback - the risk of falling into a robotic voice. Not a very pleasant and good option. After all, this approach very often repels new customers, especially corporate ones. No one wants to resolve issues through some kind of answering machine. It's painfully long and tedious. And besides, it is ineffective. That is why you have to think further about how to get through to the Megafon operator (Moscow or any other city). Let's try to answer this question, and also try to figure out what other approaches can be offered when trying to contact the operator. Fortunately, the modern world offers quite a few alternative approaches.
SMS request
Another interesting and simple communication option issending an SMS request to the operator's call. That is, they will call you back. And it will definitely be a living person, and not some kind of robot. And this is very pleasing. In addition to the options already listed, there are several more means of communication with a service provider such as Megafon (operator). How to get through without problems?

To do this, simply dial a new message on your mobile. You don't need to write anything in it. Send it to the short number 0500, and then wait for a response. As a rule, you will have to call back in 5-10 minutes.
True, not everything is as radiant and optimistic as it might seem at first glance. The thing is that SMS requests are usually ignored. And some customers may simply not call. It's not very pleasant to be left behind. Right? And that is why you have to think again how to get through to the Megafon operator (Volga region or any other place). Let's try to answer this question. After all, we have a lot of diverse and alternative actions. You will definitely be able to pick up something suitable and extremely convenient for you.
For landline number
Sometimes customers simply do not have the opportunity to call the operator from their mobile number. And then there is a huge problem. After all, it is simply impossible to reach the short hotline number from a landline phone. However, this is not a problem at all for the Megafon communications provider (operator).
How to reach him from homenumbers? Take the most ordinary city phone and dial 8 800 500 05 00. After that, you can wait for the operator's response. Typically, the waiting time is 10 minutes. That's all communication problems solved.
Only here and there there are a number of shortcomings. The first one is the most obvious. You risk contacting a robotic voice. And already through it you will have to go to a living worker. This process is very tedious and not always clear. In addition, calling the federal phone means risking your own time. Yes, the average waiting period for a response is 10 minutes. But sometimes you have to wait up to 30 minutes. Not very bright prospects. Therefore, now we will try to figure out what else can help us in our difficult task. After all, we have a number of interesting and at the same time simple approaches.
For example, roaming clients are most often interested in our topic. They, as a rule, need either help, or consultation, or resolving issues regarding money flowing somewhere from the account. Even abroad, "Megaphone" (operator) will not leave you. How to call in roaming?
Actually, it's still easier than it might seem. If you are a Megafon subscriber, then you just need to dial a certain number and then wait for an answer. For each type of roaming it has its own. By the way, such calls are absolutely free for subscribers. This is their main advantage.
While in international roaming, just dial+7 926 111 05 00. After that, you can safely wait for an answer. For all other types of roaming, you should use 0500 or 0555. Calls to these numbers are made absolutely free for Megafon subscribers. But there is another rather interesting approach to our today's question. Which one? Let's get to know him.

Internet help
There is another rather interesting approach. You can try to use the official website of Megfon. The fact is that all modern companies support a feedback form. This is very convenient for both employees and customers.
You just need to go to the site, and then visit the "Support" section. In it, select "Contacts", "Ask a question in the chat." After you select this item, a so-called feedback form will appear. In it you can post your question, as well as request a call back. Just write your number, and then enter the approximate time convenient for the call. That's all the problems are solved.
So, today we figured out with you how you can get through to the Megafon operator. As you can see, the operator offers a lot of quite interesting, simple and diverse approaches, each of which is versatile and convenient.

In general, you can try all of the above methods. As a rule, it is customary to use a hotline andinternet assistant. In addition, if you have any questions, you can always just take it and come to the nearest Megafon office with your problems. They will definitely help you there.