A screen that frightens users with an activation error message may appear for a number of reasons. Regardless of what exactly led to the "breakdown", the user should know that the further scenario will require, if not repair in the service, then exactly the rollback of the system and a number of other manipulations. Unfortunately, the more “killed” the smartphone model, the less likely it is that the iPhone activation failure can be fixed. It is important not only to conduct an external inspection of the phone, but also to restore the picture that preceded the breakdown. This will help you understand why the iPhone activation failed at all, as well as how you should behave further. It is likely that you will need to not only roll back (revert to the previous version) the changes made to the smartphone, but also clean the device itself. However, it is fair to say that there are still chances for the restoration of the smartphone.
Why do I need activation
Before thinking about the question of what to do if the activation of the iPhone fails, some angry users will blame Apple Inc. developers for the imperfection of the device. Many adherents of the "apple" more than once seriouslycriticized the activation procedure as inefficient and problematic.

In fact, the process of activating a smartphone helps to individualize it and specify it to the needs of the owner. It is not recommended to skip this process, as it may lead to data loss or disruption of the synchronization process in the future. Therefore, the corporation strongly recommends that users go through the activation process every time the device requires it.
What is the reason for the failure
The most common are two specific iPhone activation failure problems. The first is the hardware part of both the device itself and Apple servers.

If the user is asked to wait with the activation process until a certain conditional period, then it is quite possible that the matter is in the hardware. This happened during the iOS 9.3 update, when the company's servers went down due to the simultaneous start of the download process from several million devices. This problem can be solved by a banal reboot during the least peak periods. I would like to add that Apple technical support promptly resolves problems with platform load.
Modem failure
If the problem is hardware, but the Apple server is in order, then the problem is in the device. If "iPhone" writes about the failure of the operation, but another device is updated without problems, then the matter is most likely in the processing of data from a particular device. Check it outquite simple, just select the item with the letter “i” circled in a circle, after which it will become clear whether the device is capable of receiving data. This item also shows the serial number of the device. If this is not the case, then the matter is almost 100% in the smartphone modem.
How to fix it
Hardware failure in the activation of the "iPhone" can be eliminated either in a licensed service center for a fairly tangible amount, or by artisanal technologies.

The latter include common private services, but even in such an organization, the master will take up the repair of the phone with great reluctance. The more expensive the device cost, the more expedient it is to take it to a service center, and not try to solve the problem yourself.
Also, the reason for the iPhone activation failure may be a short circuit in the contacts of the board where the modem is located. In some cases, a sharp change in temperature can help, when the smartphone is sharply cooled or, on the contrary, heated. However, to carry out such manipulations is at your own peril and risk.
Software failure
In the event of a software failure, we are talking about installing suspicious software or the shell as a whole. In this case, saving the entire smartphone, as well as fragments of the system and user data, is possible only by rolling back all changes in the gadget to the previous version.

Therefore, it is recommended to perform these functions not only at the request of the software, but also independently. A system rollback can also be performed in the usualservice, after which the chances of resuscitation of the device are high. Otherwise, the gadget will also have to be given to the official service, in which the system will simply be demolished and reinstalled, which will also be expensive. Moreover, the owner will have to say goodbye to their files.
Several other causes of iPhone activation failure
The iPhone activation procedure itself can be terminated for a number of other reasons, independent of the software. Before going to the service center, you should first carry out a few simple manipulations with the device: check for a SIM card in the slot, rearrange it, and then try to activate the device with a new one. It is also recommended to change the Internet channel. It is possible that the next update of the device is too “heavy” or the data packet transmission channel is busy with another gadget. Another option is to activate the device through iTunes. If this does not help, the service will offer to restore the data, after which the device will automatically return to the previous state.

If the device is not registered
Failure to activate "iPhone" on the network when the gadget and Apple servers are working properly can also be dictated by the fact that a beta version of the firmware was installed on the smartphone. In this case, when a full version with fixes is released, a certain number of devices may “fall out” of the register. In this case, you can fix the iPhone activation failure by going to the sitedevelopers, where the gadget will have to be entered into the database manually by entering information. If this does not help, then you need to contact the official service center, after which the device will be working properly. If "iPhone" writes activation failure, then this is always a reason to contact the service center.
Sometimes it's hard to say for sure why the activation of the "iPhone" failed. Some of the factors leading to the error may be interrelated. The owner can only be recommended to conduct a complete external inspection of the device, after which not to resort to artisanal methods of restoring the gadget, but immediately turn to professionals. Almost any use case for activation failure can be fixed, with the exception of a broken modem. Much more destructive are the attempts of users to solve the problem on their own, after which the gadget can no longer be repaired.