Nick design. Methods and elements for decorating it

Nick design. Methods and elements for decorating it
Nick design. Methods and elements for decorating it

Before registering on any of the Internet resources, you must register. This process consists in creating a login for subsequent entry to the site, as well as a name, which is also called a nickname (from the word "nickname") and, of course, a password. At this stage, it is worth thinking carefully about how to identify yourself and protect your account from hacking.

nickname design
nickname design

After creating a login, it is also possible to design a nickname - this means that your name or pseudonym can be decorated with various symbols and icons. As a rule, they use this technique for a unique and memorable presentation of themselves. How to make yourself an original name on pages in social networks, blogs, forums, and other services?

Let's consider the design of the nickname on the Odnoklassniki website

If you have already registered in this social network and want to decorate your name on the page, then you need to click on it with the left mouse button and select the "Edit personal data" function. A window will open with fields for entering data, where you can change both your former name and decorate it with your favorite icons and symbols. Choosethese elements can be used by using the service that is in Windows.

nicks symbols
nicks symbols

Open the "Start" menu, select the "All Programs" option and in the "Accessories" - "Utilities" folders you will find the symbol table. From here you can take those icons and symbols that are most suitable for you and your page. Use the copy and paste method to place the element in the right place, save the data - and your new name is ready. A variety of nickname design allows you to change not only the photo, cover, but also the name on the main page so that it is always interesting for your guests and friends. In the vastness of the worldwide web, you can also meet users who have cool nicknames with symbols. If you have a sense of humor and have a desire to add a couple of funny faces to your name, then by inserting a query of the same name into the field of any search server, you can find original proposals for its design. It can even be whole pictures created from icons. It all depends on your imagination and creativity. Thus, you can design not only nicknames. Symbols are also used for status decoration. Write a message to your friends or express your mood by adding faces or icons to your words. Adding musical accompaniment will be a good addition, as well as the ability to embellish the page.

cool nicknames with symbols
cool nicknames with symbols

When viewing your page, friends and guests will see the original name and its accompanying mood, which will indicate your personality. Nickname designin various ways allows users to show their abilities in the field of design, art, as well as convey the necessary information to a large circle of visitors to the web resource. You can create mini-presentations in this way, promote your ideas, announce events, motivate and inspire subscribers.

Try, experiment!