Recently, more and more phones and tablets began to appear on sale, where there is no Google platform. These are the so-called fully Russified gadgets adapted for the Russian Internet (Runet). The platform here is based on Yandex. In this regard, many users are wondering how to install Play Market on a tablet or phone. There are several ways to do this.

Why is it needed?
Before you install the "Play Market" on your tablet, you should figure out what it may be required for. Firstly, it can be used to install games and various useful applications for Android devices. Secondly, there is not too much choice in Yandex-Market. Also, some apps only work really well from the Play Market. Interesting fact: on Google-There are practically no “viral” games and programs on the market. Before placement, they are checked by antiviruses. Unfortunately, this does not apply to performance and quality. Some applications may not work or are not suitable for a certain gadget model, but this is already a problem for users, and not for the Market itself.

How to install
There are several simple ways, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. So, for example, "Play Market" for a tablet can be downloaded directly to the gadget through a standard browser that is in all devices. Most often it is simply called "browser" or something close to it. It is enough to enter the query "Play Market for tablet" in the search box, and the application will send the user to the Google. Play page. From there you can download Market. After installation (the application does not take up too much space), you need to go through a simple registration process by creating a Google account for yourself. However, for those who already had it, it is enough to enter their data to get full access to games, music and other useful programs.

Download to PC
Perhaps, this option is suitable for those who want to download and install "Google Play Market" on a tablet or phone as simply and quickly as possible. It is enough to have at hand: a gadget, a cord, a computer or laptop, the Internet. There are two ways to install from a desktop PC.
Option 1
Before you install "Play Market" on your tablet, you need to make sure that the cord is working and the device is syncing with the computer normally. After that, you need to go to the official Google. Play page. From the list of applications, you must select the one called "Play Market". Next to the logo there is an "Install" button. After clicking it, you need to select the device on which the download will be made. Usually, the connected gadget is immediately visible in the drop-down list. For example, the Samsung Note II tablet. After pressing the start installation button, the application is quickly loaded into the device's memory or SD card. Then you can use it normally.

Option 2
Before you install "Play Market" on your tablet or phone, you need to make sure that your knowledge of using PCs and gadgets is enough for this method. First, you have to go into different folders. Secondly, you will need to perform some simple manipulations that can be difficult for inexperienced users. You can step by step set up "Play Market" on your tablet in a few steps. Not too hard, but not too easy either.

Step 1
You need to enter in any search engine on the Internet the phrase "Play Market on a tablet free download without SMS and registration." After that, you need to follow the appropriate link where you can download the file with the ".apk" extension. It is he who will beinstallation, as in a stationary computer program ".exe". The file takes up little space. It is very important to remember exactly where it was saved so that you can quickly transfer it to your Android device.
Step 2
You need to open a tablet in your computer. What does this mean? You need to find a folder on your computer that is a tablet. Typically, the gadget is identified as a new removable drive. It contains all the folders that are on the tablet or phone. To save, it is better to choose the one that is empty and the easiest to remember. In the future, it is easier to find the installation file itself. Copy the ".apk" to your chosen location by simple "copy-paste" steps.
Step 3
Before you install the "Play Market" on the tablet, you also need to do some manipulations in the gadget settings. Especially if you downloaded the installation file not from the official Google website. You need to go to settings, security tab. There is an item "Allow installation of applications from unknown manufacturers". The name may vary slightly, depending on the specific model. However, this does not change the meaning. You need to check the box next to this item. After that, you can already disconnect the gadget from your personal computer.

Step 4
To make the Play Market work, you need to activate and update it. To do this, click on the installation file in the folder (you can find it through the file manager). After downloading, an icon with a logo will appear, as in the firsta photo. If you click on it, and this needs to be done, the application will turn on. It will be updated automatically after passing the authorization process.
Google account
You cannot set up and use the Play Market without it, so you need to go through the registration procedure. Or log in if you have an account. It doesn't take long to create it. You will need to enter your first name, last name, come up with a username and password, ask a key question that will help restore contact with the account. Additionally, it is often suggested to indicate a spare e-mail box, but this is not necessary. It is worth remembering that the Google system never asks for passwords, phone numbers or cards, as well as pin codes from them. After authorization, you can use the "Play Market". It is better to download games on a tablet from it, and not from third-party applications and services. So there is less risk, firstly, to fall for the trick of scammers, and secondly, to bring the virus into the memory of the gadget. Internet connection via Wi-Fi or mobile data is required to use, update and install. At a low connection speed, processes may be slowed down.
As a rule, after installation, you do not need to update the "Market" yourself. This happens automatically during app downloads. Therefore, the process may slow down somewhat, even if the Internet speed is sufficient. New versions of the Play Market, unfortunately, are not always suitable for outdated tablet models, so you can periodically "roll back" to the first version. This is done in the settings.device, "Applications". Having selected Google Play, you need to press the "Delete updates" button. The authorization process will have to be repeated at the first login after the "rollback".