Do-it-yourself IP telephony: connection methods, settings

Do-it-yourself IP telephony: connection methods, settings
Do-it-yourself IP telephony: connection methods, settings

Recently, SIP communication has become widespread. It is becoming more popular every day, so many users need to learn how to create and configure their own networks. Of course, a professional in this matter will cope with a similar task in a few minutes, but what can ordinary people do? First you need to understand the concept of IP-telephony. What it is and how it works is described later in the article. The main issue under consideration is the problem of creating a connection with your own hands with minimal or no cost.

do-it-yourself ip telephony
do-it-yourself ip telephony

What is VoIP?

This type of connection appeared in 1999, and therefore is considered one of the youngest. It was then that the SIP protocol was approved, which marked the beginning of the development of the described type of telephony. Its progenitor and predecessor can be considered the H.323 communication. However, it is now usedas rare as possible. This protocol differs from the modern one in that it does not save traffic, is rather complex in itself, and does not support human mobility.

SIP protocol

The IP telephony network, namely the SIP protocol, is considered to be simpler and as flexible as possible. Due to it, you can significantly save traffic, and most modern devices and applications can work on it. Each person using this protocol gets their own (unique) ID. Telephony allows users to freely move around the planet without changing this number.

The protocol allows a person to make calls, make video calls, transfer various files, messages, and play online games. In order to perform some of the above actions, the protocol accesses the Internet, but for the rest, a special IP-telephony gateway is used (and there is more than one).

what is ip telephony and how does it work
what is ip telephony and how does it work

Working principles

In order to use this type of communication, an ordinary person does not need to study its principles of work. Moreover, he does not need to try to delve into how exactly this or that protocol functions. Users, as a rule, are interested in questions about the cost of such services, the availability of additional options, and so on. However, for those who reveal a desire to personally create such a connection as IP telephony, what it is and how it works are quite relevant questions.

Let's consider the principles of network operation through the VoIP protocol. To explain, let's take two phones connectedwith the help of it. While the gadget is in standby mode, it is connected to the Internet and connected to another one through the operator's server. Immediately after the subscriber calls the internal number of the interlocutor, the protocol will establish his location and send a special signal. Communication over the network occurs immediately after the subscriber receives the call.

Accordingly, we can conclude that this action (like all others) takes place via the Internet, without the help of a mobile operator. That is, subscribers pay only for traffic. It is often free.

VoIP-telephony allows you to call a subscriber who is on the same network with the interlocutor. In this case, SIP-ID is used, that is, the unique numbers of each. It is possible to call a subscriber from another network. Then a special identifier called a URI is used. It is similar to email. You can also call both from VoIP numbers to mobile and landline phones, and vice versa. Such calls are made through special gateways. This allows you to make calls via the Internet, saving on the services of a mobile operator.

The program for IP-telephony allows you to safely travel around the world. It will allow you to call anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection. Billing will not change.

It should be noted that calls that pass within the same network are free. In this case, the location of the interlocutors does not play any role. The same is true with direct numbers. One subscriber can be located in Kyiv, the other - in Seoul. Tariffication will be the same, but the quality of communication at the highest level. This property is called mobility.

IP telephony systems
IP telephony systems

Cost of IP-telephony

To start creating such a type of communication as do-it-yourself IP-telephony is an excellent solution, but before you get down to business, you need to find out how much it costs ordinary users. It is worth noting that this nuance is quite relevant. VoIP-telephony has spread throughout the world. For what? It not only allows you to save money, but also provides excellent quality communication and so on. This protocol also provides free calls to a subscriber who is registered with the same provider.

Everyone knows exactly how conventional traditional telephony works. The further the interlocutor is located, the more expensive the minute of communication will be. IP-telephony allows you to talk for free with a person who is on the other side of the planet. You do not need to pay for voice data transmission and connection. Additional billing is not carried out. Due to this, the fee for a call to a subscriber who is in a different network and registered with the “left” provider will be much lower than with a regular mobile operator.

Does not charge for calls within the network. In the predominant part of incoming calls, you also do not have to pay money for them. For landline and mobile numbers, a fee of about 40 kopecks per minute is charged. It's not much.

You will have to pay for the use of direct numbers. It's impossible to tell the exact cost.however, it is small and monthly.

How do-it-yourself IP telephony is configured: general information

Everyone who has a landline phone at home knows how to make a traditional call. It is necessary to write an application to the company of the desired provider, wait for its consideration. After that, you will have to wait until a special line is laid out or equipment is installed for the operation of the device.

Connecting IP-telephony is much easier, you can do it yourself without the help of the provider and professionals. What do you need?

Internet is required for a stable and good network. Its speed should not be lower than 100 Kbps. You will need a computer or phone that works with the VoIP protocol. It is from them that the call will be made. You also need to create an account with the provider. All this does not require any costs. The only expense will be the purchase of the type of apparatus already described, if it is not available. Next, we will consider in more detail the process of connecting this type of telephony.

IP telephony connection
IP telephony connection

First step - choosing a provider

Setting up IP telephony starts with choosing a provider. You need to look at the reviews for each of the available ones. The provider must ensure the lowest possible price for calls and good communication quality. If you wish, you can pay attention to the ability to contact additional numbers, hold calls, and so on. The function of supporting the second line will also be useful. Basic subscription options, which are offered by providers for free,as a rule, have a low level of charging.

Most consumers recommend Comtube. What is required to connect? You should register on the site, having come up with a unique login and password, replenish your internal account. This completes the connection. What does the user get after performing these actions? He acquires an active account, which makes it possible to make intranet calls. The user receives a subscriber ID. He is also allowed to receive incoming calls.

Paid services

To call, you need to top up your internal account. After this operation, IP-telephony systems will give access to calls both within the Russian Federation and abroad.

If you wish, you can purchase a direct number. It is assigned to a certain city. There are about a thousand of them. Why is it necessary? You can, while in Russia, answer calls that go to an American number. This allows you not to spend a lot of money and save traffic.

ip telephony server
ip telephony server

Second stage - the need for a phone

We continue to create such a connection as IP-telephony with our own hands. In order to receive calls and make them, you need special equipment. This can be done both through computers and through special VoIP phones. Below we will consider the nuances of using both options.

Computer programs

When using the first option, it makes sense to install the software. It mimics a stationary device. IP telephony server with ease aftersettings is connected to the device. This allows you to make and receive calls. But when using a computer, you must have a headset.

The disadvantage of such a phone is that the program must always run in the background, and the PC must always be in an active state. That is why the SIP phone is considered the most convenient. Let's talk about him next.

ip telephony gateway
ip telephony gateway

Working with a SIP phone

SIP-phone costs at least 2 thousand rubles. For such a small price, you can buy a standard device that supports the protocol. Even budget phones have noise cancellation, call hold, speakerphone and conference calls. But there is no caller ID here.

More expensive options provide the most convenient telephony experience. As a rule, such devices are universal. What does this mean? The fact that they are able to work with IP-telephony and city networks. Often, such devices support the functions of number identification, the use of several communication accounts. They allow you to work with additional cordless handsets, have an impressive phone book and a color display.

Third step - VoIP phone setup

Do-it-yourself IP telephony is quite easy to create. One of the steps is setting up a stationary device. This is what allows you to receive and make calls to subscribers. Moreover, you will have to configure both computer programs and landline phones. Explanation of shift stagesparameters is carried out on the example of the Comtube provider. In order to enter the necessary menu, you should find the category “Basic” in the “My profile” section. We are interested in "Basic settings for IP-telephony".

There you need to enter the account login and password, server address and numbers of special ports. You should also enter your personal account there. If there are any problems, you can contact the service center. It will help you troubleshoot. However, often programs and phones are configured without failures and errors.

ip telephony setup
ip telephony setup

Fourth step - using multiple phones

Some families need several devices for comfortable telephony. It should be noted that in order for the two city devices to function, it will be necessary to create separate lines and conclude a couple of contracts. This requires a lot of money, time and nerves, since providers in the Russian Federation consider connection applications for quite a long time.

Digital telephony makes it easier to use multiple devices. When registering an account, many lines are immediately created. They make it possible to simultaneously receive and call from everyone. However, this is not available in the "Basic" tariff, but in the "Premium". A subscription to it costs a little more, but for busy and serious people who constantly talk on the phone, it will be suitable. This tariff supports the creation of up to 100 lines at the same time. Most often, these services are used by offices.

In order not to buy severalindividual phones, you can purchase a device that supports additional cordless handsets. Each of them is allowed to be assigned to "their" line. More expensive models are able to work with several accounts and will optimally distribute them automatically between the handsets.
