Domestic crystal oscillator

Domestic crystal oscillator
Domestic crystal oscillator

In Russia and abroad, a domestically produced quartz oscillator is widely known. The product, both in quality and quantity, fully satisfies the demand in the domestic market of the country. Joint-stock company "Morion" has long been engaged in its manufacture and release. Consider some types of models.

Precision Thermostatic Generators

quartz generator
quartz generator

Generators are divided into precision temperature-controlled and temperature-compensated.

The first, having modest dimensions, are distinguished by outstanding performance in terms of energy consumption, reliability in difficult operating conditions and low cost. A large group of them are thermostatic devices. A quartz oscillator from this group can be made on the basis of a resonator with internal temperature control (or a RT thermostat resonator), as well as using a RR in vacuum cases made of metal with external temperature control.

Let's consider individual generators within this group.

Precision instrument

The RT-based quartz oscillator is the first precision devicefactory. It has high thermal insulation and connection of the heater with a piezoelectric element. The device is very economical in terms of energy consumption and turns on quickly. In addition to these main advantages, it has the following properties:

  • excellent frequency stability;
  • low noise;
  • small ELF value;
  • reliability in harsh environments.

You can also call a combined heater, which is able to consume energy both in steady state and in transient mode. This is a feature that the crystal oscillator also has. The scheme of the device may be as in the photo below.

crystal oscillator
crystal oscillator

Devices with external temperature control of the resonator

Slightly less economical are these types of generators. They are also inferior in terms of the speed of transition to the operating mode. At the same time, they have other significant advantages: better temperature stability of the frequency and smaller size. In addition, such a quartz oscillator is not as laborious as the previous type, and at the same time more technologically advanced.

crystal oscillator circuit
crystal oscillator circuit

The smallest precision instruments

In terms of frequency stability, device spectrum and efficiency, they are also inferior to RT-based generators. But the advantages can be attributed to a very small size and a much lower cost. The smallest device is the GK118-TS model, the dimensions of which are 20/20/10 mm.

Among these generators you can find those that are used forSMD technologies. Such devices are characterized by even greater energy consumption, as they do not have such good thermal insulation properties.

Ultraprecision crystal oscillator with one- and two-stage temperature control

The design of this device is optimized for heat fluxes. To increase the accuracy of maintaining a stable temperature in the system, corrective elements have been added that respond to temperature changes.

Devices with two-stage temperature control in terms of temperature stability of frequency are superior not only to generators with one-stage temperature control, but also rubidium types.

With the development of wireless technology, generators were brought up to the required standards and continued to solve new problems of a time-frequency nature.

Precision High Frequency Oscillator

For the development of new frequencies in radio electronics, there were corresponding requirements that a quartz oscillator had to satisfy. The frequencies increased, and with them the phase noise increased. This has led to the creation of new low-noise high-frequency devices.

As the frequency of the CR increases, the thickness of the piezoelectric element decreases, and this, in turn, causes a long-term unstable frequency. But if the number of the applied resonator harmonic increases, then the suppression of the excitation of modes and harmonics that are undesirable becomes more difficult.

crystal frequency oscillator
crystal frequency oscillator

When two generators are combined in one device, connected by a phaseautomatic frequency control, then at their different frequencies it is possible to combine low FS in the far zones, which decreases even more in the near zones, as well as long-term temperature stability of the frequency. The high-frequency quartz generator here becomes controllable and adjusts to the low-frequency reference. In this case, the PLL includes either a divider or a frequency multiplier. Temperature control of the high-frequency mechanism is carried out in the same design as the low-frequency one. This greatly improves frequency stability and spectral performance.

Low noise, high stability temperature compensated instruments

This group of generators is inferior to the above in terms of frequency stability and phase noise. But these devices require less energy consumption, and also win in terms of the speed of transition to the operating mode and overall performance.

The resonator in a temperature-compensated generator operates at the same temperature as in the environment. Due to the possibility of a control action created due to a change in frequency and the ability to reach values opposite to its own temperature resonator changes, stability increases.

In the photo below you can see a crystal oscillator on a chip.

on-chip crystal oscillator
on-chip crystal oscillator

About the manufacturer

JSC "Morion" is one of the world leaders in the manufacture of reference quartz oscillators with the highest stability. In addition to them, precision, temperature-compensated, clock,voltage controlled crystal oscillators, as well as resonators and filters.

Sales continue to be strong both domestically and internationally. More than once the company has received prizes for its special contribution to the development of electronics and innovative ideas.
