How to change the city in Yandex?

How to change the city in Yandex?
How to change the city in Yandex?
How to change the city in Yandex?
How to change the city in Yandex?

Search engines have a complex mechanism that allows not only to search for information on user requests, but also to sort it according to the specified settings. Previously, when such sites first appeared, they could only find the necessary data without ranking it. That is, if you needed to find information about the sale of real estate in your city, then you had to specify it. Now everything has changed. Search engines, customized to our needs, significantly reduce search time and allow us to get only the information we really need.


A similar situation exists with the popular Russian search engine. If you do not specify a region in its settings, then information on your request will be issued in a general form, which causes a lot of inconvenience.

Change city in Yandex
Change city in Yandex

That is, for example, you want to buy an apartment in your city. Let's say it will be Samara. By writing at the same time in the search line of the Yandex service "buy an apartment", you will see all the offers in Russia. To get data specifically about your city, you will have to add “toSamara. All of this could have been avoided if the system's search region had been configured.

How to change the city in Yandex?

Region parameters can be set to any user of this site. In this case, it is not at all necessary to have an account in Yandex. It is enough just to be its user. There are two ways to change the city in Yandex. Choose the one that is more convenient for you.

First option:

  1. Go to the Yandex website, to the main page.
  2. We look at the right side of the screen, namely up. There you can see the link "Personal settings". Click on it.
  3. Next, select the item "Change city".
  4. In the window that opens, find an empty line and write our city there, and then save the entered data.
  5. Done! Now all information on your search queries will be displayed only relative to your city. The same applies to gadgets on the Yandex website: weather, maps, traffic jams, and so on.

Second option:

the city does not change in "Yandex"
the city does not change in "Yandex"
  1. You can also change the city in Yandex with a direct search. Opening the site.
  2. Find the search line (in the middle of the page).
  3. Immediately below it you can see the link "Advanced search". Click on it.
  4. You will see a field where you can enter the city you are interested in information about.


Here are the simple ways you can change the city in Yandex. Please note that the issuance of information upon request is carried out not only on the basis ofsite settings that you define yourself, but also taking into account your preferences and early requests. If your city does not change in Yandex, then try entering the search engine through a different browser and make sure that after specifying the city in the appropriate field, you confirm your choice by clicking the "save" button. If you are the owner of an account on this site and indicated another locality during registration, then do not worry. You can change the city in Yandex in exactly the same ways that we discussed earlier.
