Beautiful and original statuses about eyes

Beautiful and original statuses about eyes
Beautiful and original statuses about eyes

Many people would agree that the most attractive thing about any person is their eyes. As soon as each of us notices someone, the first thing he pays attention to is the face. In the first second he sees the look. It is not surprising that many statuses are dedicated to the eyes, which can now even be called contemporary art.

statuses about eyes
statuses about eyes

Famous quotes

Many statuses about eyes that users are now publishing on their social networks are actually aphorisms, expressions belonging to great people and figures. So, for example, Paulo Coelho, a Brazilian poet and prose writer, said that the look shows the strength of the soul. This phrase is captured in his book The Alchemist.

Omar Khayyam - a philosopher, mathematician and poet - devoted entire rubais (Persian quatrains) to this topic. In one of them, he said: “Words can deceive, eyes cannot.”

And in the famous tragedy by William Shakespeare called"Romeo and Juliet" sounded such a phrase: "Your look is more dangerous than 20 daggers." This is from the balcony scene. The phrase, of course, belongs to Romeo.

Needless to say, the power of the gaze was legendary even in times before our era. So, for example, Ovid - the greatest ancient Roman poet, the author of "The Science of Love" - argued that often mute eyes are more eloquent than lips. And he was right. After all, the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

statuses about brown eyes
statuses about brown eyes

With an accent on color

Many statuses about eyes are focused on their shade. People have different tastes. Some like brown, others like green. In general, whoever likes what.

You can often find such expressions: “Blue eyes should be feared. After all, you never know how many experiences they can bring you. By the way, this is a good topic for verbal improvisation. Blue is found in many places. Sky, sea, river, ocean, violets, bluebells - this is just a small list of really beautiful phenomena with which eyes can be compared. Often the same technique is used to make a compliment. After all, you can often find such statuses about a girl’s eyes: “Her eyes are two deep blue lakes in which it is easy to drown.”

Original approach

There are different statuses. About brown eyes, gray, green … But many of them are too banal. Nowadays, you need an original approach if you want to impress. Especially when the status is dedicated to someone (and this usually happens). Such a phrase sounds quite unusual: “Her eyes were too bright. Such that when she washed awaymake-up, I thought the water would turn green.”

You can also say this: “Everyone talks about green, blue eyes. And many forget about gray. But in vain. Take a look at them. Sometimes they seem more beautiful than silver or white gold.”

In general, you can find an original comparison for each shade. The main thing is to think about what exactly in this look is attractive to you personally.

statuses about girl's eyes
statuses about girl's eyes

How to come up with a status yourself

Of course, there are a huge number of different popular and beautiful expressions. Statuses about eyes are really popular. And it is hardly possible to surprise them now. But there is always the opportunity to come up with something original.

It takes inspiration. A close person whose eyes are more attractive than any others. Each of us in the eyes of the second half sees what the other does not notice. You can describe it in your quote. Here, for example, a phrase dedicated to an inspiring person can turn out like this: “Maybe others, looking at you, will say that your eyes are brown. But when I catch your eye, I understand - they are special. It is the color of the rock, wet from the waves, on which the rays of the setting sun fall.”

Another option is to look for inspiration in photographs. Maybe it will be possible to find a look that, as they say, will hook. In general, the most important thing is to arrange your thoughts in an artistic style. And most importantly, be brief. Because quotes stretched over several lines are already prose.
