Tablets of the Lenovo Yoga line are released in two main versions: with a screen of 8 and 10 inches. Presenting a new device model at one of the European technology exhibitions, Lenovo showed the audience both of its modifications. At first glance, they differed only in size. The first had an 8-inch screen, the second - 10. Users and experts who saw the presented Lenovo Yoga tablet (photo of the device are presented below) did not see a significant conceptual difference.

However, after the experts got acquainted with the characteristics of each, it turned out that a larger device is more technologically advanced. It used, in particular, an innovative IPS-matrix. The device with an 8-inch display, in turn, was much inferior to the "big brother" in terms of screen characteristics. Therefore, it was completely clear what kind of market response the brand that announced the Lenovo Yoga tablet would receive. Reviews of experts who saw a completely unjustified"discrimination" between the 8- and 10-inch versions of the device were sometimes completely unflattering.

Apparently, taking into account the criticism, shortly before the launch of devices on the market, Lenovo caught on in time. The new tablet "Lenovo Yoga" in the "small" modification would be equipped with the same matrix that is installed on the "large". Therefore, the technological differences between the two tablets have been kept to a minimum. But they are. And we will try to find them today. What are the features of each version of the device? What are the competitive advantages of each? Which design (or hardware) components make devices different from similar solutions?
Design and dimensions
In terms of appearance, both tablet models have an interesting feature. Its design provides for a supporting element, uncharacteristic for most of these devices. It allows you to install the tablet in different positions. Another feature is the cylindrical shape of the battery. If we talk about the "small" version of the device, then, according to experts, this tablet is less similar to its other counterparts than the iPad Mini, which is considered "exemplary" for 8-inch "Androids" in terms of design.

The case of both devices is made of glossy silver plastic. The supporting element referred to above is made of aluminum. The screen is covered with a reliable layer of durable glass. Case materials, experts say,very well chosen. Dimensions of devices, experts admit, are well balanced. The tablet "Lenovo Yoga Tablet 8" has a length of 213 mm, a width of 144, a thickness of 7.3. "Formula" for the large version of the tablet: 261 x 180 x 8.1 mm.
There are three buttons on the body of tablets. The first two adjust the volume level, they are located on the side. The third is responsible for powering the device, its location is the battery area. On the front side of the screen is an additional camera. The main one is at the back, also in the area of \u200b\u200bthe battery. It is convenient that the connectors for micro-SD flash memory, as well as a micro-SIM card, are brought out. You can open them to your eyes by slightly moving the supporting element. Under the screen are voice speakers.
Table curtsy
With the help of a supporting element-stand, as we said above, the tablet can be positioned in a variety of ways. This kind of flexibility of the device, in fact, led to the name - Yoga. There are three main modes of fixing the device on the surface. Firstly, it is a "tent" when the tablet is placed on the table with the supporting element extended. In this position, it is most convenient to type on it. Secondly, this is a "stand", when the tablet is located vertically relative to the plane of the table. In this mode, it is convenient to watch videos on it. Thirdly, it is "hold", when the device is conveniently located in the owner's hands like a paper magazine.

It is interesting that each mode is recognized by the device, and as soon asit happens, a certain backlight turns on. When "hold", in particular, warm yellowish tones are activated. When the tablet becomes a "tent", the shades turn into cold ones. When the device works as a "stand", the mixed color illumination turns on. However, all backlight colors can be adjusted manually.
The above design feature of the tablet prompted users who were lucky enough to buy the Lenovo Yoga tablet to leave the know-how feedback the most positive.
As we said above, the manufacturer equipped the 8-inch tablet with a modern IRS-matrix. True, as experts note, its resolution is not very large - 1280 by 800 pixels. At the same time, the quality of the picture is described by experts as excellent. The screen is well viewed even at large viewing angles, it is very bright, the colors are rendered in natural and juicy tones.

Tablet "Lenovo Yoga Tablet 10" has the same technological characteristics, supported by an increased resolution - 1920 by 1200 pixels. One of the latest modifications of the device, namely the Lenovo Yoga Tablet 10 HD+, uses technologies that provide a very high density of dots on the screen, which achieves an almost perfect picture quality.
The 8-inch tablet has a processor with four cores and a frequency of 1.2 GHz. The amount of RAM is 1 GB. That's enough, experts say, tosolving most everyday tasks: surfing the Internet, watching videos, listening to songs and running games that are undemanding to resources (such as, for example, GTA Vice City). The tablet is equipped with a built-in flash memory of 16 GB (actually 13 are available). There is support for additional micro-SD cards.
In the "large" version of the device, the processor is more powerful - 1.6 GHz. Therefore, we can expect that the tablet will "pull" games a little more demanding than GTA. Built-in flash memory in some modifications of the 10-inch device is the same as in the "younger" model, there are also those where the disk is 32 GB.
The main camera of the 8-inch device has a resolution of 5 megapixels, additional - 1, 6. The first is equipped with an autofocus function. The 10-inch tablet is equipped with a more powerful main camera, its resolution is 8 megapixels. Additional - also 1, 6. The quality of the pictures did not cause any significant complaints from the experts. However, as some of the experts note, the camera is far from the most important feature of the tablet, and therefore its capabilities are not among the critical ones. Approximately in the same vein, users who have studied the Lenovo Yoga tablet speak out. Owner reviews reflect very little of people's interest in the quality of the camera.
The device is equipped with two batteries. The manufacturer does not publish information about the battery capacity of the 8-inch tablet, but states in their description that the maximum battery life that cancount user - 18 hours. Expert tests have shown that Lenovo's promises generally reflect the true state of affairs. With an average intensity of use, the battery devices provided about 14-15 hours of tablet operation without recharging. Moreover, experts note that in standby mode (or minimal use - for example, to quickly view mail on the Internet) the device can work up to a week. Experts admit that in terms of battery capacity, this device is one of the leading solutions on the market. There is a version that this device, in terms of battery resources, is also the best Lenovo tablet among all the lines.

But regarding the battery of the 10-inch version, there is information about the capacity. And these numbers are impressive. The battery capacity of the "large" modification of the device is 9000 mAh. And if in the "small" version this indicator is comparable, then the excellent results in terms of measuring battery life achieved by experts are quite understandable. Needless to say, tests of the 10-inch tablet carried out by experts once again confirmed the thesis that this line of devices from Lenovo is one of the best on the market.
Both tablets support Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, some versions are equipped with 3G modules. These are completely standard characteristics for devices of the type to which the Lenovo Yoga tablet belongs. The operation of the wireless interfaces of the devices caused no complaints from the experts.
Both versions of the Android OS tablet are controlled, supplemented by a proprietary branded shell. Experts note that in appearance, its interfaces are similar to iOS in the 7th version. In particular, there is no "classic" menu for "Android" platforms for selecting applications. Shortcuts for launching programs are located on separate work screens or in folders. At the same time, there are a large number of possibilities to customize the interface to individual preferences.

There are relatively few pre-installed applications, according to experts. There is only "Gallery", a scheduler, a browser, a mail reader, "Maps" and a regular video player. However, according to experts, this is rather a plus, since the user, who is likely to need additional applications, has an incentive to explore more features of the Google Play catalog and its analogues.
User reviews
What do people who bought a Lenovo Yoga tablet write? What kind of reviews are most common? It is quite expected that the first thing that many owners of tablets in both versions pay attention to is the battery life of the device. Many users in the brightest detail talk about how they traveled from one region of Russia to another, and the tablet battery did not even think to sit down. Device owners also note the high performance of devices. Of course, the “yoga” concept deserved the highest marks, which provides for the location of the tablet in three modes, aboutwhich we have told. What else caused positive feedback from users who decided to put on display the reviews characterizing the Lenovo Yoga tablet? Device price. Which is more than democratic, taking into account the original design and powerful battery. Depending on the specific online store, a tablet can be bought for 10-14 thousand rubles.
Expert CVs
Experts who tested the device were impressed by studying almost every aspect of the device: appearance, specifications, performance. According to experts, the tablet has every chance to occupy a solid niche in its segment. Which is not at all surprising: the Chinese brand tried to make the device competitive in several components at once: design, battery life and the overall quality level of the device.