We all know a wide range of Galaxy devices released by the Korean company Samsung. At one time, it was represented by the best gadgets in their categories, which were at the peak of sales. Due to this, it can be assumed that the manufacturer received a lot of regular customers, who later “stepped” from one device to another, attracted by the capabilities of the phones.
In this article, we will review one of the smallest smartphones in the line, the Samsung 5360 model. We will talk about how it differs from competing devices, what positive and negative qualities it is endowed with, and also about how the manufacturer positions this device in its lineup.
The concept of the "junior" model

There is nothing new in the fact that the manufacturing company has placed its smartphones in a certain “hierarchy”. The highest position in it is occupied by the “flagship” - a phone that has the most serious technical characteristics and, therefore, costs the most. It is followed by phones that are simplified in one way or another: one of them has a simpler camera, another has a slightly less powerful processor, a third has a simpler display, and so on. Thus, a line of devices is formed depending on theirfunctionality and specifications.
As we describe the Samsung 5360, it should be noted that it is the smallest of the presented devices by many criteria. This applies both to the price of the phone and to its screen size, processor power, RAM, and so on.
Based on this, we can say that the Samsung Y 5360 is the most modest, but at the same time very good in terms of functionality, the device that the company introduced in its lineup.

It is quite simple to characterize the appearance of the phones united in the Galaxy line. The fact is that the developer (Samsung) did not try too hard to unify the appearance of all models. Perhaps, she left some individual features for top-end, flagship devices in view of their high cost and uniqueness in their own way. As for the Samsung 5360, this model had a typical design for the line: a rectangular “brick” with blurred edges near the back cover and rounded edges. As a result, we got a round “baby” with a characteristic “Samsung” side face protruding above the screen, covered with chrome; a typical ribbed back cover and a standard Galaxy set of elements: a speaker slot with a metal “mesh”, a screen lock key on the right side, a “rocker” for changing the sound level on the left, the “Home” button in the center, surrounded by the “Back” and "Options" on the right and left. Nothing really new.
Continuing the theme of appearance, I would like tonote the small size of the Samsung Galaxy 5360. The device is specially made compact in order to provide the user with maximum comfort from interacting with it. We can safely assume that the phone is intended for those who do not want to carry a “shovel” with a 5-inch screen in a side pocket. And at 58mm wide, along with a 104mm height, it's great for a portable device that's easy to take with you anywhere. At the same time, you get functionality that is as close as possible to modern smartphones (at least at the time the gadget was released).

As you remember, our "baby" Samsung GT 5360 is the "youngest" by all criteria. The display is no exception. There is a 3-inch screen with a resolution of only 240 by 320 pixels. It is not necessary to say once again that such parameters are far from the “flagship” ones. Because of this, the user notices the “grain” effect on such a screen from the first seconds of getting to know the device. Yes, and movies in HD-quality, due to such a small size, you can’t look at it. The basic set of basic functions remains: calls, SMS, surfing.
The smartphone will also not be able to boast of powerful hardware. And you can’t say that it was so necessary for him. Here is a Qualcomm processor with a clock speed of 0.8 GHz, which clearly does not make the phone the fastest. Obviously, the manufacturers were guided by the absence of the need to install a strong processor on this device. Therefore, it is not surprising that over timethe phone starts to “slow down” and “freeze” due to a weak processor. As the reviews describing the Samsung GT 5360 testify, a complete factory reset of the phone (and, of course, deleting all the data on it) can cope with this problem.

All Galaxy phones, as we are used to, work with two SIM cards. At least, those who have seen a couple of such devices may think so. The Samsung 5360 phone reviewed today is an exception. The model supports only one SIM card, so it cannot be said that it is economical, allowing you to spend less on communication services. And in terms of comfort (if you have several SIM cards), this model is a little behind: do not buy the second one for another card…
Another criterion by which we can evaluate the device is the camera. In Galaxy phones, as a rule, the Korean manufacturer offers a 5-megapixel module. And here the Samsung GT S 5360 can be called an exception. The model has a 2-megapixel camera, which certainly will not be of sufficient quality for everyday life. Most likely, this phone will not be able to translate even the photographed text into a readable form. Therefore, you should not hope that you will take colorful photos using the device. The Samsung Young 5360 should clearly be used for something else.

But in terms of capacity, all Galaxy phones hold the mark. The model we are characterizing has 160 MBinternal storage where you can install applications and download personal files. In addition to them, there is also a slot for a memory card that works with microSD-format (the volume can be up to 32 GB). Give yourself the opportunity to store so much information on your phone!
True, given the small screen, it will be more about musical compositions than about some films or series.
Operating system
The Samsung Galaxy GT 5360 presented by us is based on the Android operating system. Since the gadget was released back in 2011, we are talking about the modification of Gingerbeard, version 2.2. If we wanted to use it now, we would not be able to upgrade to a newer generation of this OS.
However, despite the fact that we are talking about an outdated version of the system, the phone still works with Android functionality. This means that there is everything that an ordinary user might need: navigation, entertainment, communication, surfing, the ability to create your own content and manage existing ones. All this is possible even on the “younger” Samsung S 5360.

The characteristic we presented above describing the Samsung 5360 model allows you to create a general idea of the smartphone, but does not give an accurate understanding of how buyers themselves relate to this model, and what they think about it after a long interaction. In particular, we do not know how the device performs during operation, what kind of stability it shows and whether it suitsset of customer characteristics. Best of all, recommendations left on specialized resources with reviews from those who have already used the device help with this.
When analyzing such recommendations, first of all we pay attention to their positive rating and high ratings left by the phone. Users mark the performance of the smartphone with marks 4 and 5, which shows their high degree of satisfaction with how the gadget performed. These estimates are based on various factors. One of the most relevant is the price (from 4,500 rubles).
The cost of the device, in view of the fact that it is the "youngest" model in the line, is much lower than other Galaxy phones. For this reason, people buy an affordable device for some very simple needs: to use it as an alternative, for example. As a result, the requirements for the device (due to the low price) are significantly lower.
People note that they are satisfied with the work of the processor, the quality of the screen, the level of autonomy of the device, its assembly. About this, people in the comments do not complain at all.

The smartphone camera, for example, received a negative assessment. It really is not able to convey the image properly, which is why it can be called rather installed "for the sake of it", and not for the sake of any real functional application. Another point is the errors in the software. Since the gadget operates on the basis of a weak processor, some modules that require large system resources begin to fail. This manifests itself in the unstable operation of the phone and can be very annoying for the user.
In general, as noted above, the phone has a very high average mark, which makes it possible to speak of it as an excellent representative of its niche.