IPhone - what is it? There's an answer

IPhone - what is it? There's an answer
IPhone - what is it? There's an answer

Relatively recently, such an invention of technology as a smartphone burst into our lives. Now there are a lot of manufacturers of "smart phones", but the most famous company for the production of such gadgets is Apple. Her smartphone was named iPhone (iPhone). "What it is?" - you ask. This article is dedicated to answering this interesting question.

First generation iPhone

iPhone what is it
iPhone what is it

The presentation of the first Apple smartphone took place in the summer of 2007. The phone caused a real storm of emotions, because it was a revolutionary invention: Steve Jobs approached the matter very creatively and in an original way. He was the first to introduce the touchscreen, which made the iPhone popular. What it is - a touchscreen, today almost everyone knows, but still we recall: this is a function of enlarging the image by moving two fingers across the screen. This phone had it all: great camera, good storage space and screen resolution. However, there was one drawback: the lack of support for 3G networks, which caused a flurry of criticism and "flying stones". But, in spite of everything, the gadget managed to gain the trust of users, and already six months after its release, no one asked a question, hearing the word "iPhone": "What is it?"

Let's talkabout iPhone 5

Please do not be surprised why such a sharp transition from the first modification immediately to the fifth was made. The thing is that the next four generations of iPhone developers remained very conservative: the same 3.5-inch screen, only a 3G network was added from the new generation networks, and, of course, the classic appearance. But the next generation of the phone - iPhone 5 - appeared in Moscow shortly after its release on the world market, earning immediately the respect and trust of lovers of new products in the world of technology. The iPhone 5 broke all the old stereotypes with a new 4-inch high-resolution screen, an incredibly powerful processor, a revolutionary camera and three speakers, which made the sound clearer and more spacious! More specifically, it's an Apple A6 dual-core processor, an 8 MP camera with a five-element lens that allows you to take amazing pictures, replacing the camera on ordinary walks or even when traveling.

How much does an iphone cost
How much does an iphone cost

Weight, video and price

As for the video, it began to have the function of face recognition exactly as in the photo. The front Face-Time camera can record HD video, as well as take better photos than previous versions. It is worth noting that the iPhone 5 dropped sharply in weight, despite the fact that it began to have a larger screen diagonal: compared to the 4S, its weight decreased by 28 grams. Also a useful innovation was the increase in the operating time of the phone: from 6 to 8 hours in 3G networks. All this creates a brand new iPhone 5. You are probably torn with curiosity: how much does an iPhone 5 cost? The price is not small - $700, but using this phone, you will immediately notice how the money spent immediately begins to pay off.

iPhone 5 in Moscow
iPhone 5 in Moscow


The iPhone is a revolutionary invention in the world of cellular communications. It is still being discussed with might and main. It is to him that all the emotions of users and critics are directed. An invention that is a huge success. We hope that if you are now asked the meaning of the word "iPhone" - what it is, you can answer without hesitation!
