November 2 can officially be considered the birthday of the new tablet from Apple. The gadget was officially presented on this date. The technical characteristics of the iPad mini will not surprise you with its novelty. But the corporation did not set such tasks for itself. The goal was to release a mini version of a full-sized tablet - in order to compete with rival manufacturers. And Apple did an excellent job of that.

The first thing you want to pay attention to is, of course, the laptop display. Its diagonal is now 7.9 inches. This in no way affected the resolution, which remained similar to the iPad 2's 1024x768 dpi. It is most popular with web site developers. This characteristic of the iPad mini allows us to say that the laptop is responsible for networking. This and

understandable, since tablet computers originally carried the idea of full Internet access. But it's worth mentioning. The tablet is released in three versions, one of which only supports Wi-Fi. And only two remainingwork with a cellular network.
But back to the description of the mini version. The tablet is lightweight (only 310 grams). The dimensions of the case are 200 millimeters long, almost 13 millimeters wide, and about 8 millimeters thick. This makes it possible to freely grasp the tablet and fix it in the palm of your hand. In this case, the fingers will not close the screen. The weight characteristic of the iPad mini allows us to say with confidence that such a gadget is needed on the road. As there is no doubt that it will be more popular among its full-length competitors. The mini version of the tablet is easy to fit even in a small bag or, on the contrary, in a large pocket.
But Apple iPad mini, the characteristics of which we are considering, is good not only in size and weight. The good news is that all applications and programs developed for the full version are also supported in the compact version without any problems.

What will the technical characteristics of the iPad mini tell us about the internal content - the so-called "hardware"? The gadget runs on a dual-core processor. It is also used in "apple" smartphones IPhone 4 S and a full-size tablet iPad 2.
If we talk about memory, the corporation did not become original when releasing a mini-version and limited itself to the usual standard. That is, the iPad mini 16, 32, 64 GB series were born. And only one unexpected surprise was presented by Apple - this is the absence of a gadget with a memory capacity of 8 GB in the line.
Manufacturers have equipped the tablet with two cameras. The first one isfrontal with a low characteristic of 1.2 megapixels. But the second one is quite decent - at 5 megapixels - and has the functions of face detection, autofocus, five-element optics, video stabilization and others.
A year has passed since the official presentation of the mini-version of the "apple" tablet. And Apple is introducing a new model on the market - iPad mini 2, the characteristics of which have been improved. Such a long-awaited and familiar in the products of the corporation, the Ritona matrix replaced the IPS that caused criticism. Otherwise, a higher screen resolution, improved camera performance, a more powerful processor and some other, not so significant, points are expected.