Online stores have firmly taken their place in the trade. Many are actively engaged in virtual shopping. This significantly reduces the time and effort spent on finding and purchasing the necessary goods.
An important role when buying in a web store is played by customer reviews. They give an impression of the quality of the seller's activity. It also depends on them whether other potential buyers want to purchase some product.

We will consider the activities of the virtual store. Customer reviews, an overview of the site and much more can be found in this article.
Shop Review
As a rule, many sellers post information about themselves in the headings “about us”, “about the company”, etc. However, this site contains only information about where their office or outlet is located in the cities of Moscow and Khimki. However, the information is not entirely complete. The site does not indicate the name of the organization, how long the trade has been going on, where the goods are bought up and stored. Also on the site there are no customer reviews. However, at the bottom of the page, information about fresh purchases in this store is constantly updated. So, as if through thisservice people very often make purchases. All this leads to the suspicion that you should not trust this online store.
Product categories
The store positions itself as a seller of household appliances and accessories for it. Among the goods offered are a large selection of gas and electric stoves, washing machines and refrigerators. Dryers, dishwashers, chest freezers and more are also available.

In addition to household appliances, climate and built-in appliances are offered. Kitchen electrical appliances are presented, such as microwave ovens, air grills, coffee machines, yogurt makers, food processors, multicookers and much more. The range is large.
Also, visitors to the online store will find home appliances here: irons, vacuum cleaners, steam cleaners, and more.
Despite the large range of products offered, there are no product reviews on Visitors, potential buyers are offered only a description of the goods, cost. It is worth noting that everything displayed is in stock, according to the seller's information. Usually in web stores about some products they write that the products are temporarily out of stock or out of stock. This state of affairs is also not credible.
Prices, promotions in the online store
The prices offered are competitive. Maybe that's why there are no promotions in the store. Such prices may well lure gullible buyers. However, before ordering anything on, it is worth reading reviews about the site. After all, not everyoneonline stores should be trusted, especially unknown ones. customer reviews
As we have already noted, the site aroused suspicion on many points. The name of the company was not indicated, how long the online store has been operating, there are no customer reviews. In addition, information about new purchases through this site is suspicious. It shows that goods are purchased quite often.
Also suspicious prices. They are understated by today's standards. It is the cost of goods that the seller can lure gullible buyers.

The range of products offered, which is always in stock, also does not inspire confidence.
It is worth noting that the site was registered only in 2015, its server is located in the USA or Germany.
If we consider customer reviews, then there are no positive ones among them. Deceived customers report that this online store belongs to scammers, and they never received their ordered and paid goods.
You can also find very expressive reviews in which users speak rather rudely about this resource. However, everyone, as one, notes that those who ordered goods here should not wait for either their purchase or a refund.
Dissatisfied customers unite and create petitions to shut down fraudulent web stores, including the site in question.