In the eyes of the authors of positive reviews, is a quiet golden rain, serving its customers without noise and excessive advertising fuss.
The project appeared on the Web at the beginning of March last year and, judging by the feedback from some investors, to this day it regularly pays profits.
Since July of this year, a message has been actively spreading on the World Wide Web that a trading company has ceased to fulfill its obligations to investors.
Project Features
The main feature of the site is called by its customers the "taciturnity" of technical support staff. Unnecessarily annoying newcomers who register online are immediately returned their deposits, and the "talkers" themselves are blocked. Therefore, new investors receive all the information they are interested in exclusively from their referrals.
How do they deal with overly talkative depositors who visit the site's Kyiv office? Nothing is said about this on the Internet. It is only known that all necessary documents are issued immediately, at the first request of the depositor.
Good Moments
Get additional benefits likefound out easy. You just need to get "to that" referee and order a bonus in the "Refback" section. According to information made public on the Internet, the most generous members of the affiliate program can fork out even a six percent bonus on their referrals' investments.

Every ten points earned in the process of working on the project can be exchanged for money. Judging by the reviews, does not skimp on this type of reward either: a beginner receives one point immediately after registration, half a point for regular visits to the site. Active participants of the referral program, who put their advertising content in video format, can count on fifty points.
By the way, about the affiliate program. This is definitely not the case anywhere. This site provides a single-level “affiliate program”, and referrals receive income only from the first deposit of their referrals.
Fans of the Google Play app will surely enjoy the opportunity to invest through mobile services.
In the second half of the year - with new rules
Thanks to the active participants of the referral program, it became known that for about six months new rules have come into force on the site. Owners of active deposits are charged additional interest, and the deposit/withdrawal process itself has been automated as much as possible.

For investors whose deposits are more than 500 dollars (29,000 rubles), a public offer is provided with the nearest office of (publicoffer).
As for the minimum deposit, it is currently $10 (588 RUB).
Reason for negative reviews
The "modesty" of the project, according to approximately two and a half hundred investors, often comes between them and their money.
The authors of the largest number of negative reviews about are users of the social network VKontakte. In fairness, it should be noted that the compilers of the most "explosive" comments, although they were authorized, did not publish their real names, limiting themselves to indicating generalized nicknames like "Real Facts". Commenting on the work of the site in this way, they (recorded from the words of the commentators themselves) escaped the wrath of the administration.
How strong is their anger?
Judging by the feedback from users of the social network VKontakte, payments are being made, but whether employees are guided by personal sympathies or given to the will of a blind choice is unknown.

After analyzing the content of negative attacks, we can draw the following conclusion: negative reviews about can result in a ban and loss of deposit for deceived investors. As can be seen from the correspondence of visitors to one of the thematic forums, only beginners are regularly paid and only once…
There is some mystery here. Why does the "sucked" HYIP continue to work as if nothing had happened?
Courtesy is the "trick" of the elite?
Reviews of some users who logged in through the social network are designed asbriefing with examples from real situations with something like this: “Sent a polite letter to [email protected], described the situation… Figured it out, answered, helped… Thanked… sorry… money came.”
Whoever turned in a boorish way, was answered with rudeness? Maybe. But there is one “but”: reviews like the one above ended in July of this year.
"Before…" and "After…"
Absolutely all reviews related to the project can be divided into two conditional categories: "before July 2017" and "after July 2017".

It should be recognized that before the deadline, the comments of the people who collaborated with the site under discussion were literally saturated with words of gratitude and admiration. July 2017 marked the beginning of a “new era”…

What happened? Judging by the reviews, the project shamelessly steals the deposits of investors who have issued the payment of legal remuneration, and declares the investors themselves to be deceivers, motivating their behavior by the lack of funds in user accounts. Unfortunately, there is no one to ask the question that suggests itself, since the “offended” poured out their grief incognito.
An unanswered question
But what about receipts for the transfer of funds, which should be stored in the archives of payment systems? Is this not enough to prove that the money was invested in this particular project?
On the Internet, you can see many screenshots that prove the veracity of someone's words. And the one whodoubt the authenticity of virtual documents, he will be partly right. To prove their case, it would seem that it is enough for the deceived party to visit the real office of any electronic payment system and order the relevant documents. Moreover, judging by the reviews,, more precisely, employees working in the real office of this project provide any documentation on demand…
There is another way to save yourself from nervous and material collapse - to engage in only those types of business that you can handle. It's no secret that investors who have conquered all possible heights of the financial Olympus also have nerve cells that periodically have to be sacrificed. The main difference between successful investors and all other participants in the investment business is that they go about their business, relying only on their own many years of experience and intuition (which is also a kind of experience).
Inviting newcomers, the "builders" of financial pyramids and other financial structures do not hide: the simpler the method of extracting capital, the higher the risk of losing the latter. This statement has been repeatedly confirmed in practice, but few take it personally.
The principle of operation of electronic payment systems
Any electronic payment system, like conventional banks that work with real money and checks, provides its customers with the opportunity to pay with virtual debit cards, which are a complete analogue of plastic ones.
The virtual card is equipped with all the necessarypayment details, and its owner has access to documents relating to all transactions.
It is known that developers of several fraudulent schemes use electronic payment systems:
Magic (investment) wallet. Fraudsters, whose goal is to embezzle other people's money, invite gullible users to replenish a certain virtual wallet that has the magical property of returning to the payer an amount much greater than his payment. Recently, cases have become more frequent when a fraudster presented himself as a deceived user and offered his “friends in misfortune” to put into practice a “working” scheme developed by him personally for the return of stolen funds. Thus, the victim who believed this story was "treated" twice
Business based on currency exchange. Users are invited to earn by sequentially exchanging one currency for another. Fraudsters promise a potential victim that as a result, she will receive an amount that is much higher than the original one. By clicking on fake links provided by scammers, the victim ends up on a fake online exchanger, after which he loses his funds
Hype is fashionable
How many users on the World Wide Web - so many opinions. When the opinions of several people generally agree, interest clubs or chat rooms are born.
Some outgoing personalities even manage to create such "chat" around a serious (and sometimes dangerous) business. So, in light of the latest gossip, HYIPs are not so much a platform for capital formation as a tribute to fashion.
Newthe definition quickly “overgrown” with popularity, and was even published on one of the partner projects of a well-known forum in Runet dedicated to making money on projects like – MMGP.
Users of the World Wide Web, who commented on their negative experience of communicating at MMGP, call this Internet site a forum "for their own", where all dissidents are "lowered below the baseboard", without even trying to explain the reason for such behavior. This same forum, as the advertising slogan of one of the partner content says, is a place where users who dream of getting rich can meet individuals who have already reached millionaire status and learn from their unique experience.

Should I remind fledgling users once again that people who call themselves mentors should go to any content under their real names? Apparently, it's worth it … Although, in most cases, warning beginners about possible danger is a useless exercise. The fact that a completely different person may be hiding under the “guise” of a mentor is the last thing some gullible users guess.
But back to reviews. MMGP. Many other similar sites call the discussed project the main competitor of such money "monsters" as Redex, Weekly Money and Coin Nuggets. All these HYIPs, despite the negative “aura”, continue to quietly “make money”, working on the principle of a financial pyramid (that is, the prosperity of the current “top” depends on the investments of newcomers), and they do not closeare going.
The safety of beginners is their own doing

Who helps to keep afloat the projects to which the word "scam" has long and firmly "stuck"? This is the case when you can not argue with the facts. It is inexperienced beginners who “buy in” on a tempting offer like “Tired of plowing for a penny? Find out what real financial freedom is!” They rush in search of passive income, actively participating in discussions and throwing questions at experienced investors (who, as a rule, are representatives of this or that HYIP), involuntarily raising the ratings of projects that have not had time to truly recommend yourself.