IQ Option - divorce or not? Binary options trading: reviews, analysis

IQ Option - divorce or not? Binary options trading: reviews, analysis
IQ Option - divorce or not? Binary options trading: reviews, analysis

It's no secret that the country is facing a crisis in many areas. This is the reason for the fall in incomes of citizens, the reduction of jobs and the creation of an unfavorable situation in general. Someone takes it for granted, and some people are looking for ways to "get out", no matter what. Such people are increasingly turning their attention to the Internet as a source of possible income.

And what is currently advertised as the best source of income in the network? Of course, trading! And this does not mean trading in material objects with an extra charge, but online trading in currencies and stocks, that is, trading.

What is trading?

iq option divorce or not
iq option divorce or not

Trading is called trading on the stock exchange (often these are currency markets, Forex or options), which is a risky activity for the user. The whole point is to buy low and sell high - this is what a trader does. And the difference (margin), which he receives as profit in the end, is formed due to jumps in quotations of currencies and securities. Thus, the market is constantly changing, and the task of a trader is to predict what the movement will be in the future.

If the playermakes a mistake, he loses his money, and vice versa - if you buy this or that instrument at the very beginning of its value growth, the trader is able to get a good profit.

One of the forms of trading in the foreign exchange market are binary options. About what they are, we will tell further.

Binary options are

iq options strategies
iq options strategies

So, there are many ways to trade. For example, it can be a simple job with one of the Forex brokers, which consists in buying and selling a currency pair and, accordingly, earning or losing money, depending on how much the exchange rate has changed.

Another example of trading is binary options. These are financial instruments that allow you to profit from price fluctuations, depending on their movement, despite the further difference.

Roughly speaking, with options you make a profit regardless of how the stock price or quotes of other instruments have changed. It is important that there was an increase or decrease in value. And you, as a trader, have to predict this and choose whether you bet on depreciation or rise in price of a currency pair, stocks, indices and other things.

Introducing IQ Option

iq option input
iq option input

If we talk about possible platforms for starting options trading, then we cannot fail to mention the IQ Option platform. Divorce or not - this is the main question that arises before users at the very beginning of their work with this service. The reason for this is the total distrust of people in Internet sites that promise good profits andregular income, as well as a number of "sweet" offers that the service makes.

In particular, the broker's website contains information that indicates that in order to work on IQ Option, strategies are needed as simple as possible - to guess whether this or that instrument will rise in price or fall in price. The user only needs to predict the direction of movement of quotes, without thinking about what this change will be. To an ordinary user, this task seems to be simpler than the one that arises in the case of Forex trading. In addition, a clear interface, ease of replenishing an account, as well as a minimum amount of $10 to start are a number of other factors that make getting started with this service attractive. Therefore, people are interested in what IQ Option is - divorce or not. In short, we can confidently state: no, IQ Option is not a scam. Here they really pay money for whether you guess the movement of quotes or not. True, working here is not as easy as it might seem. More on this later in the article.

Company History

analyzer for iq option
analyzer for iq option

In the meantime, let's look at a little history of this options broker. So, the company began its activities in 2013, but already in such a short time it managed to gain considerable popularity. The founder of the platform was the offshore Cypriot company Alta Vista, and the SEO of the company today (according to the information from the official website) is Andreas Matsas.

Frankly speaking, the IQ Option platform has not done anything so revolutionary that it could completelychange the options market, revolutionize trading, or lead to something big. No, in fact, IQ Option managed to create just an effective, understandable and convenient tool that many people want to work with. Moreover, which is significant, users on this site are not only residents of the countries of the post-Soviet space, but also immigrants from Europe and the United States. This means that people from all over the world want to trade on IQ Option. A scam or not - you can doubt for a long time, but scammers would not be able to create such a big buzz around their product, as they would be quickly exposed by reviews.

Principles of working on IQ Option

iq option money withdrawal
iq option money withdrawal

So, back to the site itself. On IQ Option, according to reviews of existing users, it is quite simple to work. You have to create an account, fund your account, choose an instrument and predict the movement (up or down). This is done by pressing one of the two buttons.

After the next change in the market happens, it turns out that you were either right or wrong. In the first case, the trader makes a profit. As noted on the official portal, its size is equal to 92 percent of the transaction, although, according to users, very often the company reduces it to 85% for unknown reasons.

As for getting started, it is important to note that each user, before risking real money to understand the system, can create a demo account on IQ Option. This will allow you to study howplatform, working with virtual money (simply speaking - "chips"), which is not a pity to lose.

Trading instruments

Now let's talk about what a trader can work with, acting on the IQ Option platform. In general, it should be noted that these instruments for trading are called assets. In essence, this is the basis for creating options, which will be the object of the trader's trade.

The following types of assets operate on the service: the value of currency pairs and their ratio, the value of the Bitcoin currency, the price of precious metals, stock exchange indices and, of course, the value of company shares.

iq option demo
iq option demo

The essence of trading is as follows: an option is created that indicates that the price of company N will increase, which means that the user will receive a profit of X percent. The trader actually buys this option and, if this forecast is justified, then receives a profit. Otherwise, the user is left with nothing.

The fact that there are so many assets in IQ Option is a clear plus. A person can trade with what he is used to. Roughly speaking, it will be easier for him to trade currency pairs if he knows their trading signals. For IQ Option, having different assets is a way to attract new traders who specialize in them.

Deposit methods

Let's assume that you have created an account, tried your hand at its demo version and decided to start trading with real money. Obviously, you need to choose one of the deposit methods and deposit a certain amount (at least $10). What currency could it be?

As noted on the company's website, an account can be opened in dollars and Russian rubles, depending on which currency the user is more comfortable working with. As for the replenishment methods, since this is a Russian platform, they accept both payments from Visa and Mastercard cards, as well as Paypal replenishment and, of course, money in Webmoney, Qiwi and Yandex. Money payment systems.

Roughly speaking, a Russian trader will feel as comfortable as possible on this site. At the same time, users from abroad can also start their activities. Then just log in to your personal account on IQ Option and select the asset you would like to work with.

How to withdraw funds?

After successful trading and receiving a certain profit, additional funds appear on your account, of course, some of which each user seeks to withdraw. Therefore, it should be noted that the minimum amount for withdrawal (as well as for replenishment) is $10.

iq option platform
iq option platform

On IQ Option, the withdrawal of money is provided, in fact, by the same methods as the replenishment of the account. This is a card or payment systems (whichever is more convenient for you) operating on the territory of the CIS countries: Qiwi, Yandex, Webmoney. The logic here is simple: if a trader has entered money into the system in one currency, he will receive his money back in the same way.

Working conditions

Regarding the working conditions, each user must understand a few important rules. First, no multi-accounts. Never create additional accountsentries on the IQ Option site! Logging into the system is possible only from one account, so if work from two or more accounts is noticed, they will all be blocked. This rule is on the official website, they write about it in many reviews. In fact, such a ban is in place to prevent trader manipulation and possible "cunning" tactics. Therefore, those who create additional entries, hoping to deceive the system, most often begin to shout “IQ Option is a scam! Or not, kidalovo!” after they get banned. There is no point in this: if there are rules, you need to follow them.

Secondly, according to the conditions of work, a trader can work on weekends, unlike other markets. This is achieved through a system of rates that take place outside the exchange. As noted on the official website, these contracts are concluded directly between the players, so they are not displayed on the exchange market (which really stops for the weekend).

Thirdly, an important condition that I would like to note is the withdrawal of funds on IQ Option. It is carried out within three working days. Therefore, you should not worry that no one pays you for a long time - the company will process the payment, only a little later.

Training to trade

Before you get started and present fabulous profits, we recommend a little study. A demo account is good, it allows you to develop the basic skills required for trading, as well as understand the system interface, study each button and signal. But it, as experienced users note, is not enough.

Therefore, the IQ Option website hasan entire "Education" section, which lays out the main categories, concepts from the field of trading, and also offers working strategies with which anyone can try to make a profit in the options market.

If you don't want to learn - you can do otherwise and find an analyzer for IQ Option. Such products allow to some extent to “guess” market movements, since they themselves analyze the probability of a change and display them to the user in finished form. There are several of them, some of the analyzers are paid, while others are offered for free. It is worth using them or not, it is up to each trader to decide. However, if we assume that the analyzer for IQ Option really “guesses” the movements in the market, the question is: “Why publish it to the public if the developer can earn millions on it on his own?” Think about it. It is best, of course, to apply strategies on IQ Option that the trader himself follows, and not rely on someone else's program or script.

IQ Option User Support

Finally, a little about the support of traders. IQ Option has a good help service that allows you to quickly respond to user requests. You can contact its representatives in two ways: by mail [email protected] and by phone in the Russian Federation 8 800 333 47 55. For questions that arise from some personal problems that the user has encountered, it is better to contact these contacts. If you have a question about working with the system, we recommend that you refer to the FAQ section.
