How to set up "iPhone 7" the first time you turn it on? Walkthrough

How to set up "iPhone 7" the first time you turn it on? Walkthrough
How to set up "iPhone 7" the first time you turn it on? Walkthrough

This review will consistently describe how to set up the iPhone 7 when you first turn it on. At first glance, this is a rather complicated operation. But if you follow the instructions below in full, then it will not be difficult to cope with it.

How to properly set up the seventh iPhone?
How to properly set up the seventh iPhone?

Setting methods. Order of execution

This operation, how to set up "iPhone 7" when you first turn it on, can be done in two ways:

  1. Via customer service at an additional cost.
  2. On my own.

In the first case, the newly minted owner of a mobile device gives it to service engineers for configuration, after paying for their services. He also sets out his wishes and recommendations to them, and the specialists strive to implement them as much as possible. In the second case, the device is reconfigured without the involvement of outside help by the user.

General procedure for performing this operationconsists of the following steps:

  1. Installing a SIM card.
  2. Turning on the device.
  3. Set initial parameters.
  4. Creating an account.
  5. Setting up a network connection.
  6. Installation of additional application software from the Apple Store.

SIM card. Turn on

At the first stage, you need to install a SIM card from a mobile operator. Moreover, its format should be nanoSIM. If it is large, then it must be replaced or even purchased a new starter pack.

Next, using a paper clip, remove a special tray for installing the card. Then it needs to be installed into it. At the same time, we pay attention to the “key” - the cut corner of the SIM card. It should be in the same place as a similar item in the tray. Also, the contact pads of the SIM card must be turned up. At the next stage, install the tray back into the smartphone.

After that, you can start and turn on the iPhone 7. To do this, just hold down the power button of the device for 2-3 seconds.

Starting and Turning on iPhone 7
Starting and Turning on iPhone 7

Initial parameters. Account

After the download of the smartphone is complete, you must enter the PIN code of the SIM card. The next step is to set the current date, time zone, time and country of the device. Moreover, you must provide up-to-date information. If this condition is not met, then some functions may not be available.

Then you need to connect your device to the Internet. And to implementThis operation can be done using a cellular connection or alternatively using a Wi-Fi transmitter. In the first case, it is enough to activate the data transfer. And in the second, you need to scan the frequency spectrum and select the one you need in the list of available connections that appears. After that, you will need to enter a password for the wireless network.

Next, you need to create a new Apple ID account or use an existing one. In the second case, the login is indicated along with the password, we synchronize the smartphone with the previously specified information. If a new account is being created, then all available fields must be filled in. They must indicate the name, date of birth and other relevant information. Again, without creating an Apple ID account, you can't use the Apple Store. Actually, this is where this stage of how to properly set up the seventh iPhone ends. It remains only to install application programs for your own needs. This operation will be discussed in the next section.

The first inclusion or how to activate the iPhone
The first inclusion or how to activate the iPhone

Installing programs

As noted earlier, the installation of application software is the final step in how to set up the iPhone 7 when you first turn it on. When you complete it, you must go to the Apple software store. Then the search for the necessary software and its further installation is carried out. At this stage, the user himself must already decide on what he wants from a smartphone. At the end of the operation, exit the software store.

Actually, this is the end of the first inclusion or how to activate the iPhone 7 immediately after purchase. Now you need to use your smartphone and enjoy it.

How to set up your iPhone 7 the first time you turn it on?
How to set up your iPhone 7 the first time you turn it on?


As part of this review, an algorithm was described for performing such an operation as setting up the "iPhone 7" when you first turn it on. Most owners of such mobile devices have developed a strong stereotype that this is a complex operation and only highly specialized specialists can do it. But actually it is not. Apple developers initially minimized the possibility of error during the setup process. Therefore, even if something goes wrong and the owner makes a mistake, a hint will appear and allow him to solve any issue that has arisen.

Therefore, it is inappropriate to pay an additional amount for the initialization and software configuration of such a device. It can be done without outside help. At the same time, you will understand the features of your smartphone and in case of problems during its further operation, solve them yourself, and do not contact the service center. In the latter case, you will again have to pay a large amount for solving a fairly simple issue.