The tablet does not turn on? What to do?

The tablet does not turn on? What to do?
The tablet does not turn on? What to do?

No matter how perfect the technique is, sometimes there are moments when its work, to put it mildly, cannot be called clear and well-coordinated. For example, there are situations when, after a short time after acquiring a tablet, it suddenly stops turning on. At the same time, you understand that the device did not have any mechanical damage. Then what is the reason that the tablet does not turn on?

tablet won't turn on
tablet won't turn on

Is this made in Tallinn?

Experienced users of these devices are often satisfied with their strange work. Specifically, they do not like that the tablet turns on for a long time or for no apparent reason, it simply refuses to start. It is interesting that a similar problem arises not only with devices that have already served, but also with their brand new “brothers” that have barely left the store shelves. Why doesn’t the tablet turn on, on which the gloss of novelty still shines? What is the reason for frequent failures? Before getting into this, let me give you some advice. If youfound that the device is in no hurry to start - do not rush to run to the store and demand a replacement tablet.

Chinese tablet does not turn on
Chinese tablet does not turn on

Calm and only calmness

Try to sort out this problem on your own without emotion. As a rule, this is the most rational solution in such situations. Usually not very correct operation of this type of device is due to a number of reasons. First, the operating system may not work properly. In this case, you must press the on / off button for 15 seconds. And it's better to take a paper clip and run Reset. After these simple manipulations, you can turn on your favorite gadget again. What is the second reason why the tablet does not turn on? These are nutritional problems. In such a case, you should check a number of key points. First of all, you need to connect the charger to the gadget and activate it. If it was not possible to start the device, you should repeat this procedure in about 10 minutes.

Tablet takes a long time to turn on
Tablet takes a long time to turn on

Do not repair yourself

It happens that Android tablets behave differently. For example, some users are faced with a problem when the video adapter does not work correctly, that is, when the gadget starts up in normal mode, but the display does not work. This is often caused by a banal overheating of the screen. If this problem is repeated more and more often, then feel free to take the tablet to a service center. Take note that if it does not turn ontablet, do not immediately sound the alarm. However, if you, having calmed down and sorted out the situation, tried several times to start the device and it did not respond, then seek help from specialists. And by the way, do not try to disassemble and repair the gadget yourself. This can lead to even more damage. This is especially true for situations where the Chinese tablet does not turn on. In this case, immediately contact the service center and demand the fulfillment of the terms of warranty service. If at the time of purchase all the documents were filled out correctly and you followed the operating conditions of the device, then there will be no problems.