What to do if the phone does not turn on? Agree, for any modern person this is a real disaster. It is important to stop panicking - on emotions you can do much worse and break your favorite gadget completely. It is better to think, find out what is the cause of the breakdown, and then proceed based on this information.

Step 1: Check the battery level
Even if, according to your calculations, the charge level was high a few hours ago, and your phone should have been working for at least a day, the reason may lie in the fact that as a result of too much load, the phone is completely discharged. This is especially true when it comes to new smartphones. Their functionality today has reached such a level that they have actually become real mini-computers. But this does not have the best effect on the duration of the device: for example, always-on Bluetooth or Wi-Fi is very fast"kill" the battery, because the phone is constantly looking for a connection to inform the owner about it. So don't forget to disable these options, or train yourself to use them only when needed.
What to do if the phone does not turn on for this reason? To begin with, make sure that you are not mistaken: turning on the gadget, you will most likely see how the screen “comes to life” for a moment, and then immediately turns off again and will no longer respond to any of your actions. It is also worth mentioning that you may need to buy a new battery: on average, a battery does not last more than 2-2.5 years, after which you will have to replace it.

Step 2. Check your charger
So, your phone does not turn on. You put it on charge, thinking that the battery just sat down, but several minutes, half an hour, an hour pass, and your device still does not show any signs of life. We advise you to carefully inspect the charger itself. There is always a chance that the contact is coming off or the wire is damaged. Also, the root of the problem may lie in the socket of the smartphone itself - it can easily break or become unusable due to too frequent use. Especially considering that in modern smartphones for all functions (charging, connecting to a PC, listening to music through headphones, etc.) the same connector is used. How to check it? First of all, try to find a universal frog battery and try to charge the battery. If athe phone will start working normally, you can safely go to the store and buy a new charger.
In some cases, you can see the following picture: the phone is already connected to the network, but the charging indicator continues to flash. Experts say that there may be two reasons for this. The first is severe overheating, as a result of which the battery simply does not receive energy. The second is the use of a “foreign” device to recharge the gadget, especially when it comes to cheap low-quality models.

Step 3. Check the on/off button
There is another reason why the phone does not turn on. If you just bought new equipment and did not use it, the fault lies 100% with the manufacturer - most likely, you are faced with a factory defect. In addition, this situation can happen if you drop the phone or accidentally spill water on it. What to do if the phone does not turn on for this reason? Depending on the situation, the master in the service center can completely replace the keyboard membrane or keyboard controller, restore the mounting soldering, or carry out a complete cleaning of the device and eliminate moisture that has got inside. Unfortunately, one cannot do without the help of a specialist in this matter. And as practice shows, in 20% of all cases of contacting service centers, the problem lies precisely in the “on / off” button.

Step 4. Beware of software failures
Finally, consider what to do if the phone does not turn on after installing updatesor flashing. Here, most likely, you are dealing with software failures and system corruption. In some cases, it’s enough just to wait: “realizing” that something went wrong, the device will reset itself and return to normal, working condition. If this does not happen, you still have to carry it to a service center so that the master can find out the exact cause of the breakdown and fix it.
And remember: the most important thing is not to panic, even if the phone does not turn on. What to do, you already know. So, do not get confused in a difficult situation. 95% of problems can be fixed in the nearest service center in less than a day, and the cost of repairs will not be too high, so your favorite gadget will soon return to you safe and sound and will continue to serve faithfully.