Beautiful and creative statuses about fidelity and love

Beautiful and creative statuses about fidelity and love
Beautiful and creative statuses about fidelity and love

Beautiful statuses about fidelity and love are a good way to show the world your position on this issue. You can use them both on a page on a social network, and as a signature under an avatar on a website. The main thing is to be able to find exactly those words that really reflect your thoughts.

loy alty statuses
loy alty statuses

Beautiful statuses about fidelity and love

Sometimes it can be quite difficult to find words that can convince others of your sincerity. Especially when a person does not have writing skills and he is not good at making beautiful sentences. In this case, you should use ready-made phrases and statements.

For example, you can use the following fidelity statuses:

  • Loy alty and kindness are too expensive things, and therefore they are unlikely to be found in the heart of a cheap person.
  • Fidelity can only be verified by distance. If a person really loves you, then even thousands of kilometers will not change his attitude towards you.
  • Loy alty is measured by actions, not words.
  • Nobuy loy alty and respect, they can only be earned.
  • Loy alty is the price of love.

Interesting and creative sayings

Sometimes ordinary fidelity statuses seem rather banal and mundane. In this case, you need to look for more intriguing and creative statements that can impress others. For example:

  • My heart is not a pawnshop, so I don't exchange love and devotion for money.
  • Love is a pure symphony, the main note of which is loy alty.
  • Only a select few know that I have a black belt in devotion.
  • Alas, today so few people remain devoted to each other that you involuntarily wonder if everything is in order with their head?
  • I, of course, quickly forgive betrayal, but not so much that my offenders have time to escape.
statuses about loy alty and love
statuses about loy alty and love

Devotion Quotes

Very beautiful statuses about fidelity can be obtained from the statements of famous writers and philosophers. This is due to the fact that their writing talent has been tested by time, and therefore is trustworthy. As an example, here are the most beautiful quotes from the past:

  • "If a person loves you, then he will be with you always, everywhere and under any circumstances" (Vladimir Mayakovsky).
  • “Almost all women dream of being devoted to one man. The problem is that not every woman is able to meet just such a man”(Marlene Dietrich).
  • "It takes talent to be faithful" (FrederickBegbeder).
  • “There is a wonderful shelter in the world - love and fidelity live in it. And everything that was good in a dream settled there doubly” (Lydia Koidula).

Try to come up with your own statuses about love, devotion and understanding.
